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Samara state railway university

The Samara State Railway University is one of the youngest state higher schools in the Samara Region. It trains qualified railway specialists for the Central European part of Russia. The University has a number of branches in such towns as Ufa, Orenburg, Orsk, and Rusayevka.

In 2013 our higher school will celebrate its 30th anniversary. In 1973 the first day-time applicants took entrance examinations. At that time there was only one faculty with 75 students. In 1975 it was divided into two faculties: Railway Construction and Railway Operation. With the railway transport development and modernization more and more qualified engineers of various specialties were required, that is why the number of students was increased.

At present about 12,000 students get higher education at day-time and extra-mural departments. Training is provided on 17 specializations such as: Railway Operation; Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities; Automation, Telemechanics and Communication; Diesel and Electric Locomotives; Railway Cars; Accountancy and Audit; Power Supply; Railway Economics; Track Construction and Maintenance Machines; Information Systems; Tunnels and Bridges; Electric Public Transport. Students of the extra-mural department have the opportunity to get higher education combining their work with study. They are provided with paid annual leaves of 30 to 40 days for attending lectures, taking tests and exams; as well as a 4 month leave for preparing their graduation projects.

The complete course of studies at our higher school lasts 5 or 6 years for the day-time and extra­mural students respectively. The academic year is divided into 2 terms: from September to January and from February to July. Tests and exams are taken at the end of each term. During the period of learning every student must pass 35-40 term exams, not counting written and oral tests. If the results of the examinations are good, students receive grants which are given by the state or the enterprise which has sent him or her to study. Those students who progress successfully and combine studies with scientific-technical activities are paid 25% more. Twice a year there are vacations – two weeks in winter and two months in summer. Comfortable hostels are provided for those students who come for studying from other places.

The work-load of a student, including his individual out-of-classes work, is planned to take up approximately 50-55 hours a week. The first- and second-year students study such general engineering subjects as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, and a number of others. The study of foreign languages is also included in the program. Moreover, the students of our University have a good chance to receive deep knowledge of English or German at language courses. In the third year students begin to study specialized subjects; special attention is paid to the development of students' abilities and skills in their chosen specialty. In the course of training, practical work occupies an exceptionally important place. Students have practical training in specially equipped labs and workshops and on the railway. The final year is devoted to working on a graduation project which is submitted to the State Examination Commission.

After the graduation from our University every student receives a diploma which gives him/her the right to work as an engineer, an economist, a manager or a book-keeper. For those students who want to continue their education this higher school has a post-graduate course.

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

  1. Университет готовит квалифицированных специалистов.

  2. Полный курс обучения в нашем ВУЗе длится 5 лет.

  3. После окончания университета каждый студент получает диплом.

  4. Для тех, кто хочет продолжить обучение, в нашем университете есть аспирантура.

  5. В программе обучения, практические занятия занимают очень важное место.

Grammar focus.

Формы глагола to be в настоящем времени (Present Indefinite)

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительно-отрицательная форма

I am

Am I?

I am not

Am I not?

He (she, it) is

Is he?

He is not

Is he not?

We (you, they) are

Are we?

We are not

Are we not?

Глагол to be многофункционален, он употребляется в качестве смыслового глагола, глагола-связки в составном именном сказуемом, вспомогательного глагола и эквивалента модального глагола must.

1. В роли смыслового глагола to be соответствует в русском языке глаголам «быть», «находиться». В этом случае в настоящем времени to be на русский язык часто не переводится, например:

Ann is at school. - Аня в школе.

2. В роли глагола-связки в составном именном сказуемом to be соответствует в русском языке глаголам «быть», «являться», «состоять», «заключаться». В настоящем времени связка на русский язык тоже часто не переводится:

I am is a student. - Я студент. (Я являюсь студентом.)

3. В роли вспомогательного глагола to be употребляется для образования всех времен группы Continuous и страдательного залога (Passive Voice). В этом случае to be не имеет самостоятельного значения, а выполняет лишь различные грамматические функции, являясь показателем времени, лица, числа, залога и т. д. Само же действие выражается смысловыми глаголами:

He is sitting at the table now. Он сидит за столом сейчас.

The house was built last month. Дом был построен в прошлом месяце.

4. Форма to be to выражает долженствование и является эквивалентом модального глагола must и переводится «быть обязанным (сделать что-л.)».

You are not to leave before I say so. — Ты не должен уходить, пока я тебе не разрешу.

