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Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст. Передайте на английском языке основную информацию каждого абзаца.

Economy of the United States



United States Dollar (USD)

Labor force

154.5 million

Export goods

agricultural products (soybeans, fruit, corn) , industrial supplies (organic chemicals), capital goods (transistors, aircraft, motor vehicle parts, computers, telecommunications equipment), consumer goods (automobiles, medicines) ( )

Import goods

agricultural products, industrial supplies (crude oil 8.2%), capital goods (computers, telecommunications equipment, motor vehicle parts, office machines, electric power machinery), consumer goods (automobiles, clothing, medicines, furniture, toys) ( )

1. The economy of the United States has been the world's largest national economy since 1944 and remains the world's largest manufacturer, representing 19% of the world's manufacturing output. Historically, the U.S. economy has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a low unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment funded by both national and, because of decreasing saving rates, increasingly by foreign investors.

2. A central feature of the U.S. economy is the economic freedom afforded to the private sector by allowing the private sector to make the majority of economic decisions in determining the direction and scale of what the U.S. economy produces. This is enhanced by relatively low levels of regulation and government involvement, as well as a court system that generally protects property rights and enforces contracts.

3.From its emergence as an independent nation, the United States has encouraged science and innovation. As a result, the United States has been the birthplace of 161 of Britannica's 321 Great Inventions, including items such as the airplane, internet, microchip, laser, cellphone, refrigerator, email, microwave, LCD and LED technology, air conditioning, assembly line, supermarket, bar code, electric motor, and ATM. The United States is rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, and it is fortunate to have a moderate climate. It also has extensive coastlines on both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as on the Gulf of Mexico.

4. The number of workers and, more importantly, their productivity help determine the health of the U.S. economy. Throughout its history, the United States has experienced steady growth in the labor force, a phenomenon that is both cause and effect of almost constant economic expansion. The promise of high wages brings many highly skilled workers from around the world to the United States. 5. In the United States, the corporation has emerged as an association of owners, known as stockholders, who form a business enterprise governed by a complex set of rules and customs. Today in the era of globalization, American investors and corporations have influence all over the world. While consumers and producers make most decisions that mold the economy, government has a powerful effect on the U.S. economy. The government promoted economic growth through protective tariffs and subsidies to industry, built infrastructure, and established banking policies, including the gold standard, to encourage savings and investment in productive enterprises.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с максимально возможной скоростью

2A. Panel of experts -ставки прогрессивной оплаты – chief executive – собственный капитал (предприятия) – hostile takeover – антимонопольное законодательство – dead hand – в сущности – be ousted from - изобретение с патентом – luxury goods - розничные цены – surge – индекс Доу Джонса – joint venture – управление активами - brokerage service – брокерские операции с ценными бумагами – to bail out a company – объявить себя банкротом – regulator/ regulatory agency


2B. Группа специалистов – incentive-pay rates – главный управляющий – net worth – поглощение компании путем скупки акций – antitrust legislation – владение без права передачи- in effect – быть вытесненным – invention with a patient – предметы роскоши - consumer prices – подниматься ( о ценах) - Dow Jones industrial average – совместное предприятие – asset management - брокерские услуги – securities brokerage – помогать компании – to file for bankruptcy – орган регулирования и надзора

Упражнение 4. Выполните перевод с листа

Business Non-Stop — 2(А.П.Чужакин. МИР ПЕРЕВОДА-3,2005, стр 78 – 94)

1. The European Commission's panel of experts recommended that the European Union should decide not to approve of Boeing's merger with McDonnell Douglas, though it has been given the go-ahead by American antitrust regulators.

* * *British Telecommunications which is due to merge with MCI Communications in a $21 billion deal, expressed "surprise and disappointment" that the American telecoms group would lose $800 m this year — double what was expected — on its local telephone operations. MCI said its expansion plans were well known to ВТ.

2. John Walter resigned after only eight months as AT&T's president. The board had refused to back him to become the telecom giant's next chief executive.

* * *Bill Gates is by far the richest businessman in the world, according Forbes magazine, which reckons his net worth has soared by $ 18 billion during the past year. Of the 200 people on the magazine's super-rich list, 60 are American, 56 Asian, and only 44 are to be found in Europe.

3. Britain's ICI sold S3 billion worth of its industrial-chemicals business to DuPont, America's biggest chemicals group. ICI also sold a 62% stake in ICI Australia for £1 billion ($1.68 billion). The cash from these sales will help to finance ICI's £4.9 billion purchase of Unilever's speciality-chemicals business.

