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Unit IV. Energy management and audit

Exercise 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

Management – управління, керівництво

be concerned (with) – цікавитись, займатися

relate – мати відношення, стосуватися

save energy – економити енергію

conserve energy – зберігати енергію

involve – включати (в себе)

metering – вимірювання

consumption – споживання

opportunity – сприятлива можливість

estimate – оцінювати, підраховувати приблизно

quantify – визначати кількість

waste – втрата; марно витрачати

investigate – досліджувати

upgrade – підвищувати технічні можливості

insulate – ізолювати

target – ціль, завдання, план

track – слідкувати, відслідковувати

fabric – структура, устрій

stem (from) – походити

legislation – законодавство

compelling – безперечний; непереборний

depend (on) – залежати (від)

tackle – енергійно братися, заходжуватися

coin – утворювати (нові слова)

implication – причетність

be keen (on) – захоплюватись (чимось)

footprint – слід, відбиток

shortage – нестача

profitability – прибутковість

predictable – передбачуваний

awareness – обізнаність, усвідомленість

Exercise 2. Read and translate text 1.Select the key words and expressions for a five-minute conversation with your partners on the topic “Why do we need to save energy?”

Text 1. Energy management

«Energy management» is a term that has a number of meanings, but we’re mainly concerned with the one that relates to saving energy in businesses or public-sector / government organizations.

When it comes to energy saving, energy management is the process of monitoring, controlling, and conserving energy in a building or organization. Typically this involves the following steps:

  1. Metering energy consumption and collecting the data.

  2. Finding opportunities to save energy, and estimating how much energy each opportunity could save. You would typically analyze your meter data to find and quantify routine energy waste, and you might also investigate the energy savings that you could make by replacing equipment (e.g. lighting) or by upgrading your building’s insulation.

  3. Taking action to save energy (i.e. tackling the routine waste and replacing or upgrading the inefficient equipment).

  4. Tracking progress by analyzing meter data to see how well your energy-saving efforts have worked.

To confuse matters, many people use ‘energy management’ to those energy-saving efforts that focus on making better use of existing buildings and equipment. Strictly speaking, this limits things to the behavioural aspects of energy saving (i.e. encouraging people to use less energy by raising energy awareness), although the use of cheap control equipment such as timer switches is often included in the definition as well.

The above four-step process applies either way – it’s entirely up to you whether you consider energy-saving measures that involve buying new equipment or upgrading building fabric.

Energy management is the key to saving energy in any organization. Much of the importance of energy saving stems from the global need to save energy – this global need affects energy prices, emissions targets, and legislation, all of which lead to several compelling reasons why you should save energy at your organization specifically.

If it wasn’t for the global need to save energy, the term ‘energy management’ might never have ever been coined. Globally we need to save energy in order to:

  • reduce the damage that we’re doing to our planet, Earth. As a human race we would probably find things rather difficult without the Earth, so it makes good sense to try to make it last.

  • reduce our dependence on the fossil fuels that are becoming increasingly limited in supply.

Energy management is the means to controlling and reducing your organization’s energy consumption that is important because it enables to:

  • reduce costs – this is becoming increasingly important as energy costs rise;

  • reduce carbon emissions and the environmental damage that they cause. The organization may be keen on reducing its carbon footprint and promoting a green image;

  • reduce risk – the more energy you consume, the greater the risk that energy price increases or supply shortages could seriously affect your profitability, or even make it impossible for your business / organization to continue.

With energy management you can reduce this risk and your business will become more predictable.

On top of these reasons, it’s quite likely that you have some rather aggressive energy-consumption-reduction targets that you’re supposed to be meeting at some worrying point in the near future… Your understanding of effective energy management will hopefully be the secret weapon that will enable you to meet those aggressive targets.

Exercise 3. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian. Use them in sentences of your own.

Saving energy in business, energy consumption, collecting the data, find opportunities, quantify routine energy waste, replace inefficient equipment, energy-saving efforts, encourage people to use less energy, four-step process, global need, compelling reasons, make good sense, strictly speaking, process of monitoring, each target, reduce risk, promoting a green image.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. «Енергетичний менеджмент» - термін, який має декілька значень. 2. Енергоменеджмент розглядається як процес контролю, управління і збереження енергії у різних галузях економіки. 3. Ко-жен має зробити свій внесок в економію електроенергії, будь-то на виробництві, чи вдома. 4. Вчені розробили нові ізоляційні матеріали для утеплення будівель. 5. Проблема раціонального використання енергії має бути вирішена найближчим часом, аби зменшити нашу залежність від викопних видів палива. 6. Енерге-

тично неефективне виробництво спричиняє забруднення довкілля. 7. Споживачі енергії повинні постійно дбати про енергоефек-тивність, яка може бути досягнута декількома шляхами. 8. Чим більше енергії споживає підприємство, тим більше воно залежить від цін на паливо, що постійно зростають. 9. Енергоменеджмент – це ключ до збереження енергії у будь-якій організації.

