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Файл:СУБД Oracle / Литература / Oracle 9.0.1 / A90862_01.pdf
- •Contents
- •Send Us Your Comments
- •Preface
- •Audience
- •Organization
- •Related Documentation
- •Conventions
- •Documentation Accessibility
- •Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
- •Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
- •Component Accessibility
- •What’s New in Oracle9i for Windows?
- •Oracle9i Release 1 (9.0.1) New Features in Oracle9i for Windows
- •1 Introducing Oracle9i Client for Windows
- •Planning Your Installation
- •Using Optimal Flexible Architecture with Windows Databases and Clients
- •Oracle Universal Installer Overview
- •Oracle9i Client Products for Installation
- •Licensing Information
- •Oracle9i Options
- •Documentation Library Overview
- •What Documentation Do I Read First?
- •Getting Started with Installation
- •2 Preinstallation Requirements
- •Single Oracle Home Components
- •Client Component System Requirements
- •System Requirements for FAT and NTFS File Systems
- •Oracle9i Client System Requirements
- •Unsupported Components and Features on Windows Terminal Servers
- •Component Certification
- •Mandatory Individual Component Requirements
- •Migration and Upgrade Requirements
- •Policies for Linking and Relinking Applications
- •Networking Protocol Vendor Requirements
- •3 Selecting Oracle Net Services Configuration Methods
- •About Network Configuration Methods
- •Configuring Your Client Network
- •Configuring the Client Network
- •4 Installing Oracle Components
- •Installation Differences Between Windows NT and UNIX
- •Preinstallation Tasks
- •Installing Oracle Components
- •Client Administrator or Runtime Installations
- •Custom Oracle9i Client Installations
- •Reviewing the Installation Session Log
- •Deinstalling Oracle Components and Services
- •Stopping Oracle Services for Windows
- •Deinstalling Components with Oracle Universal Installer
- •Removing Oracle Keys From the Registry on Windows NT and Windows 2000
- •5 Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
- •About NTFS File System and Windows NT Registry Permissions
- •Setting NTFS File System Security
- •Setting Windows NT Registry Security
- •Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
- •Oracle Workflow
- •Oracle9i Client Components
- •Component Descriptions
- •About Installing Oracle Components in Noninteractive Mode
- •Copying and Modifying a Response File
- •Running Oracle Universal Installer and Specifying a Response File
- •Running Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant in Silent Mode
- •About Oracle Components in Different Languages
- •Running Oracle Universal Installer in Different Languages
- •Using Oracle Components in Different Languages
- •About Web-based Installations
- •About NLS_LANG Parameters
- •Commonly Used Values for NLS_LANG
- •NLS_LANG Settings in MS-DOS Mode and Batch Mode
- •Glossary
- •Index

Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
This chapter identifies postinstallation configuration tasks. Where appropriate, this chapter references other guides for procedures on performing these configuration tasks.
This chapter contains these topics:
■About NTFS File System and Windows NT Registry Permissions
■Individual Component Postinstallation Configuration Tasks
Postinstallation Configuration Tasks 5-1
Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 9.0.1