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Text 2. Energy Development under Current Market Conditions

Energy development is the ongoing effort to provide abundant and accessible energy through knowledge, skills and constructions. When harnessing energy of primary energy sources and converting it into ever more convenient secondary energy forms, such as electrical energy and cleaner fuels, both quantity (harnessing more primary energy) and quality (more efficient conversion to secondary energy) are important.

Future energy development faces great challenges due to an increasing world population, demands for higher standards of living, demands for less pollution and a much discussed end to fossil fuels. Without energy the world’s entire industrialized infrastructure would collapse, including agriculture, transportation, waste collection, information technology, communications and much of the prerequisites that a developed nation takes for granted.

World energy production by source is the following: oil is of 40%, natural gas is of 22,5%, coal is of 23,3%, hydroelectric is of 7,0%, nuclear is of 6,5%, biomass is of 0,7%. In the U.S. transportation is accounted for 28 % of all energy use and 70 % of petroleum use. In 2001 97 % of transportation fuel was petroleum.

The United Nations projects that world population will stabilize in 2075 at nine billion due to the demographic transition. Birth rates are now falling in most developing nations and the population would decrease in several developed nations if there was no immigration. Still, economic growth probably requires a continued increase in energy consumption. Since 1970 each 1 % increase in the Gross world product has yielded a 0,64 % increase in energy consumption.

In geology resources refer to the amount of a specific substance that may be present in a deposit. This definition does not take into account the economic feasibility of exploitation or the fact that resources may not be recoverable using current technology. They can be recovered economically under current market conditions. This definition takes into account current mining technology and the economics of recovery, including mining and transport costs, government royalties and current market prices. Reserves decrease when prices are too low for some of the substance to be recovered economically, and increase when higher prices make more of the substance economically recoverable. Neither of these terms consider the energy required for exploitation (except reflected in economic costs) or whether there is a net energy gain or loss.

Exercise 17. Answer the questions on text 2.

1. What is energy development? 2. What challenges does future energy development face? 3. What is the world energy production by souce? 4. Why does the energy consumption increase? 5. What do resources refer to in geology? 6. What conditions make resources economically recoverable? 7. What should be taken into account to make resources economically recoverable?

Exercise 18. Translate the following universal words without a dictionary. Compare their pronunciation and meanings in English and Ukrainian.

Energy, form, standard, collapse, agriculture, transportation, information, technology, natural, gas, biomass, petroleum, demographic, immigration, economic, economically, communication.

Exercise 19. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

a) energy development, abundant and accessible energy, convenient secondary energy forms, standards of living, world’s entire industrialized infrastructure, world energy production, demographic transition, birth rates, recoverable resources, current technology, current mining technology, economically recoverable, energy gain or loss, economic feasibility of exploitation;

b) to provide abundant and accessible energy, to yield increase in energy consumption, to take into account current mining technology, to harness energy from a primary energy sources, to convert into a secondary energy form, to face great challenges, to require an increase in energy consumption, to consider the energy required for exploitation, to reflect economic costs.

Exercise 20. Match the English-Ukrainian equivalents.

  1. cleaner fuel

  2. demand

  3. fossil fuel

  4. economic growth

  5. energy consumption

  6. deposit

  7. market condition

  8. market prices

  9. mining costs

  10. gain

  1. прибуток

  2. ринкові умови

  3. родовище

  4. очищене паливо

  5. попит

  6. органічне паливо

  7. ринкові ціни

  8. витрати на гірниче добування

  9. споживання енергії

  10. економічне зростання

Exercise 21. Translate and comment upon the following grammar forms.

When harnessing and converting, to provide, faces, increasing, higher, discussed, industrialized, developed, developing, accounted, will stabilize, would collapse, are falling, requires, required, does not take, may not be recovered, can be recovered, including.

Exercise 22. Give the initial form of these words.

Economically, recoverable, harnessing, increasing, discussing, industrialized, development, probably, reflected, including, cleaner, higher, using, definition, more, requirement, accessible, conversion, government, resource, feasibility, royalty, substantially, exploitation.

Exercise 23. Determine parts of speech the following words belong to, and translate them.

Into, ever, more, when, less, from, much, that, now, both, still, for,

under, neither, or, and, whether, may, since, each, by, of, to, both…and, either…or, neither…nor.

Exercise 24. Fill in the blanks choosing a suitable phrase from those suggested in brackets. Translate the sentences.

(standards of living; deposit; abundant and accessible energy; demographic transition; market conditions; fossil fuels)

1. Energy development is the ongoing effort to provide …, through knowledge, skills and constructions. 2. Future energy development faces great challenges due to an increasing world population, demands for higher …, demands for less pollution and a much discussed end to … . 3. The United Nations projects that world population will stabilize in 2075 at nine billion due to the … . 4. In geology, resources refer to the amount of a specific substance that may be present in a … . 5. Resources can be recovered economically under current … .

Exercise 25. Match the synonyms or synonymous word combinations.

  1. fossil fuels

  2. mining costs

  3. production

  4. price

  5. gain

  6. rate

  7. consumption

  8. damage

  1. cost

  2. manufacture

  3. oil, gas, coal

  4. mining outlay

  5. level

  6. benefit

  7. loss

  8. usage

Exercise 26. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Енергію первинних джерел перетворюють у більш придатні вторинні форми, такі, як електрична енергія та очищене паливо. 2. Без енергії світова індустріальна інфраструктура, включаючи сільське господарство, транспорт, інформаційні технології, зв’язок, була б слабкішою. 3. Не дивлячись на те, що у більшості розвинених країн кількість населення зменшується, все ще відбувається економічне зростання, що потребує постійного збільшення енергоспоживання. 4. З 1970 року кожен процент збільшення валового світового продукту призводить до збільшення споживання енергії на 0,64 %. 5. У геології «ресурсами» називають кількість певної речовини, яка може бути наявною у родовищі. 6. У цьому визначенні не береться до уваги економічна можливість їх використання або той факт, що ресурси можна видобувати, використовуючи сучасні технології. 7. У сучасних умовах ринку ресурси можна видобувати економічно вигідно. 8. Сучасні ринкові умови передбачають використання передових гірничих технологій та економіки видобування, що включаючає витрати на гірничу діяльність, перевезення, орендну плату за розробку надр та сучасні ринкові ціни.

Exercise 27. Compose a dialogue on “Current Energy Market Conditions”.

Exercise 28. Learn the following words and word combinations.

Shortfall – короткострокове зниження, падіння

shortage – нестача, дефіцит

recession – спад, зменшення, падіння; криза

precipitate – тут: прискорювати (кризу, хід подій)

raise – піднімати (про ціну)

lead (to) – 1) призводити до; 2) змушувати

gasoline – бензин

vehicle – транспортний засіб

reduce – зменшувати, скорочувати, знижувати

confidence – довіра, впевненість

spend – витрачати

drive – керувати

failure – неспроможність

adjust – пристосовувати, узгоджувати, погоджувати, корегувати

lack of –відсутність, брак, нестача (чогось)

exacerbate – загострювати, підсилювати

cheap – дешевий

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – країни-експортери нафти

leverage – вплив

quota – квота, частина, частка; норма виробітку

tend – мати тенденцію, тяжіти до

diminish – скорочувати(ся), зменшувати(ся)

drive up (down) – підвищувати (знижувати)

perform – здійснювати

deserve – заслуговувати

article – статут

oil sand – нафтоносний пісок

profitable – прибутковий; вигідний, рентабельний

adverse – несприятливий, небажаний

restrict – обмежувати

Exercise 29. Read, translate and give the gist of text 3.