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Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст. Передайте на английском языке основную информацию каждого абзаца.

Economy of Chile




Chilean peso (CLP)

Labour force

7.30 million (ariculture & mining: 12.6%, industry: 21.8%, services: 65.6%)

Export goods

copper, fruit, fish products, paper and pulp, chemicals, wine (China U.S. Japan Brazil Mexico )

Import goods

petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, electrical and telecommunications equipment, industrial machinery, vehicles, natural gas (U.S., China , Argentina , Brazil , South Korea)

1.Prior to arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century, northern Chile was under Inca rule while the indigenous Mapuche inhabited central and southern Chile. Chile declared its independence from Spain on February 12, 1818. Chile endured the 17-year long military dictatorship (1973–1990) of Augusto Pinochet that left more than 3,000 people dead or missing. In a plebiscite on October 5, 1988, General Pinochet was denied a second 8-year term as president (56% against 44%). New president, Christian Democrat Patricio Aylwin, received an absolute majority of votes (55%). President Aylwin served from 1990 to 1994, in what was considered a transition period. Today, Chile is one of South America's most stable and prosperous nations and a recognized middle power (not superpowers or great powers, but still have large or moderate influence and international recognition).

2. The Global Competitiveness Report ranks Chile as being the 30th most competitive country in the world and the first in Latin America, well above from Brazil (56th), Mexico (60th) and Argentina which ranks 85th. In spite of this, Chile still suffers from many problems common in Latin America, ranking higher than such countries as Mexico in terms of economic inequality and unemployment rate. Chile's economy is highly dependent on international trade. Chile has traditionally been dependent upon copper exports; the state-owned firm CODELCO is the world's largest copper-producing company. Foreign private investment has developed many new mines, and the private sector now produces more copper than CODELCO. The most important non-mineral exports are forestry and wood products, fresh fruit and processed food, fishmeal and seafood, and other manufactured products. Total public and private investment in the Chilean economy has remained high despite current economic difficulties.

3. The government recognizes the necessity of private investment to boost worker productivity. Chile's welcoming attitude toward foreign direct investment is codified in the country's Foreign Investment Law, which gives foreign investors the same treatment as Chileans. Registration is simple and transparent, and foreign investors are guaranteed access to the official foreign exchange market to repatriate their profits and capital. The government also is encouraging diversification, including such non-traditional exports as fruit, wine, and fish to reduce the relative importance of basic traditional exports such as copper, timber, and other natural resources. Chile leads Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness, income per capita, globalization, economic freedom, and low perception of corruption. It also ranks high regionally in freedom of the press and democratic development.

Упражнение 3. Выполните устный перевод с опорой на текст

Two-way Interpreting ( Dialogue and Liason Translation ) (А.П.Чужакин. Мир перевода -3. 2005,Стр. 121- 135)

Interview with Robert Beckwitt, head of the Fidelity Asset investment company

Q: Г-н Беквит, в прошлом году в вашей компании произошел финансовый кризис. Курс акций пошел вниз, объем ваших инве­стиций сократился. Держатели акций (shareholders), вне всякого сомнения, были очень недовольны. Какие выходы из сложившей­ся ситуации существуют в подобных случаях?

A: Well, I don't want to reveal my secrets. The most important thing for the shareholder is to understand what the fund manager is doing, whether there are limits or not. Getting the information out is up to the fund management company, but understanding it is up to the investor — it's a two-way street. If you send loads of material home but the investor never reads it, the fund company has done all it can. The investor has to lake the time to read the prospectus, to understand the flexibility of the fund, to ask questions. If you've done that, investors who don't like flexible funds will choose one with more rigid (жесткие) guidelines.

Q: Многие инвесторы считают, что новые рынки представляют для них слишком большой риск. Вы согласны с этим?

