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bruit pour les habitants et les travailleurs de La Defense. Le manque du silence, c’est la grande probleme de villes modernes.

Chaque edifice a La Defense a la forme laconique sans decoration. On ne les comprend pas comme les compositions separes, mais elles sont les details de une composition unie de la region. C’etait l’intention des architectes : l’integrite de la composition de la region moderne doit dominer quand a l’expressivite de l’edifice separe. Cette idee du changement de la dimension de la composition esthetique est primordiale aujour’hui.


Lobacheva E. A., Ugodchikova N. F.

(L’Universite L’Architecture et de Genie Civil de Nizhny Novgorod)




“Lesnoy kurort” se trove dans Krasnobakovsky district de la region de Nizhny Novgorod sur la rivière Vetluga. C’est un endroit avec une histoire riche, qui est abandonné ajourd’hui. La maison de repos a été ouverte en mai de 1935. Pendant la Grande Guerre, il y avait une maison de refuge pour les enfants. Bien que, l’administration de GAS a taché de faire la reconstruction de “Lesnoy Kurort”, ajourd’hui, il est en ruines. La maison de repos demande une modernisation.

Pour le dévelopment et la modernisation de la maison de repos on suppose de la reconstruire suivant des conceptions – “Staritsa” ou “Futura”. Arrêtonsnous sur chaque conception.

La premier conception est “Staritsa”. Elle consiste en conservation de l’amenagement du projet de 1967. Aussi, je propose la construction de plusieurs objets: les batiments résidentiaux, le complexe sportif, et les elements de l’aménagement. D’apres le plan general, le territoire a la structure de planification stricte et le pivot de la composition est une allée, qui conduit à la rivière. Elle a l’orientation est-ouest. A droit de l’axe, il y a une zone des batiments residentiaux et une zone commune. A gauche, il y a une zone du sport et les batiments residentiaux aussi. L’edifice du club serra modernisé. Il y a une salle de conference, une salle de reunion et le dancing. La zone des cottages est a la meme place, mais il y a les batiments nouveaux, parce que les vieux batiments sont tres usés. Aussi, on realise des travaux d’amenagement du territoire. Le grand parking et le point du controle se trouvent pres de l’entrée.

La station des bateaux, qui se trove sur la riviere Vetluga, est tres originale. Elle ferme l’axe générale. L’architecture de cet objet est legere et ajouré. Surement, cette station est le symbol de la maison de repos. En gros, l’architecture de tous les batiments a le style du projet des annees 1930.

La deuxième conception est “Futura”, qui propose la transformation considerable. Le but de cette conception est de créer une zone fonctionnelle nouvelle et l’extension moderne, mais l’espace du territoire est conservé. L’axe generale est une allée, comme dans le passé. A droit du batiment administratif il y a une zone recreative avec le centre, qui incluit la salle du conferences, la salle de reunion, un club et un café. A gauche, il y a une zone des sport avec des terrasses sportives. Un restaurant se trouve à la profondeur du territoire a côte de


terrains des jeux pour les enfants. Aussi, on planifie une zone des cottages nouvelle. Le grand parking et le point du controle se trouvent pres de l’entrée.

Au bord de la riviere, il y a un petit restaurant et la plage. L’architecture de tous les objets est moderne, laconique et ecologique.

Les deux conceptions sont unies par la simplicité, la fonctionnalité, l’accessibilité pour tous les groups de la population, l’utilisation de materiaux moderns. A la base de chaque conception il y a une combinaison de l’espaces publics avec la nature.

Fig1. La conception “Staritsa”:

1.Les batiments residentiaux 2. Le cottage 3. Le restaurant 4. La orangerie 5. Le club

6.Le batiment administratif 7. Le point du controle 8. Le centre du sport 9. Le terrain sportif

10.Le terrain pour les jeux des enfants 11. Le dancing 12. Le parking


Fig.2. La conception “Futura”:

1.Les batiments residentiaux 2. Le cottage 3. Le restaurant 4. Le centre de distraction

5.Le batiment administratif 6. Le point du controle 7. Le centre du sport 8. Le terrain sportif

9.Le terrain pour les jeux des enfants 10. Le dancing 11. Le parking

Vorona A. P., Loshkareva A. D.

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




We all live in an enormous and rapidly developing world. The pace of life is very fast: people always try to do as much as possible and save more time for the most prominent things in their lives. In order to do our work properly and quickly many modern technologies become mobile. Our society prefers to use transformable and compact things, because it makes our life more comfortable and easy. The same trend can be observed concerning the space we live in and which surrounds us every day. It is becoming more mobile and transformable. Following this trend the development and elaboration of residential houses construction design is becoming more sophisticated. There is a need to build quickly and efficiently, these are the main features of mobile architecture which has become extremely relevant nowadays. The first manifestation of the mobile


architecture in the world was in the 50-60s of the 20th century. The concept was to create a mobile house for the temporary stay in the same place. Easy mobile homes do not require large material costs as well as time to carry out the installation, so their cost is effective.

