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Учебник А - Академия.doc
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Learning Objectives

The objectives of this module are

  • to talk about the part-time/holiday job you would like to do

  • to do information search for job ads

  • to do careers guidance questionnaire

  • to learn how to speak on the phone and arrange for a meeting

  • to write a personal letter about a job

  • to revisit multi-word verbs

  • to revisit reported speech

Unit 1 Jobs for Students

Lead In

  1. N owadays a lot of students combine studies at university with work. For some it is a good way to earn pocket money, for others it is an opportunity to gain some valuable work experience. What about you? Discuss as a class.

  2. Fill in the questionnaire below. In pairs discuss what jobs are suitable for you.

Careers guidance questionnaire

    1. Which of these areas would you like to work in?

  • Business

  • Entertainment

  • Industry

  • Retail jobs

  • Service industries

  • Science and research

b. Tick the statements which are true of you:

I don’t mind working long hours

I can’t stand taking orders from others

I am not prepared to wear a uniform

I don’t like doing repetitive work

I enjoy manual work

I like doing paper work

I hate working at weekends

I am prepared to get up early

I am prepared to meet deadlines

c. Tick the skills you think you have?

I easily get on with other people

I find it easy to work in a team

I am good at making decisions

I am able to work on my own

I have good problem solving skills

I am good at organizing things

I am good with figures

I have working knowledge of English

I am computer literate

I have good word processing skills

d. What do you expect from the job? Choose five options from the list:

A chance to travel

Free food and other perks

Gaining work experience

Developing knowledge of your particular area of expertise

Prospects of promotion

Opportunity to express your personality

A good salary

Developing your creativity

Meeting new people

e. Which do you prefer doing a summer or a part-time job? Why?


  1. There are different types of jobs students may want to do. Match the definitions with the right type of job.

      1. part-time job

    1. a nonspecialised, unskilled, manual or domestic job

      1. odd job

    1. a job that you do for a part of a usual working day

      1. summer/holiday job

    1. a job that you do for all the working hours of a week

      1. full-time job

    1. a job that is done when on vacation

  2. Work in groups. Make a list of the advantages of a holiday and part-time jobs for students.

  3. Read the text and check your guesses.