* * *An American federal court upheld the use of "dead hand" poison pills as a tactic in defending companies against hostile takeovers. The controversial tactic in effect gives directors of companies the power to thwart a takeover even after they have been ousted from their positions by shareholders.

4.Advanced Tissue Sciences, an American biotechnology company claimed it would soon be able to grow a human heart in the laboratory. The company has already managed to grow heart valves, heart muscles, blood vessels and human finger joints. The European Parliament approved on first reading a law that would harmonise national patent legislation on genetic engineering, and would allow continent-wide patents for genetic inventions.

5. Bernard Arnault, the chairman of France's luxury-goods group LVMH, proposed merging his company's wine and spirits business with those of Guinness and Grand Metropolitan. The merger would create a group with sales of £7.4 billion ($12.4 billion). Mr Arnault, who has opposed the planned merger of Guinness and GrandMet , is Guinness’s biggest shareholder. Since the announced merger, he has also acquired 6.4% of Grand Metropolitan.

6. For the fourth consecutive month, American consumer prices rose by only 0.1% below expectations. For the first six months this year consult prices climbed by an annualised 1.4%, the smallest rise for 11 yeas. America's stockmarket surged in response. The Dow Jones industrial average rose past 8,000 for the first time.

* * * The number of companies filing for bankruptcy in Japan rose by 10.4% to 7,857 in the first six months of this year, which is the highest level in the past 11 years.

7. Swiss Bank Corporation and Japan's Long-Term Credit Bank announced a joint venture. The two banks plan to create an investment, banking and asset-management business in Japan. SBC is expected to invest about $850m in the alliance. SBC also announced a joint venture in Russia, where it plans to combine its corporate-finance business Brunswick Investment, a Moscow securities brokerage.

* * * South Korea's banks agreed to bail out the troubled Kia Group, which owns the country's third-largest car maker. The group had debts of 9.5 trillion won ($10.6 billion) at the end of this month.

Упражнение 5. Выполните устный перевод с опорой на текст

Two-way Interpreting ( Dialogue and Liason Translation ) (А.П.Чужакин. Мир перевода -3. 2005,Стр. 121- 135)

Interview with Y. Kurbatov,

Deputy head of Kotlovka District Local Administration, Moscow

Q: According to Russian statistics many major enterprises especially in heavy industry are in the red, but small and medium-size business are booming, at least in Moscow. How can you account for that?

А: Если ответить коротко, то это связано с реалиями нынешней экономической ситуации. В то время как наши промышленные гиганты лежат на боку, остается одна надежда на малый бизнес. Первыми это поняли в Москве. Всего в России сейчас 500 малых предприятий. Из них около 200 тысяч приходится на столицу. Москва дает сегодня примерно 16% валового продукта России. Половина из этого приходится на малые предприятия.

Q: These figures sound quite impressive. In what spheres is small business especially active and how do municipal authorities interact with local entrepreneurs?

А: Давайте разберемся. Самая главная наша задача — эксплуатация и содержание (maintenance) жилого фонда (housing). Сегодня все 280 строений района, четыре участка эксплуатируют коммерческие структуры. За четыре последних года мы накопили определенный опыт работы с ними. Проходят еженедельные встречи с их руководителями. Мы проводим ежегодный конкурс подрядных организаций (contractors).

Q: What about retail trade? It looks like small shops and mini­markets are mushrooming in the city, aren't they? And could you say a few words about service sector as well?

А: Еще одна сфера здесь — торговля и бытовое обслуживание (catering services). Здесь тоже действуют исключительно малые предприятия. Они мобильнее, работают более гибко, ответственно. Показательный факт: за три года в районе в два раза выросло количество магазинов. В шесть раз увеличилась мелкая розница. Полностью восстановлена сеть бытового обслуживания. Это не могло не сказаться на уровне жизни (living standards) населения. Понятно, чем больше магазинов, тем ниже цены. Можно сказать, что в основном вся инфраструктура района — это предприятия малого бизнеса. От того, как мы с ними работа­ем, во многом зависит и санитарно-техническое состояние рай­она, и его внешний облик, и культура обслуживания населения.

