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9) Эндрю выглядит больным. 10) Вредно смотреть на солнце.

Ex. 22 l)to speak loudly, 2) to sound loud, 3)to laugh quietly, 4) to sound quiet, 5) to feel well, 6) to look sadly, 7) to look sad, 8) to dance well, 9) to look bad, 10) to smell sweet, 11) to look young, 12) to look official, 13) to taste sweet, 14) to taste salty, 15) to taste fresh, 16) to look healthy

Ex. 23 1) theatre, 2) famous ballet, 3) arrived, 4) cloakroom, 5) opera glasses, 6) gallery, 7) foyer, 8) fantastic, 9) scenery, 10) applauded, 11) impression

Ex. 24 1) for, 2) to, 3) to, 4) to, 5) to, 6) for, 7) to, 8) for

Ex. 25 l)in, 2) at, 3)at, 4) in, 5) at, 6) in, 7) at, 8) at, 9) at, 10) in

Ex. 26 1 d, 2 g, 3 f, 4 a, 5 e, 6 b, 7 с

















бороться, биться















ударять, бить (о часах)






ring ,














носить, быть одетым





есть, кушать









Ex. 28 A. l) Билеты купили (были куплены) две недели тому назад. 2) Нас представили директору. 3) Её новая книга посвящена её родителям. 4) Когда были построены эти церкви? 5) Кольцо сделано из золота. 6) Зал украсят завтра. 7) Апельсины растут в тёплых странах. 8) Я боюсь, что письма не получат в пятницу. 9) Эта пьеса написана известным драма­тургом. -10) Старые листья обычно сжигают (жгут) весной.

В. 1) Об этом актёре много говорят. 2) С госпожой Вэн поговорят. 3) Флору часто ждут. Она редко при­ходит вовремя. 4) Я уверен, за твоей собакой при­смотрят. 5) Профессора Брауна всегда очень внима­тельно слушают. 6) Этот словарь часто спрашивают. 7) Над Максом часто смеются. 8) За твоим братом по­слали минуту назад. 9) Об этих вещах никогда не го­ворят на людях. 10) С Джоан поговорили, но она ни­чего не объяснила.

Ex. 29 l)of, 2) from, 3)of, 4) of, 5) of, 6) of, 7) from, 8) from, 9) of, 10) of, 11) of, 12) of

Ex. 30 2) They are made of metal. 3) They are usual­ly made of wood. 4) It is made from oats. 5) It is made of wood. 6) They are made of cotton/wool. 7) They are usually made of gold or silver. 8) It is made from milk. 9) It is made from eggs. 10) It is made from cabbage.

Ex. 31 1) Your plan will be considered. 2) You will be given an official answer. 3) —. 4) Horror films are not shown to children. 5) This constructor is not known. 6) The First Piano Concerto is often played on the radio. 7)—. 8) Many talented composers were inspired by Tchaikovsky's music. 9) —. 10) The novel "Anna Karenina" was finished by Leo Tolstoy in 1877. 11) This letter won't be received (by him). 12) —. 13) —. 14) These parts were played by the best actors.

Ex. 32 1) were made, 2) was played, 3) were re­ceived, 4) was never visited, 5) was devoted, 6) were of­ten inspired, 7) was composed, 8) were never shown, 9) were often built

Ex. 33

winter; were made, were made;

spring: were built, were planted, were made, were hung;

summer: were grown, were watered, were caught; autumn; were sold, were burnt, was cut.

Ex. 34 2) The answer will be given soon. 3) The books will be read soon. 4) The children will be invited to the party tomorrow. 5) The box will be weighed (in an hour). 6) Your plan will be supported. 7) The pre­scription for the backache will be written out next week. 8) These endangered animals will be protected. 9) The rubbish will be thrown away tomorrow. 10) This incident will be forgotten soon. 11) The invitations will be written in a day. 12) His opinion will be heard.


"Kashtanka" was written by A. P. Chekhov in the XIX century.

"Idiot" was written by P. M. Dostoevsky in the XIX century.

"A Journey from Petersburg to Moscow" was writlen by A. N. Radischev in the XVIII century.

"A Crow and a Fox" was written by I. A. Krylov in the XIX century.

"Svetlana" was written by V. A. Zhukovsky in the XVIII century.

"Dubrovsky" was written by A. S. Pushkin in the XVIII century.

