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3 Translate the text in writing. Be ready to retell it


One of the finest cities of Europe, Prague (Czech: Praha), the capital of the Czech Republic and that nation’s major economic and cultural center, lies at the heart of the Continent. The city has a rich architectural heritage that reflects both the uncertain currents of history in Bohemia and an urban life extending back more that 1000 years. The physical attractions and landmarks of the city are many. Among the finest is the Charles Bridge (Karlův most), which stands astride the Vltava River. The winding course of the Vltava, with its succession of bridges and changing vistas, contrasts with the ever-present backdrop of the great castle of Hradčany (Prague Castle), which dominates the left-bank region of the city from behind massive walls set high on a hill.

The narrow streets and little taverns and restaurants of the older quarters contrast with the broad sweep of Wenceslas Square and modern parks and housing developments, while the great 18th century Baroque palaces have their own elegance and splendour. Seen from the surrounding hills, the many church towers make up a unique perspective, giving Prague its description as the «city of a hundred spires». This architectural harmony was enhanced by post-1945 planning, which preserved the ancient core of the city as a major monument and carefully supervised all modern buildings.

Prague is famous for its cultural life. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived there, and his Prague Symphony and Don Giovanni were first performed in the city. In addition, the lyric music of the great Czech composers Bedřich Smetana, Antonín Dvořák, and Leoš Janáček is commemorated each year in a spring music festival. The U kalicha («At the Chalice») beer parlour, which is still popular with local residents and tourists alike, provided the setting for the humorously antiauthoritarian activities of Schweik, immortalized by the novelist Jaroslav Hašek in The Good Soldier Schweik. The writings of Franz Kafka, dwelling in a different way on the dilemmas and predicaments of modern life, also seem indissolubly linked with life of the city.

Prague has a homogeneous population. There is a small Slovak community, but the overwhelming majority of residents are Czechs. The natural rate of population increase is very small. A tendency toward small families is a reflection of both difficulties in housing and increased participation by both parents in the workforce.

4 Answer the questions in writing

1 Why is Prague considered to be one of the finest cities of Europe and the whole world?

2 What are the physical attractions of the city?

3 Prague is «the city of a hundred spires», isn’t it? Why?

4 What is the cultural heritage of Prague?

5 What is the reason of Prague’s poor growth of population?

5 Summarize the key issues of the text.

6 Make up 10 questions to the text in writing.

7 Translate the sentences using all the 16 Tenses (consult ‘The Table of Tenses’ in the Appendix)

  1. Мы обсуждали эту проблему в течение недели.

  2. Он сказал, что выучит стихотворение к следующему уроку.

  3. Мы не участвовали в конференции на прошлой неделе.

  4. Девочка ест мороженое уже десять минут.

  5. Он сказал, что потерял деньги на вокзале.

  6. Они будут учить слова целый вечер.

  7. Он сказал, что когда он вернется в город в следующий раз, его друг будет работать менеджером уже два года.

  8. Она сказала, что обсуждает эту проблему уже неделю.

  9. Когда он задаст свой вопрос, я уже буду думать над ним в течение недели.

  10. В следующем году ему будем двадцать.

  11. Она еще не ответила на мой вопрос.

  12. Он сказал, что в 18.00 он будет работать в лаборатории.

  13. Что ты пишешь?

  14. Она думала, что вечером пойдет в кино.

  15. По воскресеньям он всегда едет на рыбалку.

  16. Мы не польем цветы до захода солнца.