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Unit VI. Energy logistics

Exercise 1. Read, practice and learn the following words.

Origin – походження; джерело (інформації)

originate – походити

ration – провізія

procure – забезпечувати

evolve – розвивати(ся)

right – належний, підходящий, відповідний

incorporate – поєднувати

professional – 1) професіонал, фахівець; 2) професійний

logistician – логіст

inventory – товари; матеріально-технічні запаси

warehousing – збереження на складі

node – вузловий пункт

grant – надавати

charter – переважне право; офіційний дозвіл на створення

(установи); привілей

Exercise 2. Read, translate and give the gist of text 1.

Text 1. Logistics Origin and Definition

The term “logistics” originates from the ancient Greek “λόγος” (“logos” – ratio, word, calculation, reason, speech, oration).

Logistics is considered to have originated in the military’s need to supply arms, ammunition and rations as they move from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires there were military officers with the title ‘Logisticas’ who were responsible for financial, supply and distribution matters.

The Oxford English dictionary defines logistics as “the branch of military science having to do with procuring and transporting of material, personnel and facilities”. Another dictionary definition is: “the time-related positioning of resources”.

Logistics as a business concept evolved only in the 1950s. This concept can be defined as having the right item in the right quantity, at the right time, at the right place, for the right price, in the right condition, to the right customer. Logistics is the process which incorporates all industry sectors.

In business logistics may have internal focus, covering the flow and storage of materials from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

Logistics management is that part of the supply chain, which plans, implements and controls the efficient forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer’s requirement. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.

The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians combine a professional knowledge of each of these functions, so, that there is a coordination of resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics. One optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes. The other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some project.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 and was granted the Royal Charter in 1926. The charted Institute is one of professional bodies or institutions for the logistics and transport sectors, that offers such professional qualification or degree in logistics management.

Exercise 3. Define the parts of speech and word-building suffixes of the following words. Write the initial forms of the words. Translate the pairs into Ukrainian.

Calculation, originated, management, related, consumption, distribution, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation, organizing, planning, coordination, established, chartered, storage, requirement.

Exercise 4. Translate the following word combinations.

Financial distribution; positioning of resources; industry sector; storage of materials; point of origin; point of consumption; logistics management; customer’s requirement; qualified logistician; inventory management; military’s need; storage node; sequence of resources; charted Institute of Logistics and Transport; professional body; forward and reverse flow; supply chain; network of transport links.

Exercise 5. Combine the words of two groups to make all possible attributive word combinations. Translate them.

Group I: transporting, responsible, effective, related, professional, qualified, chartered, financial, efficient, internal.

Group II: material, flow, storage, qualification, distribution, logistician, consumption, goods, body, activity.

Exercise 6. Match the verbs of the left column with appropriate word combinations from the right column.

1. to originate

a) customer’s requirement

2. to be responsible

b) goods and services

3. to evolve

c) in the military’s need

4. to carry out

d) for financial and supply distribution

5. to meet

e) a steady flow of material

6. to be granted

f) a sequence of resources

7. to optimize

g) a business project

8. to control

h) as a business concept

9. to supply

i) the Royal Charter

10. to coordinate

j) storage of goods

Exercise 7. Give synonyms of the following words.

Direct, need, reserve, provision, substance, problem, place, buy, storage, provide, use, consumer, specialist, deal with, combine, be in charge of, come from, stream.

Exercise 8. Match English - Ukrainian equivalents.

1. origin

a) купівля

2. warehouse

b) товари

3. purchase

c) вимога

4. inventory

d) походження

5. material

e) зберігання

6. requirement

f) склад

7. storage

g) речовина

Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences using the English equivalents of the words in brackets and translate them.

1. Logistics is considered to have originated in (потреба війсь-кових). 2. Military officers were responsible for (фінансове забезпече-ння та постачання боєприпасів). 3. Logistics covers (потік і зберіга-ння) of materials from the point of origin (до пункту споживання). 4.Logistics optimizes a steady flow of material through a (мережа тран-спортних зв’зків) and a (пункт зберігання). 5. The other form of logistics coordinates a (послідовність постачання ресурсів). 6. (Інсти-тут логістики і транспорту) is one of professional bodies or instituti-ons for the logistics and transport sector in the United Kingdom.

