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Form of going to future






I am going to speak.

I am not going to speak.

Am I going to speak?

you / we / they

You are going to speak.

You are not going to speak.

Are you going to speak?

he / she / it

He is going to speak.

He is not going to speak.

Is he going to speak?

Ex 1. Complete the following sentences with to be going to.

  1. I _______ (to see) him later today.

  2. They _______ (to launch) it next month.

  3. We _______ (to have) lunch first.

  4. She _______ (to see) what she can do.

  5. I _______ (to talk) for very long.

  6. We ___________ (go) to the zoo after breakfast.

  7. I ___________ (take) my bath before dinner.

  8. The new school building ___________ (be) ready soon.

  9. Peter ___________ (to help) his grandmother on the farm.

  10. I ___________ (teach) you how to play chess.

Ex 2. Put the words in the correct order.

  1. holiday / go / to / on / aren’t / going / they


  1. worry / it / rain / . / going / don’t / is / to / not


  1. tell / answer / you / the / going / not / I’m / to


  1. aren’t / going / we / listen / to / to / him


  1. her / homework / isn’t / to / going / do / tonight / she


  1. to / you / going / holiday? / are / go / on


  1. to / going / is / what / do / tomorrow? / John


  1. to / going / next / you / year? / live / where / are


  1. change / to / going / their / are / they / image?


  1. see / film / going / where / to / you / are / the


Ex 3. Add the sentences with the verbs in brackets using Future Simple or Going to:

1    A: Have you finished your essay yet?       B: No, but I'm sure I ..... (finish) it on time.

2    A: I have decided what to wear for the party.       B: Really? What ..........(wear), then?

3    A: Why do you need hot soapy water?       B: Because I..........    (wash) the car.

4    A: Did you post those letters?       B: No, I forgot. I.........(post) them this afternoon.

5    A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?       B: Yes, but I don't expect it...........(be) busy.

6    A: I'm hungry.       B: Me too. I..........    (make) us something to eat.

7    A: What are you doing this weekend?       B: Oh, I..........(probably/visit) my grandparents.

8    A: Look at that dog!       B: Oh yes! It ............(swim) across the river.

9    A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?       B: Yes. He ...............(work) for his father when he leaves school.

10    A: Are you going into town today?         B: Yes. I...........(give) you a lift if you like.

Ex 4. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use to be going to or Future Simple.

  1. She __________ to the stadium. (not/to walk)

  2. __________ you __________ to London? (to fly)

  3. John _________ anything. (not/to eat)

  4. __________ she __________ at a campsite? (to stay)

  5. What __________ you __________ tomorrow? (to do)

  6. I __________ Dennis tonight. (not/to see)

  7. __________ Alexander ___________ the next bus? (to take)

  8. They ____________ football in the gym. (not/to play)

  9. When __________ you __________ me the book back? (to give)

  10. Angela __________ a week in Poland. (to spend)

Ex. 5. Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

1. Через два часа я буду смотреть телевизор. 2. Вы купите эту картину завтра. 3. Он будет иг­рать в компьютерные игры завтра. 4. На следующей не­деле вы будете покупать холодильник? 5. Каникулы начнутся через неделю. 6. Он не будет учиться в университете в следующем году. 7. Будете ли вы отвечать на вопросы? 8. Завтра утром мы будем плавать в бассейне. 9. Весь месяц в следующем году мы будем посещать эти занятия. 10. Я собираюсь написать своей сестре завтра. 11. Она собирается стать учителем. 12. Ты собираешься оставаться в деревне до конца месяца? 13. Он пойдёт с нами в кино? 14. Вы что-то делаете завтра? 15. Она сдаёт экзамен в среду.


Ex. 1. Copy and memorize the following terms.


Summarize – суммировать, обобщать

Choose - выбирать

Flexibility – гибкость, пластичность

Ability – способность, возможность

to adapt – адаптировать, уподоблять

data flow – поток данных

asset – активы, имущество, средства

wipe out – уничтожать

temporary – временный

advantage – преимущество, положительная сторона

Ex. 2. Match the English terms in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.


