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where agriculture is an important economic sector are generally opposed to changes that might disadvantage biofuels production in their respective states. There is also lingering uncertainty about the programme after 2022, as the statute defines volumes only until that date. After 2022, the law grants the EPA the authority to set volumes, unless Congress makes legislative changes to the programme for application in the post-2022 period.

Biofuels tax credits

The biodiesel blending credit of USD 1 per gallon was first established in 2005 (DOE, 2019e). After expiring for the fifth time at the end of December 2016, Congress most recently extended it in February 2018 under a last-minute deal, but only applied it retroactively for one year through 2017 (S&P Platts, 2019). The biodiesel industry continues to work with its backers in Congress to secure another extension for 2018 and beyond.

Low Carbon Fuel Standard

California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) was originally established as part of its AB32 law (passed in 2006) to address transportation sector emissions, which account for around 39% of the state’s total emissions. The programme has been in place since 2011, with a target to achieve a 10% reduction in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 2020. The primary pathway to achieve these reductions is to introduce more low-carbon (non-petroleum) fuels into the transportation mix, including hydrogen, electricity and biofuels.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) oversees implementation of the LCFS, under which the carbon intensity target declines annually. The state assesses that the programme is achieving results, despite a modest increase to prices at the pump attributed to the programme. In 2017, over 2 billion gallons in petroleum and natural gas volumes were estimated to have been displaced by the LCFS, and it has been a notable driver of biofuels demand in the state (as well as for biofuels production and imports into the state) (CARB, 2019).

More recently, in September 2018, CARB voted to extend the LCFS, to achieve a carbon intensity reduction of 20% by 2030 (Green Car Congress, 2018). Alternative or renewable aviation fuels will also be able to qualify for LCFS credits for the first time.

Oregon also has had a Clean Fuels Program in place since 2016, which requires a 10% reduction in the average carbon intensity of transportation fuels from 2015-25 (Oregon.gov, 2019).


Renewables are playing an increasingly important role in the US power mix. State-driven RPS and state climate policies and targets have brought about an unprecedented growth of wind and solar PV across the United States. This growth was spurred by federal tax incentives and the rapid decline in technology costs. Aided by policy support, prices for power purchase agreements have come down to as low as USD 20/MWh for solar and USD 17/MWh for wind in some parts of the country, including tax credits. In 2018, the share of renewables (including hydro) in total US electricity generation reached 17.0%,


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close to the share of nuclear energy (19%). Wind penetration levels have broken records to exceed 60% on occasion in 2018 in the SPP, while Texas/ERCOT reached a recordbreaking 50% in March 2017. In May 2016, wind, solar and hydro reached 42% in California (CAISO).

Total wind capacity in the United States reached 90 GW in 2018 – the world’s secondlargest capacity after China, almost entirely from onshore wind, with strong deployment in Texas (23 GW), Oklahoma (8 GW) and Iowa (7 GW). Onshore wind is projected to grow by 43 GW over 2018-23, according to the IEA Renewables 2018 report, accounting for nearly 40% of the total US renewable power expansion. Due to PTC expiration, however, capacity additions are expected to peak in 2020 and slow thereafter, despite falling costs.

Solar PV is expected to see even stronger growth in the short term. By the end of the first half of 2018, the Solar Energy Industry Association estimated that there was 58.3 GW of solar capacity installed nationwide, of which 22.8 GW was in California alone. The IEA expects solar PV to account for over 61% of US renewable capacity growth over 2018-23, growing by 70 GW.

However, in the medium term, according to the EIA Annual Energy Outlook, current growth rates will not be sustained. The anticipated 4-10% cost increase for solar (because of tariffs imposed on imported crystalline silicon solar modules) has been offset by declining prices as Chinese PV demand has slowed. However, the eventual winding down of federal tax incentives (ITC reduction and PTC phase-out) will likely still have a negative impact on growth. After 2021, generation capacity growth for wind is expected to slow considerably, while solar could slow down in the medium term if tax credits expire, creating possible implications for jobs in the renewables sector.

DOE energy R&D capabilities and associated networks of academia and industry support the work on systems integration and flexibility. The DOE’s SunShot Initiative, the new Battery Initiative and the large-scale collaboration Grid Modernization Initiative are best-practice examples in this context. The NREL has supported these efforts and has a world-class energy systems integration facility, which also provides policy advice to states, cities and industry to support their ambitions to have higher shares of renewables.

