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This the museum the most visited in Quebec and the second-most visited in Canada [1].

David Klozes brought back to life the ruins of the church of St. Francis in the Spanish city Santpedor. Built in 1721-1729 convent was in force until 1835, and by the beginning of the 21st century has come to a complete standstill. Now here it is located multipurpose socio-cultural space with a spacious audience, and soon in the upper part of the construction is planned to place the historical archive. Architect David Klozes carefully preserved and strengthened all that remains of the monument. He added new elements, but these do not affect the construction of the prevailing image of the object, and wonderfully emphasize the unity of a historic building. Uneven, ribbed surface of natural stone are combined with perfectly smooth concrete and glass planes. A tiny window - flooded with light surfaces of solid glass. Moreover, it "saved" destruction allowed to let light into the interior space and make it more open and humane.

Saint Jakobus church in the Netherlands was built in 1870. Religious rites stopped in 1991. Until 2007 the church was used as a showroom for antique furniture, as well as for small concerts. Company Zecc Architects have transformed this historic building into a new modern residential building. To do this, first of all, the area has been maximized the interior, making it possible to subsequently identify rooms. Instead of the standard for temple architectural plan appeared bedrooms in a building, office, bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room and even a small courtyard that serves as a lounge.

Designers Zecc Architects have a minimum number of changes to the design of the premises and tried to preserve the original wooden floor, luxury windows with mosaic, old wooden doors, columns, arches. Thus, internal changes have been made with maximum preservation of the architectural features of the church. It is worth noting that the architectural idea consisted in the fact that, if necessary, the church building could easily be converted into a public building, or even goes back to its original function and become a place of worship.

In conclusion it is necessary to remark that it is believed that the use of sacred buildings for any other purpose, except for the religious, spiritual activities, is blasphemy. In addition, many of these churches are associated with personal memories and life's important milestones (as the place of baptism, marriage, burial, etc.), and people do not like being significant for their religious places are given for other purposes. Nevertheless, it is possible that the decision to reconstruct the abandoned and closed the church, giving it a new, active life in today's society, even with a completely different function (especially if it is done with the desire to preserve and emphasize the original architecture of the building), carries a lot more respect for the church, rather than passive observation for its gradual destruction [2].



1.Canadian Museum in a Church / Provencher Roy + Associés Architectes. [Electronic resource]/ Electronic journal «ArchDaily». Access mode - http://www.archdaily.com/291619/canadian-museum-in-a-church- provencher-roy-associes-architectes

2.Kimberly A. Kloch. A House Rebuilt. Breathing new life into abandonded houses of worship. [Electronic resource]/ Electronic journal

«Sacred Architecture Journal». Access mode - http://www.sacredarchitecture.org/articles/a_house_rebuilt

Zhdankina A. V., Aleshugina E. A.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



The research work is devoted to the study of architecture of yacht clubs in the city of N. Novgorod. The relevance of the research work lies in the following. Recently the particular interest is shown in yacht tourism, sailing and outdoor activities within the country. As a result the need is arisen for the construction of facilities of boating and sailing: such as a yacht club, a rowing club, a sailing centre.

Objects of sailing and boating are important elements which form the urban and suburban coastal territory. In many cities of Russia they are designed on the inland waters: on the rivers, lakes, reservoirs.

The modern yacht club is a multifunctional complex which consists of an equipped coastal water area for yachts with service buildings and facilities. Generally these objects are used for sports and training work [1]. The structure of yacht-club is not constant because various factors influence the composition of the building. The object receives a functional saturation in favorable economic and climatic conditions. To reveal features of architectural decisions of modern yacht-clubs it is necessary to consider factors which influence the design of coastal complexes with yacht club.

The main functional structure of yacht clubs includes:

-systems of wharves and piers for the parking of yachts;

-ramp for transportation of boats and the equipment for their launching;

-the platforms and sheds for storage and repair of boats, the main club building (office, an administrative zone, an educational zone);

-rooms for storage of sails (lockers);



Important blocks of rooms are the yacht school (sailing school), sports complexes for trainings (halls and platforms, gyms and rooms of special and power preparation), a saloon — the traditional place of discussion of races and trip swimming, a conference room for organizational actions in the centers of sailing which train yachtsmen for competitions of different levels [1].

The complexes of year-round operation in addition include in the structure the hotel block and a zone of public catering (cafe, the dining room, restaurants), sports and gyms, and also rooms of recovery appointment.