"War and Peace" was written by L. N. Tolstoy in the XIX century.

"Silver Prince" ("Knyaz Serebryanyi") was written by A. K. Tolstoy in the XIX century.

"Asya" was written by I. S. Turgenev in the XIX century.

"Princess Mary" was written by M. Yu. Lermontov in the XIX century.

"Quite Flows the Don" was written by M. A. Sholokhov in the XX century.

"Unfortunate Liza" was written by N. M. Karamzin in the XVIII century

"Buratino" was written by A. N. Tolstoy in the XX century.

Ex. 36 1) about, 2) for, 3) after, 4) for, 5) to, 6) at, 7) for, 8) to

Ex. 37

2) When was Moscow Kremlin built? It was built in the XII century.

3) When were potatoes brought to Europe? They were brought to Europe in the XVI century.

4) When was America discovered? It was discovered in the XV century.

5) By whom were the Harry Potter books written?

They were written by Joan Rowling.

6) When was "A Girl with Peaches" painted?

It was painted in the XIX century.


1) The potatoes must be fried.

2) The plant must be watered.

3) The dress must be washed.

4) The carpet must be cleaned.

5) The shopping must be done.

6) Exercise 7 must be written.

7) The bedroom must be done.

Ex. 39 1) is known, 2) was born, 3) decided, 4) want­ed, 5) took, 6) was, 7) played, 8) are, 9) is, 10) doesn't think, 11) has changed, 12) likes, 13) is asked

Ex. 40 l)the, 2)—, 3)the, 4)—, 5)—, 6) the, 7) the, 8) the, 9)—, 10) the, 11) the, 12)—, 13)—, 14) —, 15) the, 16) —, 17) the, 18) the, 19) the, 20) the


A. 2) The tickets for the concert will be bought to­morrow.

3) Such cars are made hi Japan.

4) America was discovered in 1492.

5) St Petersburg was founded in 1703.

6) Many houses in this town are built from wood.

7) I was told some important news.

8) English, German and French are taught in our schools.

9) A new school will be built in our street.

10) The article will be written this week.

B. 2) Don't worry, your pets will be looked after.

3) She was long waited for yesterday.

4) Aunt Polly was spoken to/has been spoken to.

5) They are often laughed at.

6) The head teacher was/has been sent for.


Ex. 11 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 e, b — extra

Ex. 2 1 d, 2 a, 3 e, 4 c, 5 b


1) A letter to granny must be written.

2) An answer can be given at once.

3) The tour of the Kremlin should be orginized to­morrow.

4) This box has to be brought to my place tomorrow.


1) Beautiful flowers will be planted here next spring.

2) Boris always speaks English in class.

3) He usually never forgets to say thank you.

4) My father's car was washed yesterday evening.

5) English is spoken all over the world.

6) When I was young, such problems were never dis­cussed in front of children.

7) People heard Mr Nelson's voice but he was seen nowhere.

8) The plan will be shown to the director at the end of tomorrow's meeting.

Ex. 5 А. 1) to, 2) at, 3) after, 4) for, 5) about/of, 6) for, 7) to/with

B. 1) in; 2) to; 3) to, for; 4) on; 5) on; 6) with

Ex. 7 1) audience, 2) impossible, 3) introduce, 4) ex­pensive, 5) applause, 6) arrive, 7) thriller, 8) attentive, 9) graduate, 10) receive

Ex. 8 1) decide, 2) thought, 3) had already learned, 4) would be, 5) went, 6) taught/were teaching, 7) got, 8) found, 9) called, 10) am teaching, 11) have already read, 12) said

1 1 См.: Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В., Языкова Н. В. Программа к УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ. 1—5-й годы обучения». — М.: Дрофа, 2009.

2 См.: Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И.В. Новый курс английского языка для российских школ. 9 класс. — М.: Дрофа, 2008; Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В., Язы­кова Н. В. Программа к УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В.Михеевой. «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ. 1—5-й годы обучения». — М.: Дрофа, 2009.

3 См.: Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В., Языкова Н. В. Программа к УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ, 1—5-й годы обучения». — М.: Дрофа, 2009.

4 См.: Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И.В. Новый курс английского языка для российских школ. 7 класс (3-й год обучения): книга для учителя. — 3-е изд., стереотип. — М.: Дрофа, 2007. — С. 14—19.

5 См. словарную статью глагола need в словаре: Мас-Millan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. — 2006. — C. 947.

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