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Text 3. Energy Management System at Industrial Enterprise

Energy is a large and volatile cost for many organizations. Big enterprises that occupy millions of square feet in geographically dispersed facilities typically spend tens of millions of dollars each year on electricity, natural gas, liquid fuel and water. Aging facilities, poor cost visibility and capital constraints represent significant obstacles to managing this spending.

High performance energy management combines financial control, strategic sourcing and sustained usage reduction. Development and implementation of the energy management system (EMS) is a top priority energy saving measure for all industrial enterprises, as only due to non-cost-based (organizational) or little cost-based measures it is possible to reduce energy consumption by 3 to 7 %.

The EMS is a complex of organizational measures, technical means, software and methodical support that allow to make operational management decisions aimed at the consumption of only necessary minimum of fuel and energy resources (FER) per product (service) unit. ESM allows to plan the level of energy resources consumption. ESM development is carried out on the basis of existing organizational, technical and informational resources of the enterprise: automated management system of heat points, metrological means, computer equipment, telecommunication facilities, structure of departments and services dealing with problems of energy efficiency.

ESM functions include: on-line inspection for energy consumption, volumes and nomenclature of production and other factors affecting the value of energy consumption, determination of normalized (planned) level of energy consumption, comparison of real and normalized levels, diagnostics of reasons for exceeding real energy consumption level in comparison with a normalized one, energy consumption prediction and taking operative management decisions.

On-line inspection is carried out by means of daily automated and (or) manual data input into computer.

Normalized energy consumption level can be determined by two methods: calculation analytical method, and statistical method. Calculation analytical method is preferable, because it allows to take into account all factors affecting the energy consumption level. This method can be successfully applied to such energy consumption objects as boiler houses, buildings, pipelines, compressed air systems, ventilation systems, fuel and electric furnaces and other typical energy consumption objects and systems. However, for the enterprises with complicated and intermittent technological cycle and various nomenclature of products application of calculation analytical method is connected with difficulties. For such enterprises it is possible to use statistical method. In this case, minimal energy consumption indices reached during previous periods at the enterprise under certain conditions are taken as normalized ones. The application of statistical method requires accumulation of information on energy consumption for the object (for not less than 1 year period). In practice, it is reasonable to use both methods together: statistical – for the enterprise as a whole, calculation analytical – for typical energy consumption objects and systems.

Diagnostics of the causes of exceeding real energy consumption level in comparison with normalized level allows to determine in which production department and due to what factors the FER over-expenditure occurred.

Management decisions are made to ensure the reduction of energy consumption by the results of diagnostics. The decisions are of organizational and technical character and may be divided into the following groups:

  • Improving the performance of operational staff;

  • Optimization of the operating regime of equipment;

  • Timely repair and maintenance of the equipment;

  • Retrofit and replacement of the equipment.

So, effectively managing energy costs can be a daunting challenge. It requires business acumen, technical skills, industry knowledge and management experience.

Exercise 27. Translate the following words. Mind that the negative prefixes dis-, in-, un-, ir-, mis- give the words an opposite meaning. Use them in your own examples.

Inefficient, invisible, insignificant, inevitable, inoperative;

irresponsible, irreplaceable, irregular, irresistible;

unnecessary, unlimited, unpredictable, unexpected;

disadvantage, disconnect, discontinue, dissimilar, dislire;

mismanage, misunderstand, miscalculate, misprint.

Exercise 28. Identify by suffixes: a) nouns, b) adjectives,

c) adverbs, d) verbal forms among the following words. Translate them.

Emission, cooling, geographically, natural, facility, performance,

sustained, reduction, development, implementation, industrial, decision, consumption, organizational, equipment, technical, inspection, affecting, operative, normalized, efficient, intermittent, department, nomenclature, calculating, compressed, diagnostics, industry.

Exercise 29. Match the beginning (column A) and the end (column B) of the sentences.



1. Energy conservation is

2. Energy saving programme is carried out on the basis of

3. Management decisions are made

4. On-line inspection is carried out by means of

5. National energy policy has a significant effect on

6. Municipal waste of ten contains toxic metals and plastics

7. Another focus in gasoline conservation is

a) to ensure the reduction of energy consumption by the results of diagnostics.

b) daily automated or manual input of data into computer and formation of ECDB1.

c) energy usage in all spheres of economy.

d) existing organizational, technical and informational resources of the enterprises.

e) the practice of decreasing the quantity of energy used.

f) reducing the number of miles driven.

g) which generate harmful emissions.

Exercise 30. Translate the following words and word combina-tions into Ukrainian.

Volatile cost on fuel and energy resources, take into account, energy consumption level, fuel and electric furnaces, intermittent technological cycle, under certain conditions, minimal energy consump-

tion indices, operational staff, timely repair of equipment, development

and implementation, software support, metrological means, telecommu-


1. ECDB – Energy Consumption Data Base – база даних споживання енергії

nication facilities, on-line inspection, in comparison with.

