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installation of the road a small section of the track between the stations of "Homeland" and " Mayakovsky "was extended to one kilometer. In 1994 another new section of the road came into operation. The station "Happy" now is housed near the Palace of Marriage in Avtozavodsky district[5,6].

"Homeland" has been kept unchanged and its purpose was only the station.

It is a pity, that the railroad was treated carelessly , as it is one of the best children's railways of Russia. Undoubtedly, the stations “Mayakovsky "and


could be




in Nizhny









In conclusion it is necessary


emphasize that it is important to


that without




past no

future can

be developed.

To sun up we can remark that our task today is the collection of any important material on these stations, to convey the beauty of the lost wooden buildings by modern information storage means.


1.Gosudarstvennaya arhivnaya sluzhba Nizhegorodskoj oblasti [EHlektronnyj resurs]: organ gosudarstvennogo upravleniya arhivnym delom. – EHlektronnye dannye. – Nizhegor. obl. : sor. 2006. - Rezhim dostupa :http://www.archiv.nnov.ru

2.Marchenko, M.A. Malaya Gor'kovskaya, podarivshaya schastlivoe

detstvo i putevku v zhizn' [EHlektronnyj resurs] / M.A. Marchenko – EHlektronnye dannye. – Nizhegor. obl. : sor. 2006. - Rezhim dostupa : http://www.archiv.nnov.ru/?id=3162

3.Nizhnij Novgorod. Istoriya. Hronika [EHlektronnyj resurs] . – EHlektronnye dannye. – Nizhnij Novgorod : 2014. – Rezhim dostupa :https://vk.com/club57873843

4.Detskie zheleznye dorogi: sajt Sutyagina Dmitriya. - 2000 [EHlektronnyj resurs]: istoriya i sovremennost' detskih zheleznyh dorog SSSR.

materialy RGAKFD, CGAKFFD, CGKFFAUkr., CSDF. - EHlektronnye dannye. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.dzd-ussr.ru/towns/

5.Gordin, A.A. Dela semejnye: [ob Avtozavodskom Dvorce brakosochetaniya] // Avtozavod ONLINE. –2011.– 4 s.

6.Gordin, A.A. Istoriko-arhitekturnoe nasledie arhitektora B.M. Anisimova // Privolzhskij nauchnyj zhurnal. - 2012. - 226-231s.


Fedoseeva E. A., Kartseva E. V.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



This work is dedicated to strategic planning when launching a new company on the market. This scientific work includes a review of the ice cream market in Nizhny Novgorod, because it is necessary to open a cafe ice cream.

Firstly it is important to define the mission and vision of the cafe. The necessary conditions for market research are the study of demand from consumers and fullness of the market with competitors. Another important point is the choice of strategy for business development and conduct of the company in the market. It includes the SWOT analysis, Mckinsey’ matrix and strategies by Porter. They are necessary in order to learn what place the company occupies on the market and whether it is necessary to deduce it on the market.

An important part of functioning of any company is its staff. Firstly, it is important to determine what staff you need to hire and to establish an organizational structure of the café. Of course, a necessary condition when planning will be the financial part. The employer should have a clear idea of how much financial investment he will need to open the business and what is its profitability.

For example, the mission for coffee ice cream may sound as follows: "We want to give You a healthy product for a healthy life". The mission suggests that the company will use for the production of the product only natural ingredients that are helpful to use for both children and adults. A vision for a successful company must be ambitious. Vision coffee ice cream could be this: We aim to become the largest cafe chain in frozen Russia.

To achieve good results, the company must have clear strategic goals of its development on the market. For example, the successful ice cream cafes should strive to achieve the following objectives:

Bring the brand to the Russian market

Conduct business, without violating ethical standards

To create a positive personal attitude toward the brand

To increase the competitiveness of the brand [1]

Due to the high competition in this market, the company needs to develop its key competence [2]. As its uniqueness, the ice cream café has to offer its clients the following features of ice cream.


Natural ingredients included in the composition of ice cream;

Environmental, paper Cup is suitable for printing ceramic coating;

Variety of product line;

Lower price of ice cream,

other brands in this class.

As for the main competitors of the company producing ice cream of this class, among them are: JSC "Petroholod", "Yunidzhel" and "Starbucks".