A: There is risk, but with risk comes reward. It has to do with one basic fact: while the US, Japanese and European economics will grow at 2 to 3 percent a year in the next decade, the emerging market economies are likely to grow at 6 to 8 percent. That economic growth is like wind al the back (попутный ветер) of an emerging-markets investor.

Q: Какие рынки для фондовых инвесторов считаются наиболее перспективными в настоящий момент?

A: The best opportunity in the world right now is also the most volatile: the Russian stock market. This is an economy of reforms, in which people do not believe that the reforms are sustainable. Russian companies are essentially selling for pennies on the dollar. This is to be a massive revaluation as this economy eventually stabilizes. But it's not for the fainthearted or impatient.

Упражнение 4. Выполните подготовленный перевод с листа ( Мешков-Лэмберт)

1.Мусор как вторсырье

  1. Существует общее правило, согласно которому количество производимого стра­ной мусора пропорционально ее валовому внутреннему продукту, так что большее количество мусора свидетельствует о бо­лее высоком благосостоянии. Стремление во всем мире к сбережению сырьевых ре­сурсов требует срочного поиска путей обуздания темпов роста мусора. Сегодня среднестатистический житель Японии производит примерно 920 граммов мусора вдень—более 330 кг в год. Значение мест­ных программ рециркуляции будет неве­лико, если игнорируется проблема удале­ния отходов. Размер площадей для свалки мусора в Японии ограничен, поэтому бо­льшая часть его сжигается, после чего ис­пользуется для подсыпки. Но мест, нуж­дающихся в подсыпке, становится все ме­ньше, так что стоимость переработки му­сора растет, все больше обостряя пробле­му.

Waste as a raw material source

There is a general rule which states that the amount of a country's waste is proportional to its gross product, implying that a larger amount of rubbish is proof of a higher standard of living. The world­wide drive for saving resources calls for new ways to be found of curbing the rate at which the amount of waste increases. At present the average Japanese citizen produces about 920 g of waste per day, i.e. more than 330 kg a year. Local recy­cling programmes will be of little signifi­cance, if the collected waste materials are not removed. The bulk of waste is there­fore burnt and the resultant debris used for infill. But as fewer sites need filling the cost of reprocessing waste increases and the problem becomes more acute.

2.Единственное решение состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить объем производимого мусора и повысить его долю, идущую на вторичную переработку. Чтобы добиться этого, необходимо вовлечь каждого члена общества через правительственные уч­реждения, места работы, школы и иници­ативные группы жителей. Нужна также новая технология, позволяющая исполь­зовать мусор в качестве вторсырья. В не­которых микрорайонах уже проводились эксперименты, когда за уборку мусора квартплата снижалась ниже установлен­ного уровня, или когда необработанный мусор использовался для получения орга­нических удобрений, или же кондиционе­ры в общественных центрах работали за счет энергии, полученной при сжигании мусора.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... так что ...

  2. ... стремление во всем мире ...

... путем вовлечения каждого члена

The only solution is to cut the amount of rub­bish produced whilst increasing the pro­portion which can be recycled. This can only be achieved by implicating every member of society—a task for government institutions, jobs schools and residents groups. New manufacturing techniques are needed which will permit the waste to be re-used. In some districts it has been possible to cut rents as a reward for col­lecting waste materials. There have also been experiments to use untreated waste for making organic fertilizers and of in­cinerating rubbish to power the air-conditioning systems in public buildings.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... implying ...

  2. ... the world-wide drive for ...

3 .... by implicating every member

3. Подключаются деловые круги

Одна из причин, по которой бумага, пустые бутылки и металлические отходы уже однажды широко рециркулирова-лись в Японии, заключается в том, что это было выгодно. Сегодня самым боль­шим препятствием на пути промышлен­ной рециркуляции является превышение расходов над доходами. Так что помимо рециркуляции обязательных изделий, не­обходимо создать такую экономическую систему, при которой повторное использо­вание стало бы делом выгодным. В произ­водственных отраслях постепенно вводится метод «оценки полного цикла эксплуата­ции». Согласно этому методу, изготовитель оценивает общее воздействие изделия на окружающую среду, учитывая все факто­ры, начиная с этапа выбора сырья и кончая моментом, когда продукция полностью ис­черпает свою потребительскую стоимость.