Exercise 5. Write nouns derived from the following verbs by means of suffixes -(t)ion, -ence, -ment. Translate the pairs.

Manage, organize, involve, consume, estimate, investigate, replace, equip, depend, reduce, legislate.

Exercise 6. Write adjectives related to the following nouns. Name suffixes used to form adjectives.

Type, behaviour, use, efficiency, practice, industry, desire, globe, variety, person, danger, difference, profit, aggression, effect, hope.

Exercise 7. Give corresponding adverbs. Translate the pairs.

Significant, recent, global, practical, efficient, strict, good, hard, equal, final, relative, probable.

Exercise 8. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives and adverbs.

Simple, easy, useful, new, bad, well, efficiently, important, far, good, little, significant.

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives or adverbs in brackets.

(good, well, global, globally, easy, easily, serious, seriously, inefficient, inefficiently)

1. Analyze your meter data to see how … your energy-saving efforts have worked. 2. It makes … sense to reduce the damage that we are doing to our planet. 3. It is the … need to save energy. 4. We need to save energy … . 5. If you want to save energy, you should replace the … equipment. 6. Old equipment that works … must be replaced. 7. It is rather … to transport and store oil. 8. Oil is transported and stored … . 9. High prices on oil or supply shortages could … affect profitability. 10. Your understanding of … environmental problems will help to reduce the demand for energy by controlling its consumption.

Exercise 10. Use prefixes un-, im-, ir-, in-, dis-, mis- to form the antonyms of the following words. Translate the pairs.

Predictable, possible, efficient, important, responsible, organized, honest, successful, understand, regular, proportional.

Exercise 11. Find Gerunds and define their functions in the sentences.

1. Energy can be saved by reducing its consumption and increasing energy efficiency. 2. Individuals and organizations that are direct consumers of energy must think of conserving energy. 3. Redu-

cing your organization’s energy consumption is a key to profitability.

4. We can reduce the amount of energy it takes to heat our homes by putting insulation in walls and windows. 5. Our organization is keen on reducing carbon emissions and the environmental damage that they cause. 6. The company tracks its progress by analyzing meter data.

7. It’s no use consuming too much fossil fuels so the companies began providing alternative solutions. 8. You might investigate the energy saving that you could make by replacing equipment or by upgrading the building’s insulation.

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets into correct active or passive forms.

1. Profitability can (maximize) if manufacturers save energy.

2. Manufacturers (increase) energy efficiency in order to maximize profitability. 3. Inefficient equipment must (replace). 4. One can (save) energy by turning off home appliances that (not to use). 5. We need (save) energy in order (reduce) our dependence on the fossil fuels.

6. Energy can (save) in different ways. 7. Detailed energy consumption data (make) it possible to see patterns of energy waste. 8. Little or no capital investment (require) for energy saving.

Exercise 13. Compose sentences with Gerund.



The company






succeed in


keep on

insist on


producing new insulating materials

decreasing the amount of energy

wasting energy

monitoring and controlling energy in organization

conserving energy in industry

replacing inefficient equipment

tracking progress in energy-saving efforts

Exercise 14. Answer the questions on text 1.

1. What is energy management? 2. How can individuals and organizations save energy? 3. What steps are involved in the process of energy management? 4. How can energy consumption be reduced?

5. Why is energy saving a global problem? 6. What major factors provoke climate changes? 7. What must be done in order to improve the environment? 8. How does effective energy management affect profitability?

Exercise 15. Learn the following words and word combinations.

Municipal – міський, суспільний, громадський

impact – вплив

owner – власник

plea – благання

tool – інструмент; знаряддя

a rule of thumb – практичний спосіб (найкращий для певного випадку)

chore – неприємна робота, мука

pattern – зразок, модель; схема

wastage – втрати, марнотратство

inevitably – неминуче

turn to – звертатись до (когось, чогось)

metering system – система зняття показників

figure out – вираховувати, виявляти

deviation – відхилення

assumption – припущення

trigger – починати; спричиняти

incorporate – приєднувати, включати

commitment – зобов’язання

patrol – патрулювання; патрулювати

Exercise 16. Read and translate text 2. Select the key words and expressions for a five minute conversation with your partners on “Effective management of energy consumption in municipal buildings”.