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The future continuous tense

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

...  + shall/will be + IV

Shall/Will ... be  IV ?

... shall/will not be  IV



shall/will be playing.

=( I'll be playing)

Я буду (Мы будем) играть. (в то время, когда)





be playing?

 Буду ли я (Будем ли мы) играть?



shall/will not be playing

=(shan't be playing)

Я не буду (Мы не будем) играть.






will be playing

=(...'ll be playing)







be playing?






will not be playing

=(won't be playing)


Ex.1 Make the Future Continuous tense.

  1. Peggy __________ to the party on Saturday. (to come)

  2. We __________ him tomorrow. (to meet)

  3. This time next week he __________ to South Africa. (to fly)

  4. At 6 o'clock on Friday they __________ the new song. (to sing)

  5. It ________ when I reach Bangkok. (to rain)

  6. Tomorrow at nine I ___________ a test. (to write)

  7. Andy __________ a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)

  8. You _________ pizza soon. (to eat)

  9. She ___________ when you telephone her. (to sleep)

  10. They __________ in Budapest just about now. (to arrive)

Ex 2. Open the brackets using the Future Continuous tense.

1. He ______ (wait) for quite some time. 2. Tomorrow at this time I ________ (dance) at a party. 3. Next week at this time I ________ (sunbathe) at the beach. 4. At 5 o'clock you _______ (help) you brother. 5. This evening at 8 o'clock, she _______ (watch) a movie with her friends. 6. Nicole _______ (have) a hard time. 7. We _______ (smile), and they ________ (cry). 8. Rebecca ________ (clean) the house, and John _______ (wash) the dishes. 9. Tonight they ________ (talk), _________ (dance) and _______ (have) a good time. 10. Tomorrow we ______ (rest) and ________ (have) fun.

Ex 3. Imagine that you're a businessman with a busy day tomorrow. Write down 7 things that you will be doing tomorrow. Start with 8 am. E.g.: "I will be going to a conference tomorrow at 10 am."

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________________

Ex 4. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using the Future Continuous tense.

  1. A: I wonder if the kids are enjoying the party?

  2. B: They __________________ havoc, I'm sure. (to cause)

  3. A: Sara and Marc are in Somerset.

  4. B: They __________________ a great time. (to have)

  5. Hopefully tomorrow, we __________________ on the beach all day. (to lie)

  6. If I know my brother, he __________________ hard about what to do next. (to think)

  7. This time tomorrow, I __________________ class to 20 spotty adolescents. (to give)

  8. What _____  you _____________ in a year from now? (to do)

  9. Clare's idea proved disastrous. I __________________ her advice again. (to take NEGATIVE)

  10. Before long, he __________________ you for more money again. (to ask)

  11. If I know my boss, she __________________ better sales figures than that. (to expect)

  12. This time tomorrow, we __________________ on a train to Barcelona. (to sit)

Ex. 5. Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

1. Целый месяц в прошлом году он не посещал лекции. 2. Что ты делал все утро вчера? 3. Разные преподаватели посещали уроки молодого учителя всю прошлую неделю. 4. Строители возводили этот дом весь прошлый год. 5. С двух до пяти он сидел в своей комнате. 6. В это время вчера я играл. 7. Я писал сочинение, когда раздался стук в дверь. 8. Он работал за компьютером, когда отключили свет. 9. Джо готовил на кухне, в то время как я накрывал стол в саду. 10. В 10 часов вечера Ненси возвращалась с вечеринки. 11. Он не может прийти завтра в 2 часа, поэтому что он будет работать в саду в это время. 12. Когда я вернусь, они будут ужинать. 13. Я буду смотреть телевизор, когда он вернется. 14. Если вы придете после десяти часов, я буду спать. 15. Мы будем ждать вас у памятника.

LESSON 8 An effective manager

Ex. 1. Copy and memorize the following terms.


to estimate – оценить, оценивать

accuracy - точность

forecast – прогноз, анонс

crucial - решающий

errors – ошибки, просчеты

budget - бюджет

growth - рост

capabilities - возможности

to supplement - дополнять

Ex. 2. Match the English terms in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.



  1. n onprofit organization

  1. руководитель программы

  1. program director

  1. навыки

  1. executive director

  1. усилия

  1. employee

  1. некоммерческая организация

  1. Skills

  1. видение, представление

  1. efforts

  1. правление

  1. board

  1. иметь отношение, относиться; касаться

  1. Vision

  1. работник, служащий

  1. to refer to

  1. директор-распорядитель

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in Ex.1 and Ex.2.

  1. They estimated the distance at about three miles.

  2. We need to estimate how much paint we'll need for the job.

  3. Each experiment is performed twice to ensure accuracy.

  4. What's the average weekly budget for a family of five?

  5. The film has a million-dollar budget.

  6. The device has the capability of recording two television channels at once.

  7. The company will hire a new director of marketing.

  8. She's the director of graduate studies at the university.

  9. She's considered one of the best young directors in Hollywood.

  10. I saw a notice on the board calling for volunteers.

Ex. 4. A. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

three-storey - трехслойный

independently – независимо, самостоятельно

overall - общий

to hand down - выносить

day-to-day – ежедневно, изо дня в день

Ex. 4. B. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. Each organization can be represented as a three-storey structure or a pyramid.

  2. A middle man is a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed down from the top level.

  3. They spend most of their time working with employees, answering questions, solving day-to-day problems.

  4. Management can be defined as all the activities and tasks undertaken by one or more persons for the purpose of planning and controlling the activities of others in order to achieve an objective or complete an activity that could not be achieved by the others acting independently.

  5. A top man is an upper level who guides and controls the overall activities of organization.

Ex. 5. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

ordinarily, performance level of the offer, level of quality, to be aware, presumed quality level, to gain market share, discount pricing, pharmaceuticals, to evaluate.

Ex. 6. Complete these sentences with the words given below in appropriate form and translate the sentences into Russian:

economical, economic, available, productive, to increase, basis, to decrease, to be concerned with

  1. This technique is very ...: you won't need much money and personnel.

  2. This is a purely . . . . approach, we must consider other aspects of the problem.

  3. Unfortunately, there is little information …….. on this interesting subject.

  4. Why is this organization more……than that one?

  5. ……. productivity you should introduce new methods of financial management.

  1. Let's take this concept as .... of our further research.

  2. This chapter……. the most important processes within an organization.

  3. The member of jobs in industry .... and unemployment rate consequently

Read the text and translate it, using a dictionary, if necessary.

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