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Text 5. Audit Levels

Audit levels or degrees of thoroughness in order of increasing complexity are:

Level 1 – The walk-through audit. The walk-through audit is a tour of the facility to visually inspect each system. The walk-through includes an evaluation of energy consumption data to analyze energy use quantities and patterns, as well as to provide comparisons with industry averages, or benchmarks, for similar facilities. This is the least costly audit, but a level 1 audit can yield a preliminary estimate of savings potential and a list of low-cost savings opportunities through improvements in operational and maintenance practices. The level 1 audit information may be used for a more detailed audit later if the preliminary savings potential appears to warrant further auditing activity.

Level 2 – Standard audit. The standard audit quantifies energy use and losses through a more detailed review and analysis of equipment, systems, operational characteristics, and on-site measurements and testing. Standard energy engineering calculations are used to analyze efficiencies and calculate energy and cost savings based on improvements and changes to each system. The standard audit will also include an economic analysis of recommended Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs).

Level 3 – Computer simulation. The level 3 audit is the most expensive level of energy audit and is most often warranted for complex facilities or systems. The audit includes more detailed energy use by function and a more comprehensive evaluation of energy use patterns. Computer simulation software is used to predict building system performance and accounts for changes in weather and other conditions. The goal is to build a base for comparison that is consistent with the actual energy use of the facility. The auditor will then make changes to improve the efficiency of various systems and measure the effects compared to the baseline. This method also accounts for interactions between systems to help prevent overestimation of savings.

Exercise 53. Translate the following attributive word combinations. Use them in your own examples.

Energy consumption data; industry benchmarks; low-cost savings opportunity; on-site testing; energy conservation measures; computer simulation software; building system performance; overall power demand; off-peak hours; energy management control system; temperature control; equipment maintenance practice; floor plan; energy cost savings; one or two-page description; equipment efficiency; energy audit report.

Exercise 54. Write nouns related to the following adjectives. Define the suffixes used to form nouns and adjectives. Translate the pairs.

Thorough, consistent, hot, available, various, significant, simple, convenient, industrial, similar, operational, economic, separate, electric, theoretical, effective.

Exercise 55. Give corresponding adverbs. Translate the pairs. Use them in your own examples.

Visual, easy, recent, similar, potential, fast, separate, current, considerable, common, practical, good, hard, late, month.

Exercise 56. Fill in the gaps with appropriate attributes or adverbial modifier given in brackets.

(fastest, easiest, visually, cost-efficient, potential, detailed, thoroughly, preliminary, reliable, cost-effective)

1. Each building system was inspected … by auditors. 2. The level 1 audit information can be used for a more … analysis of systems and equipment. 3. Checking your home insulation system is one of the … and most … ways to reduce energy waste. 4. A … insulating system includes a combination of products and construction techniques that protect a house against air infiltration and control moisture. 5. The … and most … way to insulate your home is to add insulation in the attic.

6. The information gathered during the site visit should be …evaluated. 7. … energy consumption measures can be developed during the … research phase.

Exercise 57. Use prefixes un - , im - , ir - , in - , dis - , mis - to form antonyms of the following words. Translate the pairs.

Suitable, possible, honest, regular, substantial, proportional, efficient, measurable, complete, accurate, connected, predictable, successful.

Exercise 58. Put the adjectives and adverbs in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. Translate the sentences.

1. The level 3 audit is (expensive) level of energy audit because it includes (comprehensive) evaluation of energy use patterns. 2. Impo-ving your home insulating system is one of the (fast) and (cost-efficient) ways to maximize energy conservation. 3. Energy-efficient houses help the environment through (low) rates of air pollution emissions from combustion of fuels for heating, air conditioning and ventilation. 4. You can increase the comfort of your home (efficiently) by investing just a few hundred dollars in proper insulation and weatherization products.

5. Only biomass fired boilers can replace natural gas for heat production right now because of their (low) investment costs and the (short) payback period. 6. In Europe solar energy for heating homes is (widely) used than in Ukraine. 7. Bioenergy can become (promising) renewable energy sector in Ukraine. 8. The auditor can use energy consumption data (efficiently) if he knows existing conditions of architectural, mechanical and electrical systems.

Exercise 59. Make the following sentences negative.

1. Energy conservation can be done only by reducing consumption of energy. 2. Households in rural areas use only wood and wood waste for heating purposes. 3. The auditor evaluated energy consumption data yesterday.4. The first test is to collect energy data for all fuels, including natural gas and oil. 5. They will use a computer to enter and sum energy consumption information. 6. Ventilation plays a large role in providing moisture control. 7. The company has unlimited resources of energy. 8. Mini power plants were constructed to produce electricity for this particular area. 9. It will be easy to identify how each system uses energy and potential savings.

Exercise 60. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice form.

1. Several steps must (take) to ensure you (have) all the information required to do a thorough and accurate evaluation of energy consumption data. 2. Seasonal loads, such as heating and air conditioning, (identify) as the portion of general energy consumption. 3.The audit report should (prepare) by the end of the year. 4. This report (provide) a general background of the facility, the mechanical systems and operational profile. 5. In near future Energy Alliance (continue) to expand its services throughout Ukraine. 6. The company already (reduce) total energy costs by 10 percent. 7. Through the use of its mini power station the plant (be able) to meet approximately 57 percent of the overall energy needs last year. 8. Industries in Ukraine (consume) all times more energy than their American counterparts. 9. A pilot project (complete) at the Hostomel Glass Plant, Ukraine’s largest glass container manufacturer. 10. To reduce energy costs which (account) for 15 percent of the total cost of goods, the company (install) a natural gas-fired mini power station that (produce) energy.

Exercise 61. Translate into English.

1. Впровадження проектів з енергоаудиту в основних галузях промисловості потребує значних інвестицій. 2. Під час проведення енергоаудиту первинна інформація збирається шляхом перегляду рахунків за електроспоживання за останні 2 роки. 3. В Англії індекс енергоспоживання вимірюється у британських теплових одиницях на квадратний фут за рік (BTU/ft2/yr). 4. Економія електроенергії у житлових будинках і на промислових об’єктах є нагальною потребою сьогодення. 5. Мета енергоаудиту – виявити шляхи скорочення споживання електроенергії. 6. Потрібно моти-вувати підприємців і пересічних громадян економити електро-енергію. 7. Метою доповіді було скорочення енергоспоживання за рахунок заміни або модифікації застарілих систем будівель. 8. Дані про щоденне використання всіх видів палива вводяться в ком-п’ютер в автоматичному режимі. 9. Відповідна ізоляція будівлі мо-же привести до 30% скорочення витрат на опалення. 10. Енер-гоаудит проводиться у декілька етапів з урахуванням складності обстеження будівлі і аналізу енерговитрат.