Ex. 1. Insert the verb to be in Present Simple Tense.

1. He … a student. He … a good student. 2. His father … a doctor. 3. My mother … not a teacher. 4. … your sister a pupil? - Yes, she … . 5. They … at home now. 6. This … my house. 7. … they at school? - No, they … not at school. 8. … your father a pilot? - Yes, he … . 9. Nick … not a student. He … a pupil. He … at school now. 10. These men … drivers.

Ex. 2. Make up sentences using the following words.

  1. school at children are our.

  2. lesson the now am I at.

  3. are on the the table spoons?

  4. good Ziza friend a my student is.

  5. today fine is weather the.

  6. are sons married your?

  7. interested I work in am this.

  8. person not expert is a busy our.

Ex. 3. Correct some mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. Managing am a responsible and hard job. 2. Financial manager are a person who is responsible for finance. 3. The term "managers" applies to the people who is responsible for making and carrying out decisions within a certain system. 4. The Samara State Railway University are one of the youngest state higher schools in the Samara Region. 5. If the results of the examinations are good, students receive grants. 6. The main functions of management is planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling. 7. A top man am an upper level who guides and controls the overall activities of organization. 8. Decision making are choosing future courses of action from among alternatives. 9. Leadership and motivation is closely interconnected. 10. Management am a variety of specific activities.

Формы глагола to have в настоящем времени (Present Indefinite)

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I (you, we, they) have

  1. Do I have?

  1. I do not have

He (she, it) has

  1. Does he have?

  1. He does not have

Глагол to have употребляется в качестве смыслового, вспомогательного и модального глагола (эквивалент глагола must [m٨st] — должен).

1. В роли смыслового глагола to have соответствует в русском языке глаголам «иметь», «обладать», например:

I have a book.У меня есть книга. (Я имею книгу.)

She has a watch.У нее есть часы. (Она имеет часы.)

2. В роли вспомогательного глагола to have употребляется для образования времен группы Perfect в сочетании с причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II).

I have never heard about this. – Я никогда не слышал об этом.

3. В роли модального глагола to have (to) выражает необходимость совершения действия, вызванную обстоятельствами – должен, придется, вынужден. По смыслу близок модальному must (обязанность или необходимость с точки зрения говорящего).

When a problem exists a manager has to make a decision to solve it. – При возникновении проблем менеджер должен её решить.

Ex. 4. Insert the verb to have in Present Simple Tense.

1. He ... a large family. 2. He ... two pets at home. 3. They ... a very nice flat in Pskov. 4. Peter ... many friends here. 5. You ... many books at home. 6. Does she … any brothers? 7. My mother ... three children. 8. I ... two cousins. 9. She ... two brothers and a sister.

Ex. 5. Insert the appropriate form of verbs to be or to have in Present Simple Tense.

1. You ... welcome. 2. This station ... far from here. 3. It ... 5 o'clock now. 4. She ... a nice flat. 5. We ... a little child. 6. They ... a big car. It ... red. 7. How ... you? 8. How old ... Mary? 9. What country ... she from? 10. We ... well. 11. They ... a small cottage. It ... far away. 12. She ... at home. 13. He ... bad habits. 14. She ... 2 mistakes. 15. Her mistakes ... bad.

Ex.6. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. 1. У меня есть брат. 2. У Тома хорошая собака. 3. У него есть сестра и брат. 4. У наших родителей большая квартира. 5. У моей сестры много интересных книг.

  2. 1. У вас много книг дома? 2. У вашего друга есть машина? 3. У них большая семья? 4. У Анны есть дети? 5. У нас есть большой сад?

  3. 1. У нас нет телевизора. 2. У меня нет свободного времени. 3. У моего брата нет друзей в школе. 4. У этих детей нет хорошей одежды. 5. У них нет сегодня занятий.

IV. 1. Мне приходится рано вставать. 2. Нам нужно по-английски говорить? 3. Когда поезд должен прибыть? 4. Мы должны встретиться в 8. 5. Мне пришлось сказать ему правду.

Ex.7 Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. The University has a number of branches in such towns as Ufa, Orenburg, Orsk, and Rusayevka.

  2. Students of the extra-mural department have the opportunity to get higher education combining their work with study.

  3. Moreover, the students of our Academy have a good chance to receive deep knowledge of English or German at language courses.

  4. Students have practical training in specially equipped labs and workshops and on the railway.

  5. For those students who want to continue their education this higher school has a post-graduate course.

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