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Recording 5

 Pre-listening task

Work in pairs for a few minutes to think of five differences between being married and being single.

 Listening Tasks

1. Listen to Sam and Charlie talking about being married and being single and answer these questions:

  1. What does Sam like about being married?

  2. What does Charlie like about being single?

  3. Do they mention any of the things you talked about?

2. Listen to their talk and take notes of Sam’s and Charlie’s arguments for and against marriage.

Sam likes being married because ...

Charlie likes being single because ...

 Follow-up Activity

Respond to Sam’s and Charlie’s opinion and give your own opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of being married or being single.


Recording 6

 Pre – Listening Task

Make sure you know the meanings of the word ‘gossip’. Translate the following word combinations.

much gossip

many gossips

be a great gossip

spread much gossip

 Listening Tasks

1. Listen to the conversation between Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith. Decide if the following statement are True or False:

  1. The people don’t like the summer because it’s cold and rainy.

  2. Young Patrick Ellis died because of a car accident he’d gone into.

  3. Eva Browning is happy and a bit excited as she is getting married for the first time.

2. Listen to the conversation again and give more detailed information about:

  1. the weather and people’s thoughts about it;

  2. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith’s opinion about young men;

  3. their attitude to Eva Browning.

 Language Focus

1. Complete the following sentences according to the dialogue.

  1. Yes, but some people are ... about the heat and ... because we haven’t had much rain for the gardens.

  2. Some people are never ... .

  3. What ... things young men are these days.

  4. What a ... woman she is!

  5. She only got her second ... in the spring.

2. Translate into English.

  1. Какая прекрасная погода опять!

  2. Как ужасно!

  3. Он водит машину совсем как сумасшедший.

  4. Она может сбиться со счета.

  5. Подумай(те) только!


Recording 7

 Pre-Listening Task

Go over the list of word combinations and make sure you know their meaning.

beastly weather

arrive at number thirty-five

make catty remarks about...

wear a lot of make-up

dye one’s hair

mix with people

 Listening Task

1. Listen to the conversation between Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith and choose the things they have mentioned in their talk.

  1. car races

  2. new neighbors

  3. sightseeing in London

  4. weather

  5. pets

2. Listen to the recording. Think over the right alternative to make up a true statement.

  1. new neighbors of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith are from Liverpool;

  2. the newcomers have a very modest car;

  3. Mrs. Smith and her husband have the same kind of car as their new neighbors;

  4. the weather has been very warm recently and Mrs. Smith enjoyed staying outside very much;

  5. Mrs. Jones likes the people who arrived at number 35 and she has made friends with them.