- •Contents
- •Send Us Your Comments
- •Preface
- •What's New in PL/SQL?
- •1 Overview of PL/SQL
- •Advantages of PL/SQL
- •Tight Integration with SQL
- •Support for SQL
- •Better Performance
- •Higher Productivity
- •Full Portability
- •Tight Security
- •Support for Object-Oriented Programming
- •Understanding the Main Features of PL/SQL
- •Block Structure
- •Variables and Constants
- •Processing Queries with PL/SQL
- •Declaring PL/SQL Variables
- •Control Structures
- •Writing Reusable PL/SQL Code
- •Data Abstraction
- •Error Handling
- •PL/SQL Architecture
- •In the Oracle Database Server
- •In Oracle Tools
- •2 Fundamentals of the PL/SQL Language
- •Character Set
- •Lexical Units
- •Delimiters
- •Literals
- •Comments
- •Declarations
- •Using DEFAULT
- •Using NOT NULL
- •Using the %TYPE Attribute
- •Using the %ROWTYPE Attribute
- •Restrictions on Declarations
- •PL/SQL Naming Conventions
- •Scope and Visibility of PL/SQL Identifiers
- •Assigning Values to Variables
- •Assigning Boolean Values
- •Assigning a SQL Query Result to a PL/SQL Variable
- •PL/SQL Expressions and Comparisons
- •Logical Operators
- •Boolean Expressions
- •CASE Expressions
- •Handling Null Values in Comparisons and Conditional Statements
- •Summary of PL/SQL Built-In Functions
- •3 PL/SQL Datatypes
- •PL/SQL Number Types
- •PL/SQL Character and String Types
- •PL/SQL National Character Types
- •PL/SQL LOB Types
- •PL/SQL Boolean Types
- •PL/SQL Date, Time, and Interval Types
- •Datetime and Interval Arithmetic
- •Avoiding Truncation Problems Using Date and Time Subtypes
- •Overview of PL/SQL Subtypes
- •Using Subtypes
- •Converting PL/SQL Datatypes
- •Explicit Conversion
- •Implicit Conversion
- •Choosing Between Implicit and Explicit Conversion
- •DATE Values
- •RAW and LONG RAW Values
- •4 Using PL/SQL Control Structures
- •Overview of PL/SQL Control Structures
- •Testing Conditions: IF and CASE Statements
- •Using the IF-THEN Statement
- •Using the IF-THEN-ELSE Statement
- •Using the IF-THEN-ELSIF Statement
- •Using the CASE Statement
- •Guidelines for PL/SQL Conditional Statements
- •Controlling Loop Iterations: LOOP and EXIT Statements
- •Using the LOOP Statement
- •Using the EXIT Statement
- •Using the EXIT-WHEN Statement
- •Labeling a PL/SQL Loop
- •Using the WHILE-LOOP Statement
- •Using the FOR-LOOP Statement
- •Sequential Control: GOTO and NULL Statements
- •Using the GOTO Statement
- •Using the NULL Statement
- •5 Using PL/SQL Collections and Records
- •What Is a Collection?
- •Understanding Nested Tables
- •Understanding Varrays
- •Understanding Associative Arrays (Index-By Tables)
- •How Globalization Settings Affect VARCHAR2 Keys for Associative Arrays
- •Choosing Which PL/SQL Collection Types to Use
- •Choosing Between Nested Tables and Associative Arrays
- •Choosing Between Nested Tables and Varrays
- •Defining Collection Types
- •Declaring PL/SQL Collection Variables
- •Initializing and Referencing Collections
- •Referencing Collection Elements
- •Assigning Collections
- •Comparing Collections
- •Using PL/SQL Collections with SQL Statements
- •Using PL/SQL Varrays with INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT Statements
- •Manipulating Individual Collection Elements with SQL
- •Using Multilevel Collections
- •Using Collection Methods
- •Checking If a Collection Element Exists (EXISTS Method)
- •Counting the Elements in a Collection (COUNT Method)
- •Checking the Maximum Size of a Collection (LIMIT Method)
- •Finding the First or Last Collection Element (FIRST and LAST Methods)
- •Looping Through Collection Elements (PRIOR and NEXT Methods)
- •Increasing the Size of a Collection (EXTEND Method)
- •Decreasing the Size of a Collection (TRIM Method)
- •Deleting Collection Elements (DELETE Method)
- •Applying Methods to Collection Parameters
- •Avoiding Collection Exceptions
- •What Is a PL/SQL Record?