Excellence in energy systems R&D can form the basis for a technology revolution. The renewable energy sector offers growth potential in many areas; however, this will require the prioritisation of technology R&D action and funding in support of better system and market integration of renewables. Related work on the integration of variable renewables with nuclear generation, notably through the concept of hybrid energy systems, is also under way, which can provide additional insight into the future role that nuclear energy, and small modular reactors in particular, can play in reliable, affordable and clean energy systems.

US offshore wind has not developed as strongly as in other parts of the world yet. The first offshore wind project developed by Deepwater Wind (30 MW, Block Island Wind Farm) came into service in 2016, and several other projects are in the pipeline. Policy support from coastal states and the federal government has the potential to lead to more pronounced growth in offshore wind over the coming years.

Automakers, oil companies and technology companies are investing in hydrogen and fuel cells. The DOE released a hydropower roadmap (Hydropower Vision), which outlines a



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potential of 50 GW of pumped hydro storage by 2050 (with continued technology advancements), innovative market mechanisms and a focus on environmental sustainability.

Other policies support distributed generation. In 2017, net metering was available to most customers in 38 states and the District of Columbia. Seven states – Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Nevada, Maine and Mississippi – have statewide distributed generation compensation rules. However, with slow or even negative power demand growth, a goal of net metering reform should be to introduce policies that accurately reflect the true costs and benefits of adding distributed generation to the overall system. Moreover, the policy framework should avoid retroactive changes to the remuneration of existing installed capacity to provide certainty to the investment environment.

Regional transmission organisations/independent system operators have responded to the fast growth of renewable energy. Systems integration of wind has been supported by significant transmission grid investments in ERCOT through CREZ and is under way in MISO, with the Multi-Value Projects initiative. CAISO’s Western EIM has expanded across the Western Interconnection and new system services are flourishing. California is developing smarter grids with battery storage, time-of-use pricing and demand response (from aggregators, electric vehicles and elsewhere).

Challenges remain for system operations, including in California, ERCOT and MISO, where a proliferation of renewable power at certain times of the day can create surpluses that collapse wholesale prices and lead to curtailment. In California, 1% of solar and wind generation was curtailed (95 gigawatt-hours of electricity) in April 2018, a new record, according to CAISO. California exports to Arizona and regularly sees negative prices during the daytime.

Thanks to the federal RFS and state standards and subsidies such as California’s LCFS, the United States saw strong investment in biofuels from 2005 to 2012, though growth has slowed since. The RFS originated with the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and was expanded by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The second period of the RFS (2014-22) has ambitious volumetric targets, requiring renewables to be blended into transport fuel in increasing amounts each year. However, the total renewable fuel statutory target has not been met since 2014; the EPA has used its waiver authority to lower required blending volumes relative to statutory levels. The production of cellulosic ethanol has not developed as anticipated, and volumes have been significantly below the target since 2015, while biomass-based diesel was higher than expected. Fixed volume targets have not been able to keep pace with market and technology realities. The RFS2 would benefit from a review with a view to transitioning to a longer-term framework, based on obligations defined as a percentage of fuel sales. More widespread adoption of technology-neutral LCFS policies, as employed by California, are also an option for states wishing to decarbonise transport.

In addition, the US government has previously provided a “blenders tax credit”. However, this has often been applied retroactively after the blending was carried out. Therefore, there is no certainty for the availability of the tax credit at the time of blending. A more stable forward-looking application of the biodiesel tax credit would provide greater certainty to producers and blenders. The US ethanol market has hit the “blend wall” (10% of blending) and further growth in consumption requires a transition to consumption of higher ethanol blends such as E15 (the administration decided to lift a ban on summer


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sales of E15, starting in June 2019). The biodiesel market is growing as a result of the RFS2 policy. There is uncertainty for the industry on future RFS2 volumetric requirements beyond 2022.


The US government should:

Foster the system integration of renewable energy by pursuing market regulations that leverage geographic diversity of resources, availability of transmission capacity, and flexible resources such as energy storage (including batteries, hydropower, pumped hydro and hydrogen) and demand response.

Review the RFS2 and consider a long-term federal framework for transport sector decarbonisation post-2022, focusing on shares of biofuels instead of volumes, and innovative technologies such as advanced biofuels. In order to move beyond the blend wall, consider measures to increase the availability of 15% ethanol blends at service stations, and “drop-in”2 biofuels such as renewable diesel.


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2 Suitable for use without modifications to vehicle engines or fuelling infrastructure.



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