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(Part і)

Ex. 1. Copy and memorize the following terms.


updating - корректировка

stock control - контроль над состоянием товарных запасов

maintenanceсодержание, техническое обслуживание

in be concerned with - заниматься чем-л.

product design - проектирование изделия

production engineer - технолог

purchasing - снабжение

production supervisor - контролер производства (мастер)

engineering staff - инженерно-технические кадры

hit-lorry manager - руководитель предприятия, директор предприятия

Ex. 2. Match the English terms in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.



  1. t o include

  1. комплекс, комплексный, сложный

  1. production

  1. оборудование

  1. complex

  1. оценивать

  1. schedule

  1. расписание

  1. to monitor

  1. контроль качества

  1. equipment

  1. включать в себя

  1. quality control

  1. требовать, запрашивать

  1. requirement

  1. контролировать, отслеживать

  1. to evaluate

  1. производство

  1. to set up

  1. устанавливать, основывать

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in Ex.1 and Ex.2.

  1. I need to update my address book.

  2. money for the family's maintenance

  3. He purchased a new suit for a hundred dollars.

  4. The situation is more complex than you realize.

  5. The photographer came early to set up his equipment.

  6. Students are planning their class schedules for next year.

  7. We're in a good position to monitor and respond to customer concerns.

  8. He has a job in television production.

  9. We need to evaluate our options.

  10. The novel concerns three soldiers.

Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

to be engaged in smth - заниматься чем-л.

formation – формирование, образование

advance - продвижение вперед, успех, прогресс, улучшение

to achieve – достигать

means о production - средства производства

tools - инструменты

roughly – грубо

Ex. 4.Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. The first socio-economic formation was the primitive-communal system, which covered the period of many hundred years.

  2. Man's first instruments were roughly chipped stones and sticks.

  3. The ancient world achieved considerable progress in economy and culture.

  4. Slave-owners possessed both the means of production and the people engaged in production.

  5. Later people learnt to make the simplest tools.

  6. With the advance of cattle-breeding and agriculture there arose a social division of labour: animal husbandry (скотоводство) separated from agriculture.

Ex. 5. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

значительный прогресс, средства производства, основа производственных отношений, социальное разделение труда, отделиться от, стало возможным использовать, захваченный пленник, рабовладелец, древний мир.

Ex. 6.Complete these sentences with the words given below and translate them into Russian:

to cover to possess to gather to achieve to learn to separate

  1. The ancient world ... considerable progress in economy and culture.

  2. Slave-owners ....both the means of production and the people engaged in production.

  3. The primitive-communal system .... the period of many hundred years.

  4. People ... nuts, wild fruit and berries.

  5. Then people ... to make the simplest tools.

  6. Animal husbandry ... from agriculture.

Read the text and translate it, using a dictionary, if necessary.

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