- •Using Records as Procedure Parameters and Function Return Values
- •Assigning Values to Records
- •Comparing Records
- •Inserting PL/SQL Records into the Database
- •Updating the Database with PL/SQL Record Values
- •Restrictions on Record Inserts/Updates
- •Querying Data into Collections of Records
- •6 Performing SQL Operations from PL/SQL
- •Overview of SQL Support in PL/SQL
- •Data Manipulation
- •Transaction Control
- •SQL Functions
- •SQL Pseudocolumns
- •SQL Operators
- •Performing DML Operations from PL/SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE)
- •Overview of Implicit Cursor Attributes
- •Using PL/SQL Records in SQL INSERT and UPDATE Statements
- •Issuing Queries from PL/SQL
- •Selecting At Most One Row: SELECT INTO Statement
- •Selecting Multiple Rows: BULK COLLECT Clause
- •Looping Through Multiple Rows: Cursor FOR Loop
- •Performing Complicated Query Processing: Explicit Cursors
- •Querying Data with PL/SQL
- •Querying Data with PL/SQL: Implicit Cursor FOR Loop
- •Querying Data with PL/SQL: Explicit Cursor FOR Loops
- •Overview of Explicit Cursors
- •Using Subqueries
- •Using Correlated Subqueries
- •Writing Maintainable PL/SQL Queries
- •Using Cursor Attributes
- •Overview of Explicit Cursor Attributes
- •Using Cursor Variables (REF CURSORs)
- •What Are Cursor Variables (REF CURSORs)?
- •Why Use Cursor Variables?
- •Declaring REF CURSOR Types and Cursor Variables
- •Controlling Cursor Variables: OPEN-FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE
- •Avoiding Errors with Cursor Variables
- •Restrictions on Cursor Variables
- •Using Cursor Expressions
- •Restrictions on Cursor Expressions
- •Example of Cursor Expressions
- •Constructing REF CURSORs with Cursor Subqueries
- •Overview of Transaction Processing in PL/SQL
- •How Oracle Does Implicit Rollbacks
- •Ending Transactions
- •Setting Transaction Properties with SET TRANSACTION
- •Overriding Default Locking
- •Doing Independent Units of Work with Autonomous Transactions
- •Advantages of Autonomous Transactions
- •Controlling Autonomous Transactions
- •Using Autonomous Triggers
- •Calling Autonomous Functions from SQL
- •7 Performing SQL Operations with Native Dynamic SQL
- •What Is Dynamic SQL?
- •Why Use Dynamic SQL?
- •Using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement
- •Specifying Parameter Modes for Bind Variables in Dynamic SQL Strings
- •Building a Dynamic Query with Dynamic SQL
- •Examples of Dynamic SQL for Records, Objects, and Collections
- •Using Bulk Dynamic SQL
- •Using Dynamic SQL with Bulk SQL
- •Examples of Dynamic Bulk Binds
- •Guidelines for Dynamic SQL
- •When to Use or Omit the Semicolon with Dynamic SQL
- •Improving Performance of Dynamic SQL with Bind Variables
- •Passing Schema Object Names As Parameters
- •Using Duplicate Placeholders with Dynamic SQL
- •Using Cursor Attributes with Dynamic SQL
- •Passing Nulls to Dynamic SQL
- •Using Database Links with Dynamic SQL
- •Using Invoker Rights with Dynamic SQL
- •Using Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES with Dynamic SQL
- •Avoiding Deadlocks with Dynamic SQL
- •Backward Compatibility of the USING Clause
- •8 Using PL/SQL Subprograms
- •What Are Subprograms?
