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1 курс 2 с.2011-2012.docx
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1. Определите, в каких предложениях содержится ошибка и исправьте её:

  1. I tell him the truth when he asked me the question.

  2. I understand that you were angry.

  3. When he was a child, he always goes to the circus.

  4. Last semester he reads seven books and wrote five papers.

  5. Steve wakes up early every morning because he went to work early.

  6. Mark studied at the American University when he is in Washington, D.C.

  7. He put some money in his account when he goes to the bank.

  8. She is where she is today because she worked hard when she was a student.

  9. I knew that he would arrive soon.

  10. I know that they will arrive soon.

  11. I know that he would arrive soon.

  12. He knew that he will be able to pass the exam.

  13. I think that I will leave tomorrow.

  14. Paul did not say when he will finish the project.

  15. Jake doubts that he would have time to finish the project.

  16. I know that I will go if I can afford it.

  17. The police officer indicated that he would write a ticket if he has the time.

  18. Students will often study in the library before they go to classes or before they go home.

  19. He told me that he thought he will get the job in spite of his lack of education.

  20. When he receives the money from the insurance company, he had rebuilt the house.

  21. The dentist fills the cavities every time the X-rays show that it was necessary.

  22. When the bell rang, the students have left the class.

  23. The space shuttle would be launched next month if the weather is good.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму глагола:

When I (be) 5 years old, I (think) that I (become) an outstanding mathematician. I (be) sure that by the time I (graduate) from the university, I (know) all over the world. But later I (realize) that all the laws and theorems (invent) and there (be) nothing left for me to discover. As soon as I (understand) that (can) not become as famous as Pythagoras I (start) thinking of other professions. I (decide) to find out which other fields of knowledge (be) as interesting as mathematics, and it (turn out) that I (can) enjoy working as a psychologist. But at that time psychology (be) not very popular, and I (follow) the advice of my aunt who (say) that speaking foreign languages (be) the best thing for a woman. She (say) that if I (become) an interpreter I (pay) just for talking. I (imagine) that if I (work) as a guide I (can) travel a lot and that (make) me the happiest person in the world.

Only after many years I (learn) that one (can) not master a foreign language very quickly, more over, I (find out) that mastering a foreign language (demand) a lot of effort and that one (must) study it every day very hard. But I am still very happy that I (choose) this profession.

3. Составьте свой рассказ о том, кем Вы хотели стать, когда Вам было 5 лет, чем Вас привлекала эта профессия, как менялись Ваши взгляды, довольны ли Вы своим выбором. Урок 2 косвенная речь

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную в английском языке происходит довольно много изменений в зависимости от того, в каким времени использован глагол главного предложения, а также от того, какой коммуникативный тип предложения (утвердительное, вопросительное, повелительное) был использован в прямой речи.

В тех случаях, когда в прямой речи использовано утвердительное предложение, а в главное предложение стоит в прошедшем времени, необходимо применять правило согласования времён.


Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

“The weather is good.”

“Погода хорошая.”

He said that the weather was good.

Он сказал, что погода хорошая.

“I am working in my father’s office,” she said.

She said she was working in her father’s office.

“Classes started last week,” the director explained.

The director explained that classes had started the week before.

“I have lived in the country all my life,” the old man told me.

The old man told me (that) he had lived in the country all his life.

“I’ll cook supper,” she said.

She said she would cook supper.

“You must change the verb form,” the teacher explained.

The teacher explained that we had to change the verb form.

“I can count up to one hundred,” said Mary.

Mary said she could count up to one hundred.

Правило согласования времён не используется в косвенной речи, когда:

А) высказывание в прямой речи содержит информацию, которая не изменяется, остаётся истинной:

“The sun rises in the east,” the teacher explained.

The teacher told us that the sun rises in the east.

Б) когда в прямой речи использованы следующие модальные глаголы:

would, could, might, ought to, should:

“You ought to tell him what you think of him,” she said.

She said I ought to tell him what I think of him.

“I might not be able to stay for long,” she said.

She said she might not be able to stay for long.

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную, нужно помнить об изменении обстоятельств времени и некоторых местоимений и наречий:

Вместо this употребляется that

these -“ “- those

here -“ “- there

now -“ “- then

today -“ “- that day

yesterday -“ “- the day before, the previous day

last week -“ “- the week before

tomorrow -“ “- the next day, the day after,

the following day

ago -“ “- before

last year -“ “- the previous year

next year -“ “- the following year

Помимо глаголов say и tell косвенная речь может вводиться следующими глаголами:

add - добавить

admit - признавать

advise - советовать

agree - согласиться

answer - ответить

assert – утверждать, заявлять

boast - хвастаться

claim – утверждать, заявлять

comment - комментировать

deny - отрицать

explain - объяснять

insist - настаивать

object - возражать

promise - обещать

protest – протестовать

remark - заметить

remind - напоминать

reply - ответить

state - заявлять, сообщать, констатировать, формулировать

warn - предупреждать

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