In Nizhny Novgorod the interest in sailing appeared in post-revolutionary years. Sailing bases, yacht clubs, sports associations have been constructed.

Yacht-clubs, the sailing center, tourist complexes, constructions for service of yachts are located on the coast of the Oka and the Volga rivers.

The water area of the river Oka is involved by objects and constructions for occupations sailing (The sports school on sailing, Oka Yacht Club, Quiet Harbor Yacht Club), and also tourist complexes with walking cruiser yachts. On the water area of the Volga River the objects which are presented by motor yachts (Summer Yacht Club, Fishing Yacht Club, Messroom Yacht Club) generally.

Such complexes are generally specialized in their functional structure with focused facilities for parking and storage of yachts, repair shops, office building. The dining room, classrooms, gyms are located in the sailing center.

The features of yacht-clubs of Nizhny Novgorod are the distance from the main motor transportation stream natural borders, existence of the quiet spacious river harbor.

In Nizhny Novgorod the most yacht-clubs are of seasonal type. They are distinguished by the type of sports and recreational use. The planning structure consists of piers, the office building, blocks for storage and repair of yachts.

The Functional zoning of groups of premises of yacht-clubs located in the same building (compact type) or several (pavilion type). The type is centralized at which all groups of premises are located within one building. Compact type of composite decision recommended in facilities of small territory [1].

In Nizhny Novgorod, compact tourist complexes are located on the landing stage. Pavilion type (dispersed) is the location of the individual groups of premises in unconnected buildings. The most typical type for the large tourist complexes with yacht-club is located in a natural environment for the majority of yacht-clubs, particularly in Nizhny Novgorod.

Moreover, the functional zoning has two main axes which are planned as the horizontal and vertical scheme of group of premises. For vertical zoning in the lower level constructions for storage and repair of yachts, a sports block and auxiliary rooms are located. Communicative groups are at the average level. More often it is a saloon, a conference room, a power supply unit, a library. At the top level there is a residential hotel block. Communication in vertical zoning is provided through vertical communications - ladders. In case of horizontal


zoning functional groups are placed in separate blocks in the general territory [2].

The architecture of coastal yacht clubs forms an organic compound with the nature as well as it forms the architectural facade of the city. Moreover, such structures contribute to the development of travelling industry as they are meant to be used for the mentioned above purposes.

In conclusion it is necessary to remark that construction and design of yacht clubs in N. Novgorod is a new field in architecture of the city. The approach to their projecting should be elaborately developed.


1.Aristova L. V. Fizkul'turno-sportivnye sooruzheniya / pod obshch. red. L. V. Aristovoj. - Moskva : SportAkademPress, 1999. - 536 s.

2.Yasnyj G. V. Sportivnye sooruzheniya XXII Olimpiady / G. V. YAsnyj. – Moskva: Strojizdat, 1984. – 406 s.

Budilina A.V., Aleshugina E. A.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



With increasing level of urbanization of cities, the growth of population strengthens the role of the external transport, which provides multiple and continuously rising interurban transportation and commuter services. Conversion of larger towns into centers of group systems inhabited places increases the intensity of inter-regional trips population mainly from cultural and community and labor objectives.

During the evolution of bus stations and expansion of their functions, improve the quality of public transport and passenger services, changed the composition of passenger facilities and services that the requirements for designing of internal transport territory and the station square.

As a result, bus stations, especially constructed for a typical project, did not conform in their functionally-planning and spatial solutions current requirements.

This is all was the basis of the prerequisites for modernization of the existing bus stations or as an alternative to the construction of completely new buildings. Both solutions are possible, but need to figure out which is more feasible and adaptive to contemporary requirements.


The first problem which arises during the process of modernization of the bus station is to match the necessary capacity of the building, which can differ from the designed. Because during the 50-60 years, the number of residents of the city increases and this may call into question the capacity of the previous building. Therefore, the object of the research is defined is the necessity to conduct computations again to prove how far you need to increase the bus station building and why.

After this problem we are confronted with the next: what is the position of the bus station in the city structure? Whether enough conveniently organized transport links to all parts of the city? The solution to these problems depends on the calculations associated with the increase of the city population, since a situation may arise when one bus station will not be able to satisfy all needs and there will be necessity of construction of additional a bus station, one or more, depending on current transport situation.

An important aspect of the construction of new bus stations is their relationship with the city's existing transport structure. After choosing the place for the construction of a new building, we can conduct an analysis which allows to predict the development of the city, as well as to take into account the most active flows of passengers’ movement. This will not only make the movement more comfortable, but also avoid the need for superstructure and modernizations in the next 50 years.

