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Упражнение 8. Article

Greatest' Challenge

The TV journalist puts Australian pride in perspective.

It bothers me that a lot of Australians feel an almost pathological need to say we’re the greatest country on earth. I’m not anti-Australian; it’s not even a criticism of Australia. It’s just that it doesn’t make sense. It’s not realistic, because there’s no such thing. One of the greatest countries? Probably. But why do we feel we have to beat our breasts and punch our fists in the air and say we’re the greatest? Mindless nationalism can be ugly. It can lead to all sorts of strife. People become so accustomed to the idea that their country is better than others, they do silly things to prove it. There’s a dark side to that sort of attitude. We punch above our weight, there’s no doubt about that. But we shouldn’t get the idea that people wake up in Washington or London and think, I wonder what Australia’s up to today? No matter what our achievements, 1.5 billion Chinese couldn’t care less. Let’s get some perspective. Not that I’d go to a pub and start shouting this idea – I’d cop a clip around the ears. That’s not a very admirable national characteristic. Neither is our treatment of Aborigines. Saying sorry isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. I’ve been traipsing the globe for a long time, and I’d like to think I have a realistic view of Australia. I think we have to start getting a proper grip and not kid ourselves that we’re something we’re not. Great is very different from greatest.

Queensland move to make great Aussie dream come true for Aborigines

Housing would be revalued to offset the cost of building in remote communities under a fresh bid to help Aborigines to buy their own homes. The Queensland government initiative, to be released today, also proposes staggered mortgages to encourage Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders to buy rather than rent their homes.The discussion paper details how Aboriginal community councils, which own much of the existing housing, would use actual value rather than replacement cost as the yardstick when selling.A case study cites an indigenous couple with a joint income of $110,000 a year paying $1230 a month for the first 12 years before dropping to $480.It has been impossible to get a bank to support a house purchase because of the unclear tenure in indigenous communities and the lack of security on houses that cost more than $400,000 to build because of high transport and other remote area costs.

However, in Queensland, indigenous councils can now grant 99-year leases on house blocks -- similar to the leaseholds in the ACT. Queensland Housing Minister Karen Struthers said her department had valued houses in indigenous communities at between $80,000 and $150,000 against similar properties in nearby communities.Percy Neal, the Mayor of Yarrabah Council, near Cairns, said home ownership was imperative for his people, and some had been waiting for almost 20 years to sort out land tenure so they could arrange to have a home built.Any positive news about the possibility of home ownership is welcomed by Yarrabah locals Les and Petrina Bassani and their five children, who have their eye on a block on a new housing estate on the picturesque coastal community. Les, 41, is a boilermaker and Petrina is a finance officer with the Gurriny Yealamucka health service. They rent a four-bedroom house for $85 a week. "We are excited by the 99-year lease situation, and are desperate to get into our own home so that eventually we can leave something for our children," Mrs Bassani said."The land, which the council is providing, will cost about $20,000 and our final commitment depends on how much it costs to build the house we want, but it will be around $200,000, we expect."


Упражнение 1. Memory exercises


«Несистематический словарь»,2001

Bible Words and Phrases (I)

The Ten Commandments

  1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

  4. Remember the sabbath day, keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.

  5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days be long upon the land.

  6. Thou shalt not kill

  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

  8. Thou shalt not steal.

  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neibogour

  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife.

    1. Я Господь Бог твой, да не будет у тебя других богов перед лицом Моим.

    2. Не сотвори себе кумира.

    1. He произноси имени Господа, Бога твоего, всуе.

    2. Помни день субботний, чтобы святить его. Шесть дней рабо­тай, и делай всякие дела твои. А день седьмый — суббота Господу Богу твоему.

    3. Чти отца твоего и матерь твою.

    4. Не убий.

    5. He прелюбо­действуй.

    6. Не укради.

    7. He произноси ложного свидетельства на ближнего твоего.

    8. He желай дома ближнего твоего; не желай жены ближнего твоего

The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:11)

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Отче наш, иже ecu на небеси! Да святится имя Твое;

да приидет Царствие Твое; да будет воля Твоя на земле, как на небе;

хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь; и прости нам долги наши, яко же и мы прощаем должникам нашим;

и не введи нас во искушение, но избави нас от лукавого; ибо Твое есть Царство и сила и слава во веки. Аминь.