Упражнение 6. Выполните подготовленный перевод с листа ( Мешков-Лэмберт)



1. «Для нас главная проблема заключа­лась в том, чтобы понять, какую продук­цию будет наиболее выгодно выпус­кать,—заявил корреспонденту "Капита­ла" Григорий Токмачев, сотрудник служ­бы маркетинга электромеханического за­вода "Авангард" из Арзамаса-16.—А так как на предприятии было множество спе­циалистов различных профессий, то ре­шили поставить сразу на несколько видов продукции».

Начал «Авангард» с мебели (кухон­ной и мягкой), а также светильников. За­тем появились автомобильные прицепы, причем для их запуска в серию пришлось создавать дополнительный цех. Чуть по­зже на предприятии начали собирать про­тивоугонные устройства.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... для нас главная проблема заключалась в том, чтобы ...

  2. ... а так как на предприятии было множество специалистов различных профессий ...

2.Но пиком конверсионной деятельно­сти ядерщиков стала различная медицин­ская техника—аппараты «искусственная почка» и блок очистки крови. «Спрос на все эти товары достаточно велик—люди привыкли к тому, что «оборонка» делает надежные вещи»,—говорит г-н Токмачев. Для «Авангарда» конверсия была особен­но важна потому, что доля военного зака­за на предприятии превышала 50%, а основной продукцией были различные компоненты ядерного оружия. Кстати, полностью уходить от производства обо­ронной продукции предприятие показе намерено—тем более, что принятие таких решений от него не зависит.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... спрос на все эти товары достаточно велик- ...

  1. ... доля военного заказа превышала

50% ...

3. Однако в закрытых городах России существует и немало предприятий, кото­рые либо вообще не производили военной техники, либо эта техника ничем не отли­чалась от гражданских образцов.

К примеру. Уральский автомотор­ный завод, расположенный в Свердловске-44 и в настоящее время входящий в АМО ЗИЛ, всегда выпускал двигатели для грузовиков, а также сами грузови­ки, 30% которых переоборудовалось для армейских нужд. Причем главная проб­лема заключалась в том, что технологи­ями экстра-класса предприятие не рас­полагало.

«Поэтому в настоящее время, когда на военные нужды приходится лишь 6—7% продукции, а на товары народного потреб­ления перестроиться с грузовиков достаточ­но сложно, завод очень болезненно реагиру­ет на малейшие изменения конъюнктуры», —объясняет Борис Фоменко, руководи­тель группы маркетинга коммерческо-бытового отдела УАМЗа.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... ничем1 не отличалась ...

  2. ... а также сами грузовики ...

  3. ... очень болезненно реагируют ...

  4. .. конъюнктура ...

4. Предприятиям « закрытых» городов все же труднее находить свою нишу на рынке, чем другим компаниям. По сло­вам г-на Фоменко, основная трудность за­ключается в отсутствии информации о предприятиях, которые в течение долгого времени как бы и не существовали. Кроме того, в «закрытые» города, часто располо­женные в глубокой провинции, очень не­просто доставлять дорожающие комплек­тующие.

Очень трудно организовывать и согла­совывать вызовы в «закрытые» места партнеров, особенно из-за рубежа, про­должает г-н Назаров. «Компетентные ор­ганы» до сих пор боятся шпионов и каж­дый запрос «мурыжато по полтора-три месяца.

Что же касается специфических плю­сов работы в «закрытых городах», то это, по мнению представителей предприя­тий,—спокойствие. «Своих преступников уже давно держим под контролем, а «га­стролеров» у нас нет,—объясняет г-н Токмачев.—Да и с промышленным шпиона­жем у нас все блестяще. Его просто нет.

«The main challenge we faced was to determine which products would be the most profitable to manafacture,— was what the reporter of "Kapital" was told by Grigoriy Tokmachev, an employee of the marketing department at the Avangard Electrical and Mechanical Plant in Arzamas-16. —Since the plant had hired many people of various trades, we decided to manufacture several types of products simultaneously».

«Avangard» began with the kitchen and soft furniture as well as lamps. Next came caravans whose mass-production called for an additional shop. Somewhat later we started assembling anti-theft de­vices.

Translator'a Decisions

  1. ... the main challenge we faced was ...

  2. ... since the plant had hired many people of various trades ...

But the peak of conversion for nuclear workers proved to be medical equip­ment—-artificial kidney and blood purifi­cation apparatus. Mr.Tokmachev says that all their goods are in good demand as peo­ple have got accustomed to the fact that the defence industry makes reliable things. For the Avangard factory conver­sion was especially important as military orders represented just over 50%, the products being mainly components for nu­clear weapons. Incidentally, Avangard does not as yet intend to withdraw fully from making defence products, jaarijcu-larly as it has no right to make such a de­cision.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... all their goods are in good demand ...