Business circles join in

One reason why paper, empty bottles and scrap metal have been widely recycled in Japan is that it has been financially ad­vantageous. Nowadays the greatest obsta­cle to industrial recycling is the excess of expenditure over income. In addition to certain obligatory recycling, an economic system must be provided which would make it financially advantageous to re-use materials. Industries are gradually intro­ducing methods of evaluating «total use» of an article. This involves the manufac­turer assessing the overall impact of his product on the environment, taking all factors into account from the selection of raw materials to the moment when all con­sumer value has been exhausted.

4. Промышленность проявила также ин­терес к призыву Университета Организации Объединенных Наций к «нулевой эмиссии», т.е. к полному исключению выделения вредных веществ в процессе производства.

Весной 1997 года вступит в силу новый за­кон, который потребует от изготовителей и розничных торговцев утилизации и ре-циркулирования упаковочных материа­лов. Аналогичные меры, рассматриваемые на правительственном уровне, включают систему перепродажи прав на эмиссию вредных веществ и введение налога на сжигание нефти, угля, природного газа и других видов топлива, при сгорании кото­рых выделяется двуокись углерода.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... это было выгодно ...

  2. ... согласно этому методу изготовитель оценивает общее воздействие на ...

  3. ... промышленность также проявила интерес к ...

  4. ... вредные вещества ... .

Industry has also manifested an inter­est in the call made by the University of the United Nations Organization for «zero emission», i.e. total elimination of the dis­charge of noxious substances during the

manufacturing process. A new law comes into force in the spring of 1977 requiring manufacturers and retailers to ensure that packaging materials are recyclable. Other measures being examined by the govern­ment are a system for resale of the rights to emit noxious substances and the intro­duction of a tax on the burning of oil, coal, natural gas and other fuels which produce carbon dioxide during combus­tion.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... it has been financially advantageous ...

  2. ... this involves the manufacturer assessing the overall impact ... on ...

  3. ... industry has also manifested an interest in ...

  4. ... noxious substances ...

Упражнение 5. (Е.В. Бреус. Теория и практика перевода с английского на русский)


1. I for my part have known a five-pound note to interpose and knock up a half century's attachment between two brothers.

2. There were a number of letters he had to write out for Mazzioli to copy up for Holmes to sign.

3. He was a very nice fellow. You had only to say you wanted something for him to give it to you.

4. Nearly 23,000 books and 56,000 newspaper and magazine articles have been written about this man and his own writings fill 100 volumes — a gigantic amount for any man to have written.

5. Mrs. Makin woke early to find two burglars carrying her TV set from her home.

6. As the youngest man in the party I volunteered to call a taxi only to find the elevator out of order.

7. The lunar highlands are believed to date back almost to the moon's formation about 4,000 million years ago.

8. "We mean business", said the Prime Minister in the Commons yester­day announcing new Government moves to hasten Britain into Europe.


1. They walked without hats for long hours in the Gardens attached to their house, books in their hands, a fox-terriere at their heels.

2. It ought to be remembered that it was not the North but the South which undertook the war, the former acting only in defence.

3. Charles Dickens was born in Landport, on the 7th February, 1812, Mr. John Dickens, his father, being a clerk in the Navy Pay Office at the seaport.

4. He had gotten the gun to firing over the horse's back, and he fired two pans, the gun chattering, the empty shells pitching into the snow, the smell of burnt hair from the burnt hide where the muzzle rested, him firing at what came up the hill, forcing them to scatter for cover.