If there are no problems in the arrangement, and the building is ideally located in the city structure, the following question arises. The issue of increasing the area of the building allows satisfying new capacity, and also the changes of space, which will be after. This problem can be solved in several ways, depending on how severe changes will occur with the building of the bus station. Increasing the size of the building entails a change in its planning structure, as well as the appointment of some rooms. Another way to increase the size of the bus station is change of its dimensions. This solution is very expensive and timeconsuming, but sometimes cheaper in relation to the new construction. Thus, we can conclude that the increase in the size of the building to conform to its current requirements is very complex and expensive process. But this requirement cannot be ignored if we are talking about the modernization of existing buildings, because it is contradicts the purpose of modernization, which is to establish a more comfortable environment.

We can trace that solving of one problem becomes a cause of the next, which also entails necessary modifications. This is the problem of modernization of bus stations. Since the development of the city, an increase in population and high rates of the development of transport communications, force us to design public buildings in such a way as to satisfy the future needs of the population. And thus the existing buildings, for the most part, cannot deal with these tasks.

The problem of modernization partly could be called a moral issue. A lot of people may find a method of destruction of the old building because of its


obsolescence or inconvenient location barbaric. But if not put the question so critical and allow new technologies to improve the existing buildings to make them more modern and designed by according to required indicators, we can preserve the beauty of the old architecture and breathe new life into it. This will require greater effort, more complex engineering solutions and high costs. As a result of this, preservation of the compositional unity of any city building and its visual transformation will be achieved.

Pletosu T. G., Aleshugina E. A., Sarkisian T. A.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




Relevance of the research, design and construction of hotel complexes is due to the continuous increase in population mobility, as well as, due to the growth of various industries, the development of international relations and international tourism. Hence, there is a need considering a technique of designing such systems, identifying their typological and functional problems. The relevance of the research work lies in the following: to develop new standards and modern trends in design of such public buildings as hotels; to introduce new features.

The objects of the research are hotels and public buildings which deal with hospitality. The functional zoning of low-rise hotels which are located in dense urban core, in historical environment is investigated in details.

The hypothesis of the research is that the modern social conditions require a new trend of architectonic hospitality. The problems of functional zoning of small-storey hotel buildings are connected with: historical environment and dense urban development.

The architecture of public buildings formed under the mutual influence of the universal factors of urban, typological, functional, space planning, design, aesthetic, ecological, socio-economic and artistic composition. Particular influence of climatic factors and urban development can significantly influence the demand and operation of hotel complexes. The hotel complex is a major center for the placement and maintenance of tourist feature of which is the complex nature of Service [1]. All areas of the hotel according to their functional purpose are subdivided into the following functional groups: the reception and the entrance area; restaurants area; premises (rooms), and their


associated facilities; trading of consumer services; tourist and recreational purposes; leisure and conference tourism activities; administration and management; auxiliary and household purposes; utilities (engineering) and vertical transport

Grouping premises on functional features allow organizing a clear technological relationship groups that increase the comfort of living. The problem of the correct relationship of various facilities is also in the fact that staying at the hotel does not have to see the daily operations of complex body, and only use the result. The grouping of a complex system of rooms and areas carried out on the basis of a variety of functional circuits. Communication space used to link the individual rooms, functional blocks and zones. The spatial relationship between them reflects the idea of the quality of the environment [2]. Recent trends in the development of hotel complexes are oriented to the possible provision of its services. Services may be subject to the main idea and profile of the hotel complex. The architectural decision of modern hotel complexes are conceptually and diverse. An urban location system often serves as the boundary between urban and natural areas. Natural and climatic conditions often pave the way for unique projects and recreation. In the architectural environment, lowrise hotel buildings, clearly reflected the traditional architecture that interacts harmoniously with the landscape design of the surrounding environment.

In conclusion, one of the functional zoning problem it’s organizing a modern environment in the reconstruction. It has its own distinctive features, as planning structure and peculiarity of the historical space. Of course, in this area it has a strict regulation in the size of the newly constructed buildings. A good example to follow hotel "New Peterhof" - an example not only sensitive in relation to the architectural monuments, but also eco-friendly architecture. Part of "buried" in the earth and is landscaped, decorated with natural stone and wood. There is rational use of natural light. It was recently confirmed by the Golden Diploma of the contest GREEN AWARDS. In the project was able to use the most advanced technology, but mostly believe that the hotel is exactly the same as the scale of the existing building of Peterhof and was able to breathe new life into historical center of the city [3].


