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market, human capital and affected communities are mitigated. There is a role for government to support the structural adjustments.

Very few people, if any, accurately predicted the extent of the shale boom and its broader implications for the energy market. This is a reminder that the future is inherently uncertain, and highlights the benefits of a focus on all-of-the-above technologies, as well as well-considered and largely “no regrets” policies.


The US government should:

Utilise the federal government’s role in the regulatory approval process for energy infrastructure to reduce logistical bottlenecks.

Ensure that US energy security remains strong in addressing new threats and resilience as the country’s energy position changes with the shale revolution.

Conduct regular and comprehensive assessments of risks and vulnerabilities to foster preparedness, and maintain reliability and resilience in the face of new challenges.

Engage with states and local authorities to ensure that their energy policy goals do not hamper the reliable functioning of the overall energy system.

Lead on international energy collaboration and innovation in clean energy, using results of worldclass US R&D.


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