- •Advantages of PL/SQL Subprograms
- •Understanding PL/SQL Procedures
- •Understanding PL/SQL Functions
- •Using the RETURN Statement
- •Declaring Nested PL/SQL Subprograms
- •Passing Parameters to PL/SQL Subprograms
- •Actual Versus Formal Subprogram Parameters
- •Using Positional, Named, or Mixed Notation for Subprogram Parameters
- •Specifying Subprogram Parameter Modes
- •Using Default Values for Subprogram Parameters
- •Overloading Subprogram Names
- •Guidelines for Overloading with Numeric Types
- •Restrictions on Overloading
- •How Subprogram Calls Are Resolved
- •How Overloading Works with Inheritance
- •Using Invoker's Rights Versus Definer's Rights (AUTHID Clause)
- •Advantages of Invoker's Rights
- •Specifying the Privileges for a Subprogram with the AUTHID Clause
- •Who Is the Current User During Subprogram Execution?
- •How External References Are Resolved in Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Overriding Default Name Resolution in Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Granting Privileges on Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Using Roles with Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Using Views and Database Triggers with Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Using Database Links with Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Using Object Types with Invoker's Rights Subprograms
- •Using Recursion with PL/SQL
- •What Is a Recursive Subprogram?
- •Calling External Subprograms
- •Creating Dynamic Web Pages with PL/SQL Server Pages
- •Controlling Side Effects of PL/SQL Subprograms
- •Understanding Subprogram Parameter Aliasing
- •9 Using PL/SQL Packages
- •What Is a PL/SQL Package?
- •What Goes In a PL/SQL Package?
- •Example of a PL/SQL Package
- •Advantages of PL/SQL Packages
- •Understanding The Package Specification
- •Referencing Package Contents
- •Understanding The Package Body
- •Some Examples of Package Features
- •Private Versus Public Items in Packages
- •Overloading Packaged Subprograms
- •How Package STANDARD Defines the PL/SQL Environment
- •About the DBMS_ALERT Package
- •About the DBMS_OUTPUT Package
- •About the DBMS_PIPE Package
- •About the UTL_FILE Package
- •About the UTL_HTTP Package
- •Guidelines for Writing Packages
- •Separating Cursor Specs and Bodies with Packages
- •10 Handling PL/SQL Errors
- •Overview of PL/SQL Runtime Error Handling
- •Guidelines for Avoiding and Handling PL/SQL Errors and Exceptions
- •Advantages of PL/SQL Exceptions
- •Summary of Predefined PL/SQL Exceptions
- •Defining Your Own PL/SQL Exceptions
- •Declaring PL/SQL Exceptions
- •Scope Rules for PL/SQL Exceptions
- •Associating a PL/SQL Exception with a Number: Pragma EXCEPTION_INIT
- •How PL/SQL Exceptions Are Raised
- •Raising Exceptions with the RAISE Statement
- •How PL/SQL Exceptions Propagate
- •Reraising a PL/SQL Exception
- •Handling Raised PL/SQL Exceptions
- •Handling Exceptions Raised in Declarations
- •Handling Exceptions Raised in Handlers
- •Branching to or from an Exception Handler
- •Retrieving the Error Code and Error Message: SQLCODE and SQLERRM
- •Catching Unhandled Exceptions
- •Tips for Handling PL/SQL Errors
- •Continuing after an Exception Is Raised
- •Retrying a Transaction
- •Using Locator Variables to Identify Exception Locations
- •Overview of PL/SQL Compile-Time Warnings
- •PL/SQL Warning Categories
- •Controlling PL/SQL Warning Messages
- •Using the DBMS_WARNING Package
- •11 Tuning PL/SQL Applications for Performance
- •How PL/SQL Optimizes Your Programs
- •When to Tune PL/SQL Code
- •Guidelines for Avoiding PL/SQL Performance Problems
- •Avoiding CPU Overhead in PL/SQL Code
- •Avoiding Memory Overhead in PL/SQL Code
- •Profiling and Tracing PL/SQL Programs
- •Using The Trace API: Package DBMS_TRACE
- •Reducing Loop Overhead for DML Statements and Queries (FORALL, BULK COLLECT)
- •Using the FORALL Statement
- •Retrieving Query Results into Collections with the BULK COLLECT Clause
- •Writing Computation-Intensive Programs in PL/SQL
- •Tuning Dynamic SQL with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and Cursor Variables
- •Tuning PL/SQL Procedure Calls with the NOCOPY Compiler Hint
- •Restrictions on NOCOPY
- •Compiling PL/SQL Code for Native Execution
- •Setting Up Transformation Pipelines with Table Functions
- •Overview of Table Functions
- •Using Pipelined Table Functions for Transformations
- •Writing a Pipelined Table Function
- •Returning Results from Table Functions
- •Pipelining Data Between PL/SQL Table Functions
- •Querying Table Functions
- •Optimizing Multiple Calls to Table Functions
- •Fetching from the Results of Table Functions
- •Passing Data with Cursor Variables
- •Performing DML Operations Inside Table Functions
- •Performing DML Operations on Table Functions
- •Handling Exceptions in Table Functions
- •12 Using PL/SQL Object Types
- •Overview of PL/SQL Object Types
- •What Is an Object Type?