5. Her momentary weakness past, the child again summoned her resolution.

6 Then the bird fluttered away, running, trailing the broken wing, with him in pursuit.

Упражнение 6. Interpreting Skills Training

Задание. Попросите вашего партнера прочесть текст в среднем темпе. Повторите текст с отставанием в 2-3 слова.

1.Business. The field of business includes all the jobs involved in the flow of goods and services through the economy. Obviously, this is a huge field - including everything from corner stores and local businesses to multinational corporations. Business is constantly evolving in response to changes in consumer preferences, technology, market conditions, politics, the economy, and many other factors. Business training and education are broad topics, including everything from economics and math to history and political science. Business programs are available at the associate's, bachelor's, and master's degree levels. Certificate and diploma programs offer specialized training with a more narrow focus.

2.Marketing/Communications Marketing, public relations, and sales executives are the first line of contact between a business and the public. When a company has goods or services to sell, the PR, marketing, and sales executives are responsible for communicating and interacting with consumers, the media, and other external groups to make sure the company succeeds. These job descriptions have changed enormously over the last decade with the advent of new technologies and new markets. Sales, marketing, and PR professionals are at the forefront of these developments and have redefined how companies do business. Training in these fields includes business writing, media and advertising, and marketing theory.

3.Human Resources. What is the key asset of any company? If you said, "the company's employees" then you may be a good candidate for a career in human resources and organizational management. As companies grow, change, shift strategy, and adjust to new market conditions, human resources professionals are responsible for making sure the company has the right employees to get the job done. This is a more complicated task than it sounds, requiring leadership skills and knowledge of business strategy, organizational management, recruiting, marketing, law, and management. Human resource managers also do pretty well, earning on average close to $75,000 per year, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

4.International Business Do you have a good head for business and enjoy traveling and communicating with people all over the globe? If so, a career in international business could bring out the best in you. By studying international business, you'll stay relevant in today's global economy by taking a worldwide approach to product development, production, and marketing. Most programs cover topics such as: international business operations, foreign exchange, customs, importing, exporting, and trade controls. In addition to building a strong foundation in business principles, many international business programs also offer training in foreign languages.

5. Accounting/Finance With changes in the business climate, new accounting rules, and recent financial upheaval, trained finance and accounting professionals are in high demand and play a key role in almost every organization. Accounting and finance professionals may work for a company or focus on the personal needs of clients. As well as a strong grounding in mathematical skills, accountants and finance professionals also study economics, tax law, budget analysis, financial planning, and business accounting software programs like Quickbooks. Accounting and finance programs come at all levels, from certificates to master's degrees.

6. Management Is it your dream to run your own company or sit in the corner office? Then a management program could be for you. Management programs can prepare you to lead organizations and people in today's ever-changing business world. Managers are responsible for a company's success or failure as well as for the satisfaction and productivity of other employees. This can be a big job with a lot of pressure and stress. However, for the right people, management is exciting, challenging, and rewarding. Management training programs focus on economic and business concepts as well as providing training in the human side of management, including psychology, teamwork, and organizational behavior.

7. Adminstrative Support. Do you like interacting with people? Administrative support is a key component of day-to-day operations in almost all business enterprises. Office assistants use their skills and training to facilitate communication, manage correspondence, and ensure the smooth functioning of business offices. A key component of a successful administrative support employee is his or her knowledge of office productivity software including email, calendar, spreadsheet, and word processing programs. Administrative support training programs focus on technical skills as well as providing real-world simulations of office environments to develop your professional skills.

8. E-Business/E-Commerce.The Internet and technology have changed the face of business dramatically. These forces have changed how companies function internally and how they interact with their customers. An entire discipline has grown up to prepare students for this new world: e-business and e-commerce. Training and degree programs that focus on these areas prepare students for the unique opportunities present in today's technology-focused business world - whether it is in communications, sales, entrepreneurship, management, Internet marketing, product delivery, or other related areas.

Упражнение 7. Выполните письменный перевод выбранного отрывка.