A characteristic feature of the mobile architecture is the internal mobility. It means that home may change depending on several conditions: the social or economic status, changes in family structure, generational change without changing the overall design parameters, by transforming the inner space of the object, its interior. These parameters characterize the mobile architecture.

There are several different interpretations of the concept of mobility:

mobile homes on wheels or motorhomes;

collapsible structures;

reinforced concrete building with a small built-up area.

Trailer as mobile homes on wheels foreordained the appearance of mobile facilities for the summer holidays. Mobile buildings first appeared among the nomadics. The need for such facilities appeared in the 50s of the last century due to the development of mass summer holiday. In 1958 at an exhibition in Zurich, a small collapsible house for tourists was introduced. The first example of such a house was built in 1956 in the Valais (Switzerland). It performs a prism of triangular cross-section ("Trigon"), one of the planes can be raised and lowered, becoming a terrace in front of the glass wall of the house. The house consists of a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Mobile facilities in the form of mobile collapsible summer home, transported with the help of special tools on the prepared site, were developed in the 70-s of the 20th century in the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and France. They were performed in a variety of design solutions and types of materials.

One of the most interesting and modern motorhomes was designed by Cushman Design Group in Morrisvile, the USA. The home owner – Ethan Waldman built a miniature building with a total area of 18 square meters. He wanted to use it for skiing and hiking. The house is located on the chassis, so he could park it in the yard and he doesn’t have to pay property taxes. The motorhome is made of different colored wooden beams. Half floors structure has a porch with a seat and many windows with sealed glazing. The interior of the house is simple and concise. The area includes several zones: a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. In the living room a folding table can change its size depending on the use for lunch or for work. A TV screen hangs above it. The kitchen has vertical ladder on the wall. The bedroom is on the second level and has a low ceiling made of the warm wooden beams. The design of the walls in the shower is made of copper slates. So, this cozy house is comfortable enough and the owner of the house can move his accommodation anywhere he wants using a trailer.


Another type of the mobile homes is the sustainable floating house. The bright example of this structure is called "Silberfisch" and was created by Sascha Akkermann and interior designer Flo Florian. The house is located on a floating platform not far from the Oldenburg in Germany. The concept was to build a living space, which will be located far from the areas with high population density. At the same time the house should be constructed in an organic environment and be functional and comfortable. The house has a modular kitchen with a fridge, a bathroom, a bio-toilet, a living room with panoramic windows and a mini-lawn on the floor. The interior is made in white color. The plan of the house includes individual water supply and heating and ventilation systems. The house is equipped with a water collection technologies and wood-burning boiler.

Collapsible structures are considered to be the most technologically advanced and modern mobile homes. Unwinds mobile home “California Roll” from Daniel Christopher is one of such projects. Ultra-modern house is made of modular elements and has many constructive features, which allow us to assemble and disassemble the house quickly. The main shell of the house is made of reinforced plastic which looks like a carpet. It covers the carbon frame of the structure. It all creates a small area in front of the house. The interior is made using modern technologies. Lighting depends on the room temperature and may vary. Also the windows are arranged depending on the wishes of the homeowner and instead of the walls there are screens and bookshelves inside.

I would like to point out some benefits of mobility that have been revealed during my research of this trend in modern architecture. First of all mobile homes are extremely versatile as they can move, swim and even fly. Also they are transformable as they may be performed from different modular elements. In addition this technology gives the opportunity to take our homes and go travelling. It’s a unique bonus that is available not for everybody. This is a new way to become really free, active and modern.

It is essential to emphasize that this new mobile trend in architecture and infrastructure in any case should not replace the existing static architecture. On the contrary, it should be easily combined with it, without destroying or loading it, and complement our environment.


Budko E. V., D. A. Loshkareva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




Nature is a complicated mechanism of organisms interaction, so human is the integral part of it. We link with the environment and depend on it a lot. Building the monumental huge concrete boxes separate us from the entire world. Certainly, our environment has an impact on our moods, and that buildings themselves play a major role. There is a growing evidence that confinement in buildings is bad for our health, and connections to the exterior environment has positive health effect. The study carried out in 2001 showed that views of nature from home showed more longer-lasting positive impact on happiness than increases in wealth. After the global urbanization people started to think about saving the link with nature. Improving the connection between the interior and the exterior of a building is the driving force of the Organic Architecture movement which has become remarkably relevant nowadays. It’s a philosophy of architecture, which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world.

The term “Organic architecture” was invented in the early 1900s by the great architect Frank Floyd Right in order to describe his particular approach to architecture. The main idea is the link between man-made structure and nature around through design approach as a unified composition. Buildings should blend with the environment and work as a single organism. Such structures seem alive and support natural life unlike the modern concrete and glass jungle that are our cities. Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the first architects who had immense respect and awe to the environment thus creating an environmental conscious form of architecture. Climatic conditions, available material and geography have always given character to the design of such architecture. That’s why the phrase “Form and function are one” is the leading principle of organic architecture. So organic architecture evolved into a kind of architecture that interpreted natural principles in order to build the structure that were more natural than the nature itself.