Every company should have a clear understanding about who is our key consumer. Consumer of ice cream can be both female and male and adolescents aged 14 years who are able to buy an ice cream for themselves. The wealth of the client should be average or above average, because this ice cream belongs to the group premium.

Economic and demographic characteristics. Market clients.

In Russia, ice cream market has a very diverse range of flavors and toppings. According to 2015 in the Russian market 387,3 thousand tons of ice cream was produced, compared to 2013 production amounted to 372,2 tons. According to the obtained results, we can conclude that the overall production growth in 2015 is 16.8%. The population of the Russian Federation is 146 million 270 thousand million people, and the number of households – 52707, the age structure of the population:

0-14 years: 14.6% (male 10,577,858/women 10,033,254)

15-64 years: 71.2% (male 48,187,807/women 52,045,102)

65 years and over: 14.1% (male 6,162,400/women 13,695,673) The number of economically active population in September 2015

amounted to 77.0 million people, or 53%, and unemployment is 5, 2% in 2015. In August 2015, the average monetary income per capita in Russia was 32 176 rubles. [3]

In the Russian Federation the highest sales volume of ice cream is defined for the period from April to September (in 2-2,5 times more than in the colder seasons). We can say that sales increase by 30% during the Christmas holidays and vacations. Statistics shows that the market sales of ice cream supply exceed demand. Consulting Agency Market Advice Ltd, a study was conducted of the leading companies in this industry, and researchers identified the fact that 20% of the leading storage facilities, the main problem is the high degree of competition in the ice cream market.[4]

The ice cream market in Russia

Studying the most recent research and government statistics, it was revealed that for the period from January to July 2015 in the Russian Federation 268604 tons of ice cream was produced, which is equal to 99.3% in accordance with the same time period in 2014. [5]


The largest volume products in the regional correlation were made in Moscow region – 26750 tons, Omsk – 22237 tons, Nizhny Novgorod – 20565 tons.

Researchers found that in the Volga Federal district the volume of ice cream sales increased to 18%. So, Tatyana Kuznetsova – the head of marketing Department "Petrokholod", said that macroeconomic indicators play a significant role in the decline of sales. In the conditions of the unstable economic situation of the price increase for food products, the inhabitants of the country began to reduce the amount of the purchase and to save money on treats. [6]

Market barriers to open a coffee ice cream can be as follows:

Lack of demand (supply of products exceeds the demand for them)

Net initial investment

Leadership in costs

Institutional barriers (license)

Additional investments in the purchase of high-tech equipment

Product line expansion

The availability of adequate resources

State monitoring (standard introduces quality products)

Taking into account the all information, we can say that the market has high competition and obstacles to bring a company to it, but it is worth noting that the Russian ice cream market is in the stable situation. But macroeconomic processes and the factors that influence from outside, can have an adverse impact on the development of the ice cream market. This is the result of the increase in the cost of raw materials needed for production, and the value of currency. In addition, this field of activity has a seasonal demand, so companies need to develop additional products that will attract the attention of customers after the close of the season. Young companies need to concentrate their efforts in the promotion (advertising, promotions, etc.) and to focus on the competitive advantages of the product. It is important to identify clearly the sources of growth in the segment (from the point of view of consumers and competitors). As the company enters the market and does not have an established position in the market, it needs to be wary of a straight fight "head-on" with market leaders with competitive advantages.

At a price of 95 rubles per serving in highly competitive ice cream shops will work without profit for 18 months. After the payback period, taking into account brand awareness and the increase in the number of customers, we will reach a profit of more than 200 000.


1. Strategic management: Textbook for universities. Fomichev A. N. Dashkov I.K. 2014;


2.Mikhail Rybakov. How to bring order to their business. How to build a reliable system out of unreliable elements. Workshop, 2011;





Shishunova E. C., Aleshugina E. A.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



The question of sustainable architecture is very relevant today and is becoming more and more popular. We can see that sustainable architecture is increasingly embedded in our life.

Sustainable architecture focuses on using low impact materials to create a completed structure that's energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

Sustainable architecture components are:

-orientation of facades;

-heating, ventilation and cooling systems;

-green roof;

-ecological materials;

-rainwater harvesting;

-energy-efficient lighting.