Exercise 31. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and voice form.

1. Five regional energy management training centres (set up) in Ukraine. 2. The centres of energy management (already / deliver) a number of training sources and (host) conferences for international organizations. 3. The UK Government (fund) the Energy Saving Trust to promote energy conservation at a consumer, business and community level since 1993. 4. Energy savings (achieve) by extracting more heat, venting less heat externally. 5. No doubt, electricity consumption (grow), particularly, as the transportation sector (move) to vehicles with electric motors. 6. To conserve energy, some industries (begin) using solar panels to heat water. 7. The senior staff (train) in business administration and energy management. 8. In order to promote the rational and efficient use of energy in all sectors of the economy, the Government (give) priority to training in energy conservation and management.

Exercise 32. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Уряд України підтримує розробки і впровадження новітніх енергозберігаючих технологій. 2. Виробництво і використання будь-якого виду енергії супроводжується викидами в навколишнє середовище двоокису вуглецю. 3. Спеціалісти з енергоменедж-менту порадили власнику підприємства терміново впровадити енергозберігаючі технології і скоротити використання паливно-енергетичних ресурсів. 4. Темою обговорення було скорочення енергоспоживання за рахунок модифікації та заміни застарілого обладнання. 5. Дані щоденного використання енергії вводяться в комп’ютер вручну або в автоматичному режимі.

Exercise 33. Ask:

a) if energy conservation is driven both by economic and environmental considerations;

if manufacturers want to increase efficiency and maximize profit;

if producing goods takes huge energy;

if energy can be saved in different ways;

if statistical method requires accumulation of information about energy consumption;

b) how individuals and organizations save energy;

what factors provoke climate changes;

how energy consumption can be reduced;

why fuel and energy resources overexpenditure occurred.

Exercise 34. Rewrite the following sentences in Conditional II and III after the model.

Model: Implementation of the energy management system will be successful if the staff understand its necessity.

- Cond. II. Implementation of the energy management system would be successful if the staff understood its necessity.

- Cond. II. Implementation of the energy management system would have been successful if the staff had understood its necessity.

1. Energy consumption will be less if people switch off home appliances, TVs and radios that are not being used, watched or listened to. 2. If you put insulation in walls and attics, you can reduce the amount of energy it takes to heat your home. 3. Manufacturers will increase efficiency and maximize profitability if they carry out energy saving measures. 4. Energy consumption can be reduced by 7 % if you use minimum of fuel and energy resources per product.

Exercise 35. Work in pairs. Make a question for each answer below with reference to text 3.

1. High-performance energy management combines financial control, strategic sourcing and sustained usage reduction. 2. Kyiv centre has been selected to participate in a new Tacis project for energy management information dissemination. 3. Ukraine depends largely on non-domestic sources for its energy supplies. 4. 90 per cent of fuel is imported from Russia. 5. Until recently, energy management training has not been widely available in Ukraine. 6. Training Centre for Energy Management was established in Ukraine in 1997. 7. Determination of the normalized energy consumption level can be carried out by two methods. 8. Big enterprises spend millions of dollars each year on electricity. 9. Calculation analytical method can be applied for typical energy consumption objects.

Exercise 36. Compose a dialogue on “Energy Management System”.

Exercise 37. Learn the following words and word combinations.

Audit – 1) перевірка, аудит; 2) перевіряти звітність;

maintenance – 1) технічна експлуатація; утримання; 2) підтримування, збереження

thorough – повний, ґрунтовний

account – рахунок; звіт; торговельний баланс

revenues – доходні статті

expenditure – видаток;витрата

in response to … – у відповідь на …, як реакція на …

impact – вплив

utility meter – комунальний лічильник

stream – потік

discrete – окремий

survey – огляд, обслідування

seek(р.рр.sought) – шукати

input – підведення; введення

energy input – споживання енергії

output – продуктивність; результат

be of primary concern – мати першорядне значення

prioritize – надавати пріоритет

occupancy – кількість людей, які працюють або мешкають в приміщенні, будівлі

ceiling – стеля

skylight – верхнє освітлення

leakage – просочування

door seal – дверний ущільнювач

advance – успіх; прогрес

overall thermal performance – загальна теплова характеристика

assess – оцінювати

thermostat – термостат

setting – установлення

roof over hang – виступ даху

bill – рахунок

utility company – житлово-комунальна компанія

cost-effective – який сприяє зниженню витрат; економічний

energy savings – енергозбереження

facility – 1) підприємство;виробниче приміщення; 2) засіб; 3) обладнання

energy consuming system – енергоспоживаюча система

Exercise 38. Read and translate text 4. Select the key words and expressions for a five-minute conversation with your partners on”Energy audit and its purposes”.