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4. Прочитайте текст, найдите глаголы в страдательном залоге, переведите их на русский язык:

Reader’s Digest was founded in 1922. Today it is read by people in every country in the world. It is published in eighteen languages and forty-six editions. Each foreign language edition is especially tailored for the needs and interests of tits international audience. Last year Readers Digest was read by 100 million people.

5. Прочитайте предложения, определите, в каком залоге стоит глагол-сказуемое, переведите на русский язык:

  1. Reader’s Digest was founded by DeWitt Wallace.

  2. Millions of people read it. It is translated into many languages.

  3. It is also recorded.

  4. Many proofreaders are hired.

  5. Proofreaders correct the mistakes.

  6. They look for mistakes in spelling and grammar.

  7. Reader’s Digest is sold at newsstands.

  8. It is published once a month.

  9. Many articles are condensed from other sources.

  10. Many readers subscribe to Readers Digest.

  11. I bought a copy last month.

  12. One of the articles was written by a famous scientist.

  13. It was translated from Spanish into English.

Урок 2

1. Подчеркните конструкцию страдательного залога в предложениях; определите время сказуемого; письменно выполните перевод предложенных предложений на русский язык:

  1. A ring road is being built.

  2. All the features of the Japanese character are felt by tourists.

  3. Tips are not expected in Japan.

  4. The food was being garnished with red maple leaves, pine needles and chrysanthemum petals.

  5. The food has already been served on a little low table.

  6. Small hotels (with 15 – 20 rooms) in the national “rekan” style are normally located near natural hot springs.

  7. His bills have been paid.

  8. The old cinema has been turned into a museum.

  9. Those old streets have been turned into a pedestrian zone.

2. Используя страдательный залог, выполните перевод с русского языка на английский следующих предложений:

  1. Главное здание университета расположено в историческом центре Санкт-Петербурга, на набережной реки Мойки, дом 48.

  2. Где располагается твой университет?

  3. Когда будет закончена твоя статья?

  4. Этот англо-русский словарь куплен в прошлом году?

  5. Обычно хлеб покупается два или три раза в неделю?

  6. Что строится на вашей улице?

  7. Зачем купили такой дорогой компьютер?

  8. Как часто проветриваются аудитории?

  9. Зачем украшается конференц-зал?

  10. Родители были удивлены поведением своего ребенка.

3. На основе таблицы, закончите предложения:


Number of speakers

(in Millions)







Ho (Bihar and Orissa States, India)






Swahili (Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Uganda)


Tagalog (Philippines)


1. Japanese …

2. One million people …

3. … by 43 million people.

4. Spanish …

5. … Cantonese.

6. … 2124 million people.

7. More than 400 million people…

8. … in Uganda.

4. Ознакомьтесь с изменениями, произошедшими в этом году в издательстве одного из американских журналов, затем заполните пропуске в статье, использовав в нужной форме глаголы, данные в рамочке:

Last Year

20 employees

10 computers

one floor

English only

Print and recorded editions

John Grand, managing editor

Hours: 9:00 – 6:00

Vacation: 10 days

This Year

40 employees

20 computers

two floors

English, Spanish, and Japanese

Print only

Boris Kopps, managing editor

Hours: 9:00 – 5:00

Vacation: 14 days

appreciate build buy discontinue hire increase publish reduce replace

We have many exciting changes this year. During the year, twenty new employees ___ , and ten new computers ___ for the new staff. Of course, this means we needed more room, so in June new offices ___ for us on the second floor.

Our first Spanish and Japanese editions ___ this year, and they have already found a large audience. Unfortunately, our recorded edition ___ last month because of lack of interest.

In December, we said good-bye to John Grand who decided to retire. In January John ___ by Boris Kopps, our new managing editor, and we gave him a warm welcome.

Finally, some changes in our workday. Working hours ___, and vacation days ___ this year.

I know that these changes ___ by our families, who want to see us more. We look forward to see what these exciting changes will bring.

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