Let's consider some of them in details.


Solar panel refers to a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating.

It’s an excellent way to save energy and reduce energy bills, and sometimes even earn you money.

Let's consider how it works.

1.Sunlight falls on solar panels during all the day. These panels convert the sun’s energy into Direct Current electricity which is sent to an inverter.

2.The inverter converts the Direct Current into Alternating current


3.Excess power is sent to the utility company.



A green roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane.

This type of roof can lower the temperature in your house, improve local air quality and help add green space in urban areas. It can also provide a nesting area for birds!

Here are functional lays of green roof:

1.Roof desk, insulation and waterproofing layer.

2.Protection and storage layer.

3.Drainage layer.

4.Filter layer.

5.Extensive growing media

6.Plants and vegetation that filter rainwater.


The basic idea behind a rainwater harvesting system is to capture water to irrigate your garden and sometimes to use in the home.

This system consists of:

-rainwater storage;

-sand filter;

-main tank;



-water filter.

The collection system is underground, so that you can collect, store and use rainwater without sullying your landscape.


Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are indispensable part of any house.

Heating and cooling is solved passively through placement of glass surfaces, orientation, house geometry and volume and choosing materials with good characteristics.

Energy recycling technologies can effectively recapture energy from waste hot water and transfer that into incoming fresh cold water or fresh air.

When we turn to sustainable architecture development abroad we can notice that it is actively developing overseas, mainly in Norway, Finland and















In Russia the situation is different. It is new building direction for us. The thirst eco house was built in 2011 in the outskirts of Moscow, in Zapadnaya Dolina.


According to the developers, "the design is based on the Active House principle of reaching a balance between energy saving, healthy indoor climate and care for the environment, all of which add to the architectural quality and well-being of the residents". This particular home in Russia is said to be energy efficient and easy to operate. Its design integrates various energy sources, such as solar thermal collectors, roof windows, a PV solar cell system to generate electricity and a highly effective heat pump. Moreover, the residence features multiple layers of insulation, as well as a healthy indoor climate, filled with natural light and fresh air.

To sum up I would like to indicate some benefits of sustainable architecture that I have revealed as they are obviously clear.

1. Environmental Benefits:

The environmental benefits of green architecture are significant. Green buildings promote and protect ecosystems and biodiversity, improve the quality of air and water, reduce solid waste and conserve natural resources.

2. Economic Benefits:

Plenty of economic benefits stem from sustainable building, including reduced operating costs, increased asset value and profits, higher employee satisfaction and productivity, and a greater likelihood of eventually selling the building. With substantially reduced utility bills, operating costs will be lower, and owners more quickly recover money invested in construction. Green buildings typically have optimized temperature control and ventilation, are healthier buildings in which to work and maximize the use of natural light-- factors that consistently lead to improved employee satisfaction and productivity, and fewer days of missed work.

3. Health & Community Benefits:

The health and community benefits of eco-friendly buildings include improved indoor air quality, temperature regulation and acoustics; optimal occupant comfort and health; a reduced burden on local infrastructure; and a higher overall quality of life.

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that sustainable architecture is a relatively new but rapidly developing sphere that can improve and increase the quality of our life. The general idea of sustainability is to ensure that our actions and decisions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generations.


Makurina YU. V., Aleshugina E. A.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The research entitled “A series of wooden houses in the village Vladimirsky of Nizhny Novgorod area” is devoted to the problem of wooden residential houses construction in village Vladimirsky.

The relevance of the research work lies in the following. In January 2015 village Vladimirsky in Voskresensky district in Nizhny Novgorod region in complex with lake Svetloyar was included into the state register of cultural heritage objects of nations in the Russian Federation as the object of cultural heritage of regional value. Obviously, the necessity of measures aimed at legislative point and connected with imposing some restrictions and demands for industrial performance construction and design.

The object of the research is wooden residential houses. The subject of the research is architectural and composite features of shape of houses in the village Vladimirsky Nizhny Novgorod Region.

There are the following aims of the research based on the object and subject:

-to study the historically developed regional architecture of the village Vladimir;

-to develop the space-planning (volumetric planning) schemes of houses considering architectural features of the village Vladimirsky;

-to design versions of architectural and figurative decisions;

-when developing architectural and constructive concepts of houses to consider the level of prosperity of potential builders;

-to offer a number of small architectural forms.

