- •Contents
- •Send Us Your Comments
- •Preface
- •Audience
- •Organization
- •Related Documentation
- •Conventions
- •Documentation Accessibility
- •Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
- •Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
- •Component Accessibility
- •What’s New in Oracle9i for Windows?
- •Oracle9i Release 1 (9.0.1) New Features in Oracle9i for Windows
- •1 Introducing Oracle9i Client for Windows
- •Planning Your Installation
- •Using Optimal Flexible Architecture with Windows Databases and Clients
- •Oracle Universal Installer Overview
- •Oracle9i Client Products for Installation
- •Licensing Information
- •Oracle9i Options
- •Documentation Library Overview
- •What Documentation Do I Read First?
- •Getting Started with Installation
- •2 Preinstallation Requirements
- •Single Oracle Home Components
- •Client Component System Requirements
- •System Requirements for FAT and NTFS File Systems
- •Oracle9i Client System Requirements
- •Unsupported Components and Features on Windows Terminal Servers
- •Component Certification
- •Mandatory Individual Component Requirements
- •Migration and Upgrade Requirements
- •Policies for Linking and Relinking Applications
- •Networking Protocol Vendor Requirements
- •3 Selecting Oracle Net Services Configuration Methods
- •About Network Configuration Methods
- •Configuring Your Client Network
- •Configuring the Client Network
- •4 Installing Oracle Components
- •Installation Differences Between Windows NT and UNIX
- •Preinstallation Tasks
- •Installing Oracle Components
- •Client Administrator or Runtime Installations
- •Custom Oracle9i Client Installations
- •Reviewing the Installation Session Log
- •Deinstalling Oracle Components and Services
- •Stopping Oracle Services for Windows
- •Deinstalling Components with Oracle Universal Installer
- •Removing Oracle Keys From the Registry on Windows NT and Windows 2000
- •5 Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
- •About NTFS File System and Windows NT Registry Permissions
- •Setting NTFS File System Security
- •Setting Windows NT Registry Security
- •Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
- •Oracle Workflow
- •Oracle9i Client Components
- •Component Descriptions
- •About Installing Oracle Components in Noninteractive Mode
- •Copying and Modifying a Response File
- •Running Oracle Universal Installer and Specifying a Response File
- •Running Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant in Silent Mode
- •About Oracle Components in Different Languages
- •Running Oracle Universal Installer in Different Languages
- •Using Oracle Components in Different Languages
- •About Web-based Installations
- •About NLS_LANG Parameters
- •Commonly Used Values for NLS_LANG
- •NLS_LANG Settings in MS-DOS Mode and Batch Mode
- •Glossary
- •Index

Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Some individual components require postinstallation configuration tasks. Table 5–1 lists configuration requirements and the sections or documents referenced for specific configuration procedures. This table does not include postinstallation configuration tasks for Oracle Workflow.
See Also: "Oracle Workflow" on page 5-6
Table 5–1 Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Component |
Description |
See Also... |
Management Pack |
After installation is complete, you have additional |
Getting Started with the Oracle |
for Oracle |
configuration tasks to perform before using the |
Management Pack for Oracle |
Applications |
Management Pack for Oracle Applications. |
Applications |
Oracle Advanced |
Authentication, encryption, integrity support, and |
Oracle Advanced Security |
Security |
enterprise user security require configuration. |
Administrator’s Guide |
Oracle HTTP Server |
You can start, stop, and verify the status of Oracle |
Oracle Enterprise Manager |
HTTP Server; view the default initial static page; and |
Configuration Guide |
check log files. |
Oracle Net Services |
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant is a tool that assists |
network software |
you in configuring your Oracle network. |
If you installed Oracle Net Services, Oracle Net |
Configuration Assistant automatically guided you |
through network configuration of client computers and |
Oracle9i Database servers. |
You can also configure your Oracle network after |
installation with the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant |
and Oracle Net Manager tools. |
Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide and the online help available with both tools
"Configuring Your Client Network" on page 3-3 for a discussion of available configuration choices
5-4 Oracle9i Client Installation Guide

Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Table 5–1 Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks (Cont.)
Component |
Description |
See Also... |
Oracle Services for |
For Windows NT installation, if you did not install the |
"Managing Recovery |
Microsoft |
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) before |
Scenarios" of Oracle Developer’s |
Transaction Server |
installing Oracle9i, then you must manually start the |
Guide for Microsoft Transaction |
OracleMTSRecoveryService service and change its |
Server |
status to Automatic. |
Perform the following tasks before using Oracle |
Services for Microsoft Transaction Server: |
■ Create the Microsoft Transaction Server |
administrator account |
■ Schedule a database server-level transaction |
recovery job |
Pro*COBOL supports specific compilers. |
"Introducing Pro*COBOL" of |
Pro*COBOL Precompiler Getting |
Started for Windows |
SQL*Plus help file |
If you want to use online help with SQL*Plus, you must |
"Installing SQL*Plus Help and |
populate the SQL*Plus tables with help files. |
Demonstration Tables" of |
SQL*Plus Getting Started for |
Windows |
Postinstallation Configuration Tasks 5-5

Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Oracle Workflow
This section contains these topics:
Oracle Workflow Postinstallation Tasks
workflow.log File
Installing and Configuring Your Web Server for Oracle Workflow
Oracle Workflow Postinstallation Tasks
You must perform a number of configuration procedures, including:
Editing the init.ora parameter file
Installing and configuring a Web server
Verifying your base URL
Setting up the Oracle Workflow Monitor and HTML help
See Also:
Oracle Workflow Client Installation Notes
Oracle Workflow Guide
workflow.log File
The workflow.log file produced during installation of Oracle Workflow can contain sensitive information. To protect this sensitive information, either delete workflow.log or change the permissions for the file so that only authorized administrators can access it.
5-6 Oracle9i Client Installation Guide

Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Installing and Configuring Your Web Server for Oracle Workflow
If you install Oracle9i Application Server release as your Web server, specify the settings listed in Table 5–2 when creating a Database Access Descriptor (DAD) for Oracle Workflow.
Table 5–2 Oracle Workflow DAD Settings
Field... |
Enter... |
Database Access Descriptor Name |
your_Workflow_DAD |
Schema Name |
Leave Blank |
Oracle User Name |
Leave Blank |
Oracle Password |
Leave Blank |
Oracle Connect String |
connect_string |
Authentication Mode |
Basic |
Session Cookie Name |
Leave Blank |
Package/Session Management Type |
Stateless (Reset Package State) |
Enable Connection Pooling? |
Yes |
Default (Home) Page |
wfa_html.home |
Attention: Be sure you leave the Oracle User Name and Oracle Password blank to enable mod_plsql database authentication.
You can also leave any remaining settings blank.
Postinstallation Configuration Tasks 5-7

Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
5-8 Oracle9i Client Installation Guide

Individual Components Available for Installation
This appendix identifies higher-level components available with each installation type. The Custom installation type is not listed since it enables installation of all components.
Specific topics discussed are:
Oracle9i Client Components
Component Descriptions
Note: Some components can only be installed through a Custom installation. Such components have an availability of "No" listed for other installation types in the tables in this appendix.
See Also: "Reviewing the Installation Session Log" on page 4-8 for information about a log file of all components and features installed (including lower-level components such as Required Support Files or Common Files)
Individual Components Available for Installation A-1