1.Zorin I.V. Tourism Encyclopedia:. Ref / I.V. Zorin, V.A. Quarterly; Intern. Acad. Tourism-M .: Finance and statistics, 2001.-365 p .: silt.

2.Gelfond A.L. Architectural design of public spaces [Text]: Training. pos. for schools / A.L. Gelfond; Nizhegorod. state. arhit.-building. Univ -H. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2013. -265p.

3.Hotel-novyi-petergof. URL: http://archi.ru


Barinova E. I., Kartseva E. V.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



Planning on the enterprise occupies an important position in the line of development of the enterprise within market conditions. The national interests of the state and the economic interests of the separate enterprises are combined into a single system through the planning. Planning is focused on the development of production processes and increased profits of the company.[1] The relevance of the topic of this work is the fact that currently in many areas of the business the accent has significantly shifted towards training, consultation, analysis, attention to the problems of customers and employees. That is why this project is an example of planning the opening and future work of the new company in the market of Nizhny Novgorod. Specialization - the industry of consulting in the field of enterprise management and staff in particular.

Consulting Agency “HEADWAY”

Cooperation with HEADWAY - when your employees love their job that makes it better than you require!

The main idea for the business planning was the idea of the consulting Agency, which helps Russian companies to reach the European standards of governance.

The company's core is the reorientation of Russian companies with product on staff to create the best conditions that will motivate the employees to perform their work efficiently, but also to be the best in the industry.

The basis of this process of reorientation will serve as the formation of the employer brand for each enterprise partner. This will allow not only establishing itself on the market in which the company operates, but also on the labor market, to increase the level of employees.

Mission – Changing the priorities of Russian companies to achieve the international management standards with the aim of increasing productivity of work.

Vision – The first and leading company in the new industry of consulting. The strategic aim is to provide training to existing consulting agencies of this sphere's patented technology.


After analyzing the financial costs for opening the company, eliminating advertising costs, we have:


Costs, rubles



The cost of starting a business (documents)

18 000



Purchase of equipment

133 600



Average monthly expenses



Office costs

34 500



Staff costs

145 520



Income taxes

14 997



First month costs

331620+ income taxes



Monthly costs

About 195 000



The Agency's clients are owners of companies that employ more than 10 people and plan an expansion and need to be modernized. At the initial stage, the market is limited to Nizhny Novgorod. In the future the company will start remote work throughout Russia.

According to the information from the Internet there are about 34, 5 thousands companies in Nizhny Novgorod. A part of it is individual entrepreneurs, who are target customers for a company. But the exact number of such companies is unknown.

The company has the following marketing barriers:

1.A large number of consulting companies, including large ones. Potential customers usually don't trust small developing companies.

2.The economic situation in the country. Now business owners, potential customers have difficulties due to the economic crisis. Most of them cannot afford additional costs.

There are three scenarios for the development of the Agency:


Every manager is responsible for a project

Clients prefer to buy full service package

Net profit every month


Managers are partially busy

The company has 1 or 2 big orders a month

The company operates only covering expenses



The distrust of clients to a new management technology

The lack of customers or small orders

Work at a loss

The company will have an advantage when entering the market: unique service, the experience of European countries, enthusiasm of growing company, affordable prices.

Weakness: the lack of reputation, a small new company, no experience in implementing technology.

Opportunities: growing market, the gradual inclusion of the Russian market to the international standards.

Threats: the economic crisis, the established way of CEOs thinking, the existing procedure in the companies, studying of technology by competitors.

Calculating the payback period of the business (about 4 months) and the breakeven point of the enterprise (of the order of 4.5 per month) I believe that market entry consulting in Nizhny Novgorod is appropriate.


1. E.G. Nepomnyashchij. «Planirovanie na predpriyatii. Konspekt lekcij» Taganrog: TIUiEH, 2011.

Kozhanov A. A.

(National Research University Higher School of Economics,

Nizhny Novgorod)



In the village or even in the city there are instabilities of the electricity, which are rare enough, but there are critical situations when the electrical feeding is suspended for many hours. Many houses in the suburb have a pumping station so they are left without the electricity as well as without the water. In addition, there is a refrigerator (or two) which is also critical for the power permanence.

There are ready solutions on the market. Firstly, there are gasoline generators, which are already in use for many years. They give enough energy in order to feed the whole house (specifically more than 5kW), but there comes the


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