  1. c ompetitive

  1. оценивать

  1. to be aware

  1. избыток, излишек

  1. to gauge

  1. получить

  1. to evaluate

  1. уменьшаться, убывать

  1. to gain

  1. возрастать, увеличиваться

  1. share

  1. оценивать, определять

  1. excess

  1. доля, акция

  1. to rate

  1. конкурентный

  1. to decrease

  1. количество

  1. to increase

  1. оценивать, измерять, градуировать

  1. quantity

  1. знать, сознавать, быть осведомленным

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in Ex.1 and Ex.2.

  1. I would like to take a moment to summarize the facts that I presented earlier.

  2. The boss is worried about quantity as well as quality.

  3. The political party chose a leader.

  4. They chose her as the team captain.

  5. The delay is only temporary.

  6. The settlers built temporary shelters.

  7. He accurately gauged the mood of the voters.

  8. I was gauging her reaction to the news.

  9. Speed is an advantage in most sports.

  10. Our schedule for the weekend is very flexible.

Ex. 4.A. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

to negotiate - договариваться, обсуждать условия to

justify - оправдывать, объяснять

to deliberate - обдумывать, взвешивать

assets - имущество, активы

expense - трата, расход

Ex. 4.B. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. Labour is any work performed for an employer at a negotiated rate while profit is the surplus which accumulates as a result of productive work.

  2. The employer obtains this surplus after he pays the necessary expense of his business and the wages of his employees.

  3. If the business is successful, the risk has been justified and the invested capital earns part of the profits as a return on the investment.

  4. The capital which people provide to help new business is an accumulation of previous surpluses on previous business activities. In this way the past is used to finance the future. Such capital is accumulated by a deliberate policy of saving surpluses.

  5. In general, capital can be defined as (1) a factor of production (for example, machinery or cash); (2) the assets possessed by a person, a company or a nation.

Ex. 5. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

a negotiated rate, a result of productive work, to share the surplus, to pay for, other items, to bear risk, the risk has been justified, as a return on the investment, previous business activities, a deliberate policy of saving surpluses, to create capital, the assets possessed by a person.

Ex. 6. Make 5-7 sentences using the new items of vocabulary of this lesson.

Read the text and translate it, using a dictionary, if necessary.


Production management's responsibilities are summarized by the "five M's":

men, machines, methods, materials, and money.

"Men" refers to the human element in operating systems. Since the majority of manufacturing personnel work in the physical production of goods, "people management" is one of the production manager's most important responsibilities.

Production managers must also choose the machines and methods of the company, first selecting the equipment and technology to be used in the manufacture of the product or service and then planning and controlling the methods and procedures for their use. The flexibility of the production process and the ability of workers to adapt to equipment and schedules are important issues in this phase of production management.

The production manager's responsibility for materials includes the management of flow processes-both physical (raw materials) and information (paperwork). The smoothness of resource movement and data flow is determined largely by the fundamental choices made in the design of the product and in the process to be used.

The manager's concern for money is explained by the importance of financing and asset utilization to most manufacturing organizations. A manager who allows excessive inventories to build up or who achieves production level and steady operation by sacrificing good customer service and timely delivery runs the risk that overinvestment or high current costs will wipe out any temporary competitive advantage that might have been obtained.

Ex. 7.Answer some questions on the Text:

  1. What are the main responsibilities of production manager? Name them.

  2. What does "five M's" mean?

  3. What methods have been developed to solve production management problems?

  4. What problems characterize most of today's production operations?

Ex. 8. Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending of it.



Production management's responsibilities are summarized by

is explained by the importance of financing and asset utilization to most manufacturing organizations

The manager's concern for money

the management of flow processes-both physical (raw materials) and information (paperwork)

Production managers must also

choose the machines and methods of the company, first selecting the equipment and technology to be used in the manufacture of the product or service and then planning and controlling the methods and procedures for their use

Since the majority of manufacturing personnel work in the physical production of goods,

"people management" is one of the production manager's most important responsibilities

The production manager's responsibility for materials includes

the "five M's":

men, machines, methods, materials, and money

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