- •Why Use Object Types?
- •Structure of an Object Type
- •Components of an Object Type
- •What Languages can I Use for Methods of Object Types?
- •How Object Types Handle the SELF Parameter
- •Overloading
- •Changing Attributes and Methods of an Existing Object Type (Type Evolution)
- •Defining Object Types
- •Overview of PL/SQL Type Inheritance
- •Declaring and Initializing Objects
- •Declaring Objects
- •Initializing Objects
- •How PL/SQL Treats Uninitialized Objects
- •Accessing Object Attributes
- •Defining Object Constructors
- •Calling Object Constructors
- •Calling Object Methods
- •Sharing Objects through the REF Modifier
- •Manipulating Objects through SQL
- •Selecting Objects
- •Inserting Objects
- •Updating Objects
- •Deleting Objects
- •13 PL/SQL Language Elements
- •Assignment Statement
- •Blocks
- •CASE Statement
- •CLOSE Statement
- •Collection Methods
- •Collections
- •Comments
- •COMMIT Statement
- •Constants and Variables
- •Cursor Attributes
- •Cursor Variables
- •Cursors
- •DELETE Statement
- •Exceptions
- •EXIT Statement
- •Expressions
- •FETCH Statement
- •FORALL Statement
- •Functions
- •GOTO Statement
- •IF Statement
- •INSERT Statement
- •Literals
- •LOCK TABLE Statement
- •LOOP Statements
- •MERGE Statement
- •NULL Statement
- •Object Types
- •OPEN Statement
- •OPEN-FOR Statement
- •OPEN-FOR-USING Statement
- •Packages
- •Procedures
- •RAISE Statement
- •Records
- •RETURN Statement
- •ROLLBACK Statement
- •%ROWTYPE Attribute
- •SAVEPOINT Statement
- •SELECT INTO Statement
- •SQL Cursor
- •SQLCODE Function
- •SQLERRM Function
- •%TYPE Attribute
- •UPDATE Statement
- •Where to Find PL/SQL Sample Programs
- •Exercises for the Reader
- •Assigning Character Values
- •Comparing Character Values
- •Inserting Character Values
- •Selecting Character Values
- •Advantages of Wrapping PL/SQL Procedures
- •Running the PL/SQL Wrap Utility
- •Input and Output Files for the PL/SQL Wrap Utility
- •Limitations of the PL/SQL Wrap Utility
- •What Is Name Resolution?
- •Examples of Qualified Names and Dot Notation
- •Differences in Name Resolution Between SQL and PL/SQL
- •Understanding Capture
- •Inner Capture
- •Same-Scope Capture
- •Outer Capture
- •Avoiding Inner Capture in DML Statements
- •Qualifying References to Object Attributes and Methods
- •Calling Parameterless Subprograms and Methods
- •Name Resolution for SQL Versus PL/SQL
- •When Should I Use Bind Variables with PL/SQL?
- •When Do I Use or Omit the Semicolon with Dynamic SQL?
- •How Can I Use Regular Expressions with PL/SQL?