Organic Architecture has strong, rational geometry to create a building that should be in continuity in structure, space and form. Wright has given few characteristics of an Organic Architecture, which are continuity, plasticity, integrity, character, discipline and tenuity. This style is distinguished by open up spaces and single dominant form. It is almost always governed by a strict set of


geometric patterns that run through all scales of the building. These patterns will exist in the overall plan right down to the door handles. Therefore this architectural stream is also characterized by minimalism, simplicity in every detail. Patterns help us understand the world. They allow us to predict the weather and know when the next train arrives. People understand their environment when it is governed by patterns, so home built from patterns will be comprehensible and comfortable.

The construction of organic architecture is based on the principle derived from the natural world. Such "structures" are, for example, a network of spider, a bubble and many others. Nature grows from the idea of a seed and reaches out to its surroundings. Likewise organic Architecture uses nature as the basis of its design and its structures grow inside out. Thus, the way of understanding of organic architecture is based on the definition of the single organism as opposed to a mechanism consisting of interchangeable parts. This mechanism arises from the independent, external elements, while the organism develops from within, developing its elements as integral parts.

Realizing such concept can lead either to a building consisting of several interpenetrating elements, or to a complex of separate buildings, organized around the functional center that recognizes the natural environmental conditions. A room is integrated seamlessly to the next, so it creates a harmonious whole. Organic character of such architecture depends not only on materials and structures used, but principally also on the result of space organization. This has been rightly asserted by Michelangelo who held that «the knowledge of the human figure was vital to a comprehension of architecture».

It’s allowed to go away from common design process, thus demanding to create something truly new and beautiful. The vision of the clients, their personal habits are uniquely transformed into a portrait and synthesized into a build-able form. So the organic architecture becomes the vision of occupant’s life. It is the journey of self-discovery for them.

Organic Architecture involves respect for the properties of the materials, and attempts to integrate the surrounding context and the structure. In order to connect the interior with the environment, natural materials like stone and wood are commonly used. Glass provides views to the natural environment, breaks up the forms of the building and fills the structure with light. Carefully designed windows allow the interior and external spaces to flow freely between each other. To achieve this, organic architects usually ensure that window frames are hidden, and materials run unhindered through the glazing line. We can see the decoration of the building such as technical equipment. The amount of materials and accessories were reduced, leaving more place for glass surfaces and the interior. Large smooth surfaces feel artificial, that is why textures and patterns are applied.

Trying to build structure, connected with a site is important in ensuring that it belongs in its location. Frank Lloyd Wright said that a building should be


«of the hill and not on the hill», so organic architecture should grow from its site. By minimizing the distinction between the site and the building, the outdoor environment is invited into the home.

Nowadays, this concept of architecture is relevant and dictated by need of saving nature. That is why organic architecture is considered the founder of the idea of nature and architecture interaction. During the latter half of the 20th century, modern architects took the concept of organic architecture and developed it. Nature became some kind of inspiration for them. New construction methods and materials enabled to create structures with the natural shapes and forms. It created the new streams in architecture such as bionic, eco, green architecture and others. Although every stream has specific features which distinguish them from each other. Bionic architecture is mainly based on using complicated flowing forms, while eco houses are more focused on natural materials and energy-independent systems. In contrast to them organic architecture considers human being as the center of design and integrates nature as its surrounding. The vitality of organic architecture is in a passion for nature, its natural forms, life and the flow of energy between. This expressive form is sympathetic towards human body, mind and spirit. In an organic building we feel free and connect with inner self. House becomes the unique part of its owner and the part of the environment at the same time.

Ponomarev P.V.1, Aleshugina E.A2, Kalina O. V.1

(1«School №91» of Nizhny Novgorod,

2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The research is entitled «Construction of the Children's Railway in the city of Gorky (N. Novgorod)» is devoted to the study of the history of the children’s railway and its stations. The process of construction was long and difficult.

The relevance of the work is acute as it is rather important to study history of development of the area where we live to preserve it to the following generations. The object of the research is the Children's Railway in the city of Gorky.


The construction began in June 1939 and was completed in November 1939.Two beautiful stations were built at the end of the construction (Fig.1). Their names are "Homeland" and "Happy"[1].

Fig.1. Two beautiful stations – «Homeland» and «Happy»[3,4].

Architects Yakovlev and Anisimova developed the project. Architect

Bajan designed the station «Pushkin» and architect Sydorchuk did «Mayakovsky» station. They were witty, less grand but no less beautiful. Trees were the main attraction of the stations. Wooden station «Mayakovsky» was burnt during the Great Patriotic war and has not been restored yet(Fig.3).

Single-storey wooden building had a waiting room for the passengers, the chief rooms, a ticket office, a snack bar and a room for the guard. The station "Pushkino" was not less beautiful(Fig.2). However, it did not work during the Great Patriotic War and the equipment was used to study the main roads of the railway by the workers.

Fig.2. The station «Pushkino» [3,4]

Fig.3. The station «Mayakovsky» [3,4]

After the war it took a long time to restore the road. In 1960-s Children's Railway was in the area of housing buildings. Thus, the question about the reduction of tracks emerged[2].

After the events of 1965 the road operated in a shortened form and only in 1991 the work of its reconstruction began. While maintaining the basic


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