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towards growth in EVs and an increasing push by US automakers to manufacture EVs will require an ongoing government effort to ensure a conducive environment for EV growth.

Federal minimum energy efficiency standards are a story of success and currently apply to more than 60 different product groups. They will push the worst-performing appliances from the US market, saving end users USD 2.4 trillion by 2035. In addition, EnergyGuide labels significantly improve transparency on energy consumption and running costs, giving end users a better-informed decision on the total costs of a product and pulling the market towards more efficient appliances. The voluntary ENERGY STAR programme allows end users to pick energy efficient products going beyond federal standards or not covered by them. Building off the efficacy of standards to date, the federal government could seek to include more product groups where cost-effective, and use the review process of existing standards, labels and programmes to reflect more rapid technological developments to adapt them to cost-optimal levels.


The US government should:

Set an appropriate annual energy efficiency renovation rate for buildings owned or used by the federal government, and centralise the organisation and management for contracting of all federal building efficiency improvements, for example in the Federal Energy Management Program Office or Office of Federal Sustainability.

Update efficiency standards for appliances and vehicles to give industry investment certainty and reduce costs for end users, and improve the effectiveness of ENERGY STAR and EnergyGuide labelling through updated requirements and presentation formats.

Support states in the updating of building codes, including of energy-neutral buildings, and develop a US-wide building energy performance rating and labelling system beyond ENERGY STAR.

Financially incentivise companies‘ uptake of the Superior Energy Performance platinum and ISO 50001 standards, for example through tax credits, and expand energy audit support programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises.


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ACEEE (2018e), Appliance Standards, https://aceee.org/topics/appliance-standards.



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