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Tuning Dynamic SQL with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and Cursor Variables

Using Host Arrays with Bulk Binds

Client-side programs can use anonymous PL/SQL blocks to bulk-bind input and output host arrays. This is the most efficient way to pass collections to and from the database server.

Host arrays are declared in a host environment such as an OCI or a Pro*C program and must be prefixed with a colon to distinguish them from PL/SQL collections. In the example below, an input host array is used in a DELETE statement. At run time, the anonymous PL/SQL block is sent to the database server for execution.




--assume that values were assigned to the host array

--and host variables in the host environment

FORALL i IN :lower..:upper

DELETE FROM employees WHERE department_id = :depts(i); COMMIT;



Writing Computation-Intensive Programs in PL/SQL

The BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE datatypes make it practical to write PL/SQL programs to do number-crunching, for scientific applications involving floating-point calculations. These datatypes behave much like the native floating-point types on many hardware systems, with semantics derived from the IEEE-754 floating-point standard.

The way these datatypes represent decimal data make them less suitable for financial applications, where precise representation of fractional amounts is more important than pure performance.

The PLS_INTEGER and BINARY_INTEGER datatypes are PL/SQL-only datatypes that are more efficient than the SQL datatypes NUMBER or INTEGER for integer arithmetic. You can use PLS_INTEGER to write pure PL/SQL code for integer arithmetic, or convert NUMBER or INTEGER values to PLS_INTEGER for manipulation by PL/SQL.

In previous releases, PLS_INTEGER was more efficient than BINARY_INTEGER. Now, they have similar performance, but you might still prefer PLS_INTEGER if your code might be run under older database releases.

Within a package, you can write overloaded versions of procedures and functions that accept different numeric parameters. The math routines can be optimized for each kind of parameter (BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE, NUMBER, PLS_INTEGER), avoiding unnecessary conversions.

The built-in math functions such as SQRT, SIN, COS, and so on already have fast overloaded versions that accept BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE parameters. You can speed up math-intensive code by passing variables of these types to such functions, and by calling the TO_BINARY_FLOAT or TO_BINARY_DOUBLE functions when passing expressions to such functions.

Tuning Dynamic SQL with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and Cursor Variables

Some programs (a general-purpose report writer for example) must build and process a variety of SQL statements, where the exact text of the statement is unknown until

Tuning PL/SQL Applications for Performance 11-19

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 10g