  2. ... military orders represented just over 50% ...

However, Russia's «closed» towns have many enterprises which either made no military equipment at all or the equip­ment they did make was identical to that used in the civilian market.

For example, the Urals Motor-Engine Plant in S-44, which now belongs to the ZIL firm, had always produced lorry en­gines as well as the actual lorries, 30% of which were adopted for military purposes. The main problem was that the firm had no highly-sophisticated production tech­niques at its disposal.

«This is why, when only 6—7% of our production is for military needs, and it is rather difficult to change from manufac­turing lorries, the factory responds very painfully to even the slightest change in the state of the market», explained B.Fomenko, manager of the marketing team at the sales department of the Urals Motor-engine Plant.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... was identical ...

  2. ... as well as the actual lorries ...

  3. ... responds very painfully ...

  4. ... the state of the market ...

It is still more difficult for factories in «closed» towns to find their niche in the market than it is for other companies. According to Mr.Fomenko, the main diffi­culty is the lack of information on firms which had for such a long time «never ex­isted». Besides, many towns are located in the remote provinces and this makes it difficult to ensure supplies of components that are constantly increasing in price.

«It is very difficult to organize and co-ordinate official invitations to the «closed» towns of the business partners, especially from abroad», Mr.Nazarov con­tinued. The authorities are still afraid of spies and each and every request for invi­tation is deliberately delayed for six to twelve weeks.

As to the advantages of working in a «closed» town, these, according to the firm's representatives, boil down to a quiet life. «We have for a long time con­trolled our own criminals, and we do not have visiting ones,—Mr.Tokmachev ex­plained.—And as for industrial espio­nage—it just doesn't exist».

Упражнение 7. (Е.В. Бреус. Теория и практика перевода с английского на русский)


Упражнение 8. Выполните последовательный устный перевод.

Хочешь быть богатым – следуй народным приметам

Чтобы поправить своё материальное положение, совсем не обязательно много работать. Достаточно соблюдать народные приметы, которые точно указывают, что надо делать, чтобы водились деньги.

Стол. Стол (круглый, квадратный, овальный или любой другой формы) выполняет посредническую функцию между миром реальным и потусторонним. А это значит, что брошенная на него мелочь или ключи от дома непосредственно попадают в мир иной. Так что ничего удивительного, что у человека, передавшего в такое место «ключ от квартиры, где деньги лежат» возникают финансовые трудности. Перестаньте бросать ключи на стол. Под скатерть положите парочку купюр. Деньги непременно начнут умножаться и накапливаться.

Пустота. Очень опасны для денег и благополучия пустота и все, что ее символизирует. Поэтому пустая бутылка - предмет, на столе совершенно неуместный. Один из символов пустоты — свист. Следовательно свист в доме недопустим. Еще одним аналогом пустоты служит все голое, неприкрытое. Поэтому сметать крошки со стола голой ладонью — иначе к безденежью. Руку надо покрывать тряпкой, а стол — скатертью.

Мусор. Любой мусор соотносится с категорией потустороннего. Подметите полы. Учтите, что веник в доме должен быть только один, покупая его, нельзя торговаться, а хранить нужно обязательно вверх метелкой, а не ручкой. Мести надо от порога, иначе все деньги выметешь.

Исполнивши все выше перечисленное, садитесь и ждите результата.

Упражнение 9. Прочтите текст, восстанавливая пропущенные буквы. Сделайте устный перевод по одному предложению.

Телепузиков придумали под кокаином Сара Грэм, бывший продюсер канала Children's BBC, создавшего такие программы, как «Телепузики» и обучающий мультфильм «Маззи», созналась, что эти и другие программы были придуманы под воздействием галлюциногенов.

Об этом бывшая сотрудница BBC сообщила в интервью Daily Mail. По словам Грэм, кокаин коллеги предложили ей в первый же день работы. Вскоре она плотно подсела на «крэк» и героин. Самое интересное в этой истории то, что руководство BBC не только не боролось с наркоманией на рабочих местах, но и всячески поощряла подконтрольных психонавтов за нестандартное мышление и выплачивало им отдельные премии за новые идеи. В принципе, уже давно были подозрения, что зеленый монстр Мази, злодей Ковекс и все четыре Телепузика придуманы не самым здоровым сознанием.