First of all it was necessary to show the need of using of the regional architecture principles in new construction in cultural landscapes, a review of Russian traditional dwelling is carried out and its reflection in modern rural construction is analyzed.

The cultural landscape is historically equilibrium system where natural and cultural components make a whole and are not just a background or a factor of influence of one element of this system in relation to another [1]. The cultural landscape reflects climatic conditions, historical processes, features of culture and local people life. It is considered of great importance for maintenance of national identity, shows a variety of ethnic cultures.


In most cases the continuity of traditions is not considered at new construction in the historical architectural environment that is explained by the influence of high speed and scales of new construction, globalization and esthetics of modernism [2]. It increases the value of the settlements which have not lost their historical environment, emphasizes the need of their preservation and control over their development.

If in the majority of the developed countries the process of rural dwelling evolution was happening consistently, keeping historical continuity, then in our country, unfortunately, the line of traditional dwelling development has been interrupted by the influence of political and social factors. Now it is possible to see many examples of non-professional architecture in Russian villages, settlements and on suburbs of Russian cities. The construction tends to happen without any project and it is based on functional needs, utilitarian purposes, aspiration to distinguish the construction from the others, ignoring surrounding architecture and "spirit" of the place.

Search for Russian wooden architecture improvement is sometimes replaced with imitation the architectural concepts developed for other regions, cultures, civilizations. At the same time the traditional Russian log hut (izba) has many advantages, worthy for transferring to projects of the modern rural dwelling (Fig. 1).

One of the main positive aspects of the architectural and spatial organization of a traditional house is its harmonious interaction with natural environment, large scale in relation to it. Composite and esthetic features allow to create specification at all levels of perception, at the same time facades do not become complicated by excessive embellishment and each detail bears practical function.

Fig. 1. The new houses in historical settlements built with respect for the principles of traditional national architecture:

a)Ivanovo Region of. Reach, st. of Kirov;

b)Vladimir Region, Suzdal, Pokrovskaya St.


In traditional architecture the main methods of architectural creativity are modularity, symmetry, proportionality, similarity, metric and rhythmic repetition. A certain variability by using these composite properties and a variety of architectural and art details and decorative furniture allow to give each house individual architectural appearance at the similar volume and spatial decisions and composite unity.

Compactness of inhabited volume and adjunction of economic constructions to it allow to reduce functional communications and heat loss. Also heat technical properties of wood, thanks to which stability of rooms temperature condition is provided, are of great importance for energy efficiency of the house. Besides, properties of wooden constructions in combination with laconicism and clarity of the house structure provide physical and psychological comfort.

Such functional and planning features of Russian log hut as multifunctionality of rooms, reserve for expansion of dwelling due to use of house parts, competent placement of windows taking into account orientation on parts of the world deserve attention [3].

Having considered foreign and Russian experience of modern construction in historical and cultural landscapes, it is possible to draw a conclusion that it has to be carried out with respect for the principles of traditional national architecture and be controlled by local authorities.

Wooden houses in the village Vladimir represent log structures with remainders. Some of them have no covering, facades of others, on the contrary, are sheathed by a yew, the acting end faces of logs are issued as a shovel or a pilaster. The most widespread types of a roof are gable and gambrel. The majority of houses are located with a setback and have front gardens. Houses both with built in, and attached volume of an outer entrance hall are met. Quite often main entrance is accented by a small porch or a niche. The economic yard is an important component of the estate volume composition. As a rule, it settled down closely to an outer entrance hall - beside or behind the house - and was blocked by independent gable, rarer pent roof.

The prevailing type is a cross five-wall house under the gable or gambrel roof (the Fig. 2).

Finally, justification of space-planning (volumetric planning) was provided; architectural, composite and coloristic solutions of wooden houses outline sketches in the village Vladimir in Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Projects for different families and of different area are provided.

The main offered materials for construction: chopped log, rounded log, glued beam, profiled beam, framework finished by boards, brick (for the

ground floor of stone-wooden houses and the basis of wooden ones).

When developing the volume decision and facades of new wooden houses preservation of connection with traditions is considered, in solutions planning


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