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Module 6 Unit 1

Comprehension check

Task 1

important - key, essential, crucial, major, vital, significant, main,

indispensible, momentous

Focus on language 2

a) both … and …/as well as …

b) neither … nor …

c) either … or …

d) not only … but also …/as well as …/both … and …

e) in addition to

f) due to

g) because of


field of science


Molecular biology

Earth sciences


a)new particles;

experimental demonstration of the existence of antimatter;

b)development of the atomic bomb;

d) lasers;

e) semiconductors

DNA structure

Cracking genetic code

Analysis of sedimentary records and ice cores from Greenland;

Theory of plate tectonics

practical application

a)particle accelerator;

b)reactors to produce energy;

c) high resolution microscope; scanning tunneling microscope;

d)various measuring instruments: detectors for air pollution, high-speed photography, mass storage devices for computers (CD_ROM), surgical instruments;

e) faster computers with vastly expanded memory; photo-voltaic cells

Novel therapies;

Genetically engineered crop plants;

Therapeutic and diagnostic pharmaceutical products;

Somatic gene therapies

Methods to predict of natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc.;

Reading 2

1) c 2) e 3) a 4) b 5) d

In the Realm of Science 1

Artificial intelligence

Virtual reality

Genetically modified

Global positioning system

High definition television

Hypertext markup language

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Research and development

Module 6 Unit 2

Reading 1

1) B 2) D 3) C 4) A

Focus on language 3

a) the others; b) another; c) others; d) another;

e) other; f) another; g) another; h) the other; i) others

Focus on language 5

a) is going to f) will be studying

b) will g) is going to be

c) is having; will be helping h) is going to

e) will have checked i) will be using

j) will have patented

Listening 1

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

What will computers be like?

Computers will change;

They will have voice recognition, fuzzy query input systems;

Everything will be run by AI

They will become smaller, as piece of furniture, or a household appliance;

May be they will take control over our lives

Shopping, work, etc. will be done over computer

How will we communicate with computers?

By voice input for most applications

bigger role ofVR

Everything will be done via voice recognition

By voice-recognition, or perhaps neural-stimulus;

Common interface will support for all languages

Are we going to spend our whole time in Cyberspace?

It depends upon the development of nanotechnology;

Possibility to scan the entire brain into a computer, and make it operate there

People will use the net more;

Will watch TV less

Computers won’t substitute people

Will computers be intelligent?

They won’t resemble human intelligence

Computers will be more intelligent than humans in specific areas

Computers will become Thinkers by 2020 but they will not be intelligent until 2050