- •How Do I Continue After a PL/SQL Exception?
- •How Do I Pass a Result Set from PL/SQL to Java or Visual Basic (VB)?
- •How Do I Specify Different Kinds of Names with PL/SQL's Dot Notation?
- •What Can I Do with Objects and Object Types in PL/SQL?
- •How Do I Create a PL/SQL Procedure?
- •How Do I Input or Output Data with PL/SQL?
- •How Do I Perform a Case-Insensitive Query?
- •Index
- •Symbols
The pragma EXCEPTION_INIT associates an exception name with an Oracle error number. You can intercept any ORAerror and write a specific handler for it instead of using the OTHERS handler. For more information, see "Associating a PL/SQL Exception with a Number: Pragma EXCEPTION_INIT" on page 10-7.
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT ( exception_name , error_number ) ;
Keyword and Parameter Description
Any valid Oracle error number. These are the same error numbers (always negative) returned by the function SQLCODE.
A user-defined exception declared within the current scope.
Signifies that the statement is a compiler directive.
Usage Notes
You can use EXCEPTION_INIT in the declarative part of any PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package. The pragma must appear in the same declarative part as its associated exception, somewhere after the exception declaration.
Be sure to assign only one exception name to an error number.
The following pragma associates the exception deadlock_detected with Oracle error 60:
deadlock_detected EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(deadlock_detected, -60); BEGIN
WHEN deadlock_detected THEN -- handle the error
Related Topics
13-44 PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference
An exception is a runtime error or warning condition, which can be predefined or user-defined. Predefined exceptions are raised implicitly (automatically) by the runtime system. User-defined exceptions must be raised explicitly by RAISE statements. To handle raised exceptions, you write separate routines called exception handlers. For more information, see Chapter 10.
exception_name EXCEPTION ;
OR exception_name
statement |
Keyword and Parameter Description
A predefined exception such as ZERO_DIVIDE, or a user-defined exception previously declared within the current scope.
Stands for all the exceptions not explicitly named in the exception-handling part of the block. The use of OTHERS is optional and is allowed only as the last exception handler. You cannot include OTHERS in a list of exceptions following the keyword WHEN.
An executable statement. For the syntax of statement, see "Blocks" on page 13-8.
Introduces an exception handler. You can have multiple exceptions execute the same sequence of statements by following the keyword WHEN with a list of the exceptions, separating them by the keyword OR. If any exception in the list is raised, the associated statements are executed.
Usage Notes
An exception declaration can appear only in the declarative part of a block, subprogram, or package. The scope rules for exceptions and variables are the same. But, unlike variables, exceptions cannot be passed as parameters to subprograms.
Some exceptions are predefined by PL/SQL. For a list of these exceptions, see "Summary of Predefined PL/SQL Exceptions" on page 10-4. PL/SQL declares predefined exceptions globally in package STANDARD, so you need not declare them yourself.
PL/SQL Language Elements 13-45
Redeclaring predefined exceptions is error prone because your local declaration overrides the global declaration. In such cases, you must use dot notation to specify the predefined exception, as follows:
The exception-handling part of a PL/SQL block is optional. Exception handlers must come at the end of the block. They are introduced by the keyword EXCEPTION. The exception-handling part of the block is terminated by the same keyword END that terminates the entire block. An exception handler can reference only those variables that the current block can reference.
An exception should be raised only when an error occurs that makes it undesirable or impossible to continue processing. If there is no exception handler in the current block for a raised exception, the exception propagates according to the following rules:
■If there is an enclosing block for the current block, the exception is passed on to that block. The enclosing block then becomes the current block. If a handler for the raised exception is not found, the process repeats.
■If there is no enclosing block for the current block, an unhandled exception error is passed back to the host environment.
Only one exception at a time can be active in the exception-handling part of a block. Therefore, if an exception is raised inside a handler, the block that encloses the current block is the first block searched to find a handler for the newly raised exception. From there on, the exception propagates normally.