Exercise 10. Translate and answer the questions on text 1.

1. Від якого давньогрецького слова походить термін «логіс-тика»? 2. Як виникла логістика? 3. Які визначення терміну «логіс-тика» дають англійські словники? 4. Який зміст покладено у бізнес-концепцію логістики? 5. Які функції виконує кваліфікований менеджер у сфері логістики? 6. Яке призначення мають різні форми логістики? 7. Як називають фахівців, які працюють у сфері логістичного менеджменту? 8. Яку установу було створено у Вели-кобританії для підготовки професіоналів у галузі логістики? 9. За якими спеціальностями готує фахівців Британський Інститут логіс-тики і транспортних перевезень?

Exercise 11. Refer the following sentences to the past. Mind the rule of sequence of tenses.

1. He thinks the price does not include the cost of packing. 2. The newspaper reports the oil price will increase in the near future. 3. The manager has just said the loading ended at six o’clock. 4. The International Energy Agency has just announced the current energy policy will contribute to the development of the word economy. 5.Ukrainian officials believe Ukraine has a well-developed transpor-tation system. 6. The economists notice gas becomes a major energy source for the world economy. 7. The mass media will report a new gas pipeline will transfer Caspian oil and gas to Europe. 8. The experts hope alternative energy will influence the world economy in future. 9. The Chief Manager has concluded the company is taking steps in construction and modernization of oil and gas facilities. 10. The specialists insist the reconstruction of oil and gas networks will attract investments for new energy transportation projects.

Exercise 12. Change direct speech into reported speech. Mind changes of adverbs and pronouns in subordinate clauses.


He said: ”I will come tomorrow”.

He said he would come the next day.

1. The secretary promised: “I’ll send this telegram at once”. 2. The partner confirmed: “The goods have been delivered today”. 3. The manager informed: “The buyers agree to accept the cargo”. 4. The buyer noticed: “The company must ship the goods next month”. 5. The specialist of a gas company said: “We can find spots of metal damages and examine joints condition”. 6. The logistician assured: “The carrier will refuse to accept improperly packed and marked goods”. 7. The environmentalists remarked: “Pollutant emissions from the industrial sector and electric utilities have contributed greatly to environmental problems”. 8. The utility company worker informed: ”We are replacing the damaged distribution lines”. 9. The economists noticed: “The energy industry is changing rapidly”.10. The leader of the company announced: “The competition has forced energy companies to look for new areas of consumption”.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English. Follow the rules of the sequence of tenses where necessary.

1.Екологи попереджають, що енергетично неефективні про-цеси спричинять забруднення навколишнього середовища. 2. Під-приємці зазначили, що вони зменшили енергоспоживання. 3. Пред-ставник компанії щойно заявив, що переговори з партнерами розпочались. 4. Експерти з питань енергетики кажуть, що енерге-тична криза зазвичай є наслідком нестачі нафти. 5. Директор поінформував працівників, що витрати на перевезення значно перевищені. 6. Газета повідомить своїм читачам, що постачання газу значно скоротилось. 7. Спеціалісти галузі перевезення стверджують, що зміни у видобутку та споживанні палива значною мірою вплинуть на енергетичну логістику.

Exercise 14. Read, practice and learn the following words.

Рrovider – постачальник

related – тут: суміжний

handle – обробляти (вантаж)

stevedore – завантажувати

package – пакувати

label – 1) ярлик;2) наліплювати ярлик;3) маркувати

assemble – збирати

indistinct – нечіткий, невиразний

downturn – спад

be faced with – стикатися з

shift – 1) здвиг;2) переміщатися;3) міняти, змінювати

substantial – суттєвий, значний

offer – 1)пропозиція;2)пропонувати

forwarding – транспортно-експедиторські операції

outsourcing – залучення зовнішніх ресурсів, спеціалістів, послуг для

виконання внутрішніх завдань

double digit growth – збільшення на порядок

accounting – звітність

governance – керівництво

Exercise 15. Read, translate and give the gist of text 2.