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3. Передайте на английском языке в косвенной речи содержание Ваших телефонных разговоров (не содержащих личной информации, 6 предложений).

Урок 4

Косвенная речь

Повелительные предложения

При переводе в прямую речь повелительных предложений используется инфинитивный оборот. Сравните:

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

I said to him “Please give me your textbook.”

I asked him to give me his textbook.

Mother said “Don’t play too long.”

Mother told me not to play too long.

1. Ознакомьтесь с запиской, которую родители оставили маленькому Джеффу, передайте её содержание в косвенной речи:

Dear Jeff,

We’ll be home late. Please follow these instructions:

Don’t stay up after 10.00.

Take the garbage out.

Wash the dishes.

Do your homework.

Let the cat in.

Don’t watch any horror movies.

Please don’t invite your friends in tonight.


Mom and Dad

2. Ознакомьтесь с заданием. Подчеркните в описании сна Кони повелительные предложения в косвенной речи. Запишите данные фразы в прямой речи:

Connie’s Dream

Connie had a dream and wrote about it in her journal.

I dreamed that a Martian came into my room. He told me to get up. Then he said to follow him. There was a space ship outside the clinic. I asked the Martian to show me the ship, so he invited me to come aboard. Juan, the lab technician, was on the ship. Suddenly Juan told me to pilot the ship. He ordered me not to leave the controls. Then he went to sleep. Next, Dr. Thorpe was at my side, giving me instructions. He told me to slow down. Then he said to point the ship towards the earth. There was a loud knocking noise as we hit the ground, and I told everyone not to panic. Then I heard Juan tell me to wake up.

3. Прочитайте разговоры с врачом, передайте рекомендации врача в косвенной речи:

- I have trouble getting to sleep every night.

- Don’t drink anything with caffeine after 2:00 P.M. Try exercising regularly, early in the day. Read Dr. Thorpe’s book Night Shift.

- The doctor told me …

- Is there anything I can do to soothe a sore throat?

- Sip some hot herbal tea with honey. But don’t drink black tea.

- …

  • I have cramps in my legs every night. They wake me up.

  • The next time you feel a cramp, do this: Pinch the place between your upper lip and your nose. The cramp should stop right away.

- Do you know of any way to remove stains on teeth?

- Make a toothpaste of one tablespoon of baking soda and a little water.

- …

  • Mosquitoes and gnats bite me much more than other people.

  • Eat onions or garlic every day. Your skin will have a slight odour which bugs hate. And take vitamin B.

  • What makes a sunburn feel better?

  • Dissolve one-fourth cup of cornstarch in a lukewarm bath. Don’t rub your skin with the towel when rubbing off. Don’t use anything containing alcohol on your skin.

4. Ознакомьтесь с ситуацией и выполните задание:

The Anglian bus company wants to stop its service between Malchester and Little Wittering village. An Anglian manager, Mr Budge, is at a meeting in the village. Report what is said.

Model: “The service is losing money.”

Mr Budge explained that the service was losing money.

1. “Please try to understand our position.”

He asked the villagers ...

2. “Lots of people use the buses.”

Mr Crane said that ...

3. “How can we get to town?”

Mrs Morrison asked ...

4. “Most people in the village have got a car.”

Mr Budge replied that ...

5. “You must keep quiet and listen, everyone!”

The chairman told everyone ...

6. “What’s going to happen to the school bus?”

Mrs Davis asked ...

7. “It will continue to run.”

Mr Budge answers that ...

8. “The village needs a bus service.”

Mr Rice said that ...

9. “Can you start your own service?”

Mr Budge wondered ...

10. “Can everyone please protest to the government?”

Mr Hepplestone asked everyone ...


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