The following PL/SQL block has two exception handlers:
bad_emp_id EXCEPTION; bad_acct_no EXCEPTION;
WHEN bad_emp_id OR bad_acct_no THEN -- user-defined ROLLBACK;
INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (part_number, quantity); COMMIT;
Related Topics
Blocks, EXCEPTION_INIT Pragma, RAISE Statement
13-46 PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference
The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement executes a dynamic SQL statement or anonymous PL/SQL block. You can use it to issue SQL statements that cannot be represented directly in PL/SQL, or to build up statements where you do not know all the table names, WHERE clauses, and so on in advance. For more information, see Chapter 7.
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE dynamic_string
bind_argument |
INTO bind_argument
Keyword and Parameter Description
An expression whose value is passed to the dynamic SQL statement, or a variable that stores a value returned by the dynamic SQL statement.
A variable that stores a selected column value.
A string literal, variable, or expression that represents a single SQL statement or a PL/SQL block. It must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR2, not NCHAR or NVARCHAR2.
INTO ...
Used only for single-row queries, this clause specifies the variables or record into which column values are retrieved. For each value retrieved by the query, there must be a corresponding, type-compatible variable or field in the INTO clause.
PL/SQL Language Elements 13-47
A user-defined or %ROWTYPE record that stores a selected row.
Used only for DML statements that have a RETURNING clause (without a BULK COLLECT clause), this clause specifies the bind variables into which column values are returned. For each value returned by the DML statement, there must be a corresponding, type-compatible variable in the RETURNING INTO clause.
Specifies a list of input and/or output bind arguments. The parameter mode defaults to IN.
Usage Notes
Except for multi-row queries, the dynamic string can contain any SQL statement (without the final semicolon) or any PL/SQL block (with the final semicolon). The string can also contain placeholders for bind arguments. You cannot use bind arguments to pass the names of schema objects to a dynamic SQL statement.
You can place all bind arguments in the USING clause. The default parameter mode is IN. For DML statements that have a RETURNING clause, you can place OUT arguments in the RETURNING INTO clause without specifying the parameter mode, which, by definition, is OUT. If you use both the USING clause and the RETURNING INTO clause, the USING clause can contain only IN arguments.
At run time, bind arguments replace corresponding placeholders in the dynamic string. Every placeholder must be associated with a bind argument in the USING clause and/or RETURNING INTO clause. You can use numeric, character, and string literals as bind arguments, but you cannot use Boolean literals (TRUE, FALSE, and NULL). To pass nulls to the dynamic string, you must use a workaround. See "Passing Nulls to Dynamic SQL" on page 7-10.
Dynamic SQL supports all the SQL datatypes. For example, define variables and bind arguments can be collections, LOBs, instances of an object type, and refs. Dynamic SQL does not support PL/SQL-specific types. For example, define variables and bind arguments cannot be Booleans or index-by tables. The only exception is that a PL/SQL record can appear in the INTO clause.
You can execute a dynamic SQL statement repeatedly using new values for the bind arguments. You still incur some overhead, because EXECUTE IMMEDIATE re-prepares the dynamic string before every execution.
The string argument to the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command cannot be one of the national character types, such as NCHAR or NVARCHAR2.
The following PL/SQL block contains several examples of dynamic SQL:
sql_stmt |
VARCHAR2(200); |
plsql_block |
VARCHAR2(500); |
emp_id |
NUMBER(4) := 7566; |
salary |
NUMBER(7,2); |
dept_id |
NUMBER(2) := 50; |
dept_name |
location |
VARCHAR2(13) := 'DALLAS'; |
emp_rec |
emp%ROWTYPE; |
13-48 PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE bonus (id NUMBER, amt NUMBER)'; sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO dept VALUES (:1, :2, :3)';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING dept_id, dept_name, location; sql_stmt := 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = :id';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO emp_rec USING emp_id; plsql_block := 'BEGIN emp_pkg.raise_salary(:id, :amt); END;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE plsql_block USING 7788, 500;
sql_stmt := 'UPDATE emp SET sal = 2000 WHERE empno = :1 RETURNING sal INTO :2';
USING dept_id;
Related Topics
PL/SQL Language Elements 13-49