Упражнение 10. Article

Old Cars in Cuba: Nurtured but Not Loved

Wherever you go in Havana, you'll find classic American cars plying the streets. Cars that look American on the outside often have Russian parts inside. Maintaining these vintage cars can be very time consuming for their owners. It's been difficult for many Cubans to purchase new cars since Castro took over in the late 50s, and countless families have managed to maintain the cars they possessed prior to the revolution. This has turned Havana into a classic car fanatic's paradise. About 150,000 cars existed at the time of the 1959 revolution, shortly after which the Detroit auto giants and all American manufacturers were forced to stop sending goods to Cuba to conform to the United States' embargo. Freshly painted four-door 1956 Chevy Bel Air car is far more typical than the ones that art directors love to put on the covers of books about Cuba to evoke a melancholy feeling. Movies about Cuba like "Buena Vista Social Club" turn the jalopies into objects of nostalgia by panning lovingly over a wheel-less Chrysler here or a Plymouth stalled in traffic there. Yet to get dewy-eyed about old American cars in Cuba is to get whimsical about our trade embargo against the island.

There is a feeling abroad in the land that Cubans love old American cars. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cubans love new American cars, not old ones, but the newest ones that they can get their hands on are 45 years old.To own one of these vintages, known as cacharros, or less commonly, bartavias, in Cuba defines who you are, how you spend your time and how you wish to be known. When your plugs don't spark, when a faulty brake line can't be repaired, when your engine sputters into a coma, when you run into any difficulty, you fabricate the equipment yourself, share with a friend, buy from a stranger. Or you put your car on blocks until the right part appears the next day, month or year. But when your motor purrs, when you accelerate effortlessly from second to third gear, when the doors click into place, you momentarily forget your difficulties and glide for blocks with a prideful smile, until you inevitably run into one of regular problems. Could there be a more appealing metaphor for today's Cuba than cars from yesterday's America?

Cuba nicely exploits the fleeting nostalgia that envelopes foreigners when they first visit the island, so much that a government agency rents spiffy reconditioned old convertibles for visitors to tool around in. Capitalizing on the past is a time-honored enterprise throughout the world, and Cuba is simply taking advantage of its own limited resources. Most resourceful are the shade-tree mechanics who create parts. A 2002 film, "Yank Tanks," profiles these "doctors," who think nothing of transplanting a Czech engine under a Buick hood or a Russian carburetor within a De Soto chassis. One fellow fabricates chrome bumpers on his patio, while another makes brake shoes in his home workshop.

I once saw a functioning 1934 Plymouth on the streets of Sancti Spíritus, a town of about 100,000 in the country's interior, and I know how that sensation of visiting a living museum of old cars can unexpectedly creep up on you. Informally, when Cuba hands sit around and consider the opportunities that could arise when the United States and Cuba return to their senses, some fantasize about getting into construction or electronics, industries that may burst wide open.

Tom Miller


Упражнение 1. Прослушайте предложение и повторите с максимально возможной точностью.

Ten best paid job categories

1.Directors and chief executives of major organisations. Average annual salary: £115,576

Job titles include: Chief executive, company director, general manager, managing director

2.Medical practitioners. Average annual salary: £78,366

Job titles include: Anaesthetist, doctor, hospital consultant, GP, physician, psychiatrist, psycho-analyst, registrar, surgeon.

3.Senior officials in national government. Average annual salary: £68,283

Job titles include: Assistant secretary, diplomat, MEP, MP, permanent secretary.

4.Brokers.Average annual salary: £61,117

Job titles include: Commodity trader, financial broker, foreign exchange dealer, insurance broker, shipbroker, stockbroker.

5.Air traffic controllers Average annual salary: £60,548

Job titles include: Air traffic controller, controller of aircraft, flight planner, ground movement controller.

6.Financial managers and chartered secretaries. Average annual salary: £58,295

Job titles include: Company registrar, company treasurer, credit manager, finance manager, financial director, merchant banker.

7.Senior officials in local government. Average annual salary: £55,921

Job titles include: Chief executive of local government, town clerk.

8.Police officers (inspectors and above).Average annual salary: £53,937

Job titles include: Assistant chief constable, chief constable, chief inspector, chief superintendent, deputy chief constable.

9.IT strategy and planning professionals. Average annual salary: £50,143

Job titles include: Computer consultant, software consultant.

10.Solicitors and lawyers, judges and coroners. Average annual salary: £48,908

Job titles include: Articled clerk, barrister, coroner, judge, solicitor.