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Part 2 (правки) «Cross-cultural behaviour - lis....doc
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Recording 4


MAN: Have you ever done this kind of work before?

WOMAN: No, I haven't, but I'm sure I'd be good at it.

MAN: Well, as you know, this work requires you to be away from home and you'll have to work on weekends.

WOMAN: Oh, I understand.

MAN: Do you like travelling and meeting people? WOMAN: Oh, yes! In fact, that's why this job really interests me.

Man: Mmm ... And do you speak any foreign languages

WOMAN: Yes, I can speak Spanish and Portuguese fairly well, and I've been studying Japanese for about a year.

MAN: Oh, that's impressive. And you have a nice clear voice. Are you good at public speaking?

WOMAN: Well, I haven't done much actually, but I used to love speaking in front of the class when I was in college.


Woman: Do you have any experience with this kind of work?

MAN: Well, no, not exactly, but I've learned a lot from watching those shows on TV, you know, the, uh...

WOMAN: Hmmm, well, this job isn't exactly like the shows you see on TV, you know. Do you have any office skills?

MAN: Office skills? WOMAN: Yes, you'll have to type up daily reports.

Are you any good at typing? And can you use a computer?

MAN: Oh, sure. I can type pretty well and I use a computer a lot. Uh, by the way, would I be working with someone or would I be by myself most of the time?

WOMAN: Well, you'd be working alone mostly and going out to get information on cases. Also, you'd need to take photos sometimes. Are you good at handling a camera?

MAN: Yes, definitely! I'm pretty good at photography ... as long as I have an automatic camera!


Recording 5


Melanie And have you ever worked in a computer company?

Trudy Yes, I have, actually, in the job before my present one.

Melanie How long ago was that?

Trudy I left it three years ago.

Melanie What computer company were you working for then?

Trudy For Timble. That’s a software company. It was interesting but I like languages and with Timble I never got the chance to practise.

Melanie And how long have you been working in your present job?

Trudy Three years. Ever since I left Timble.

Melanie And what sort of company are you working for now?

Trudy It’s an import-export company, actually. So I get the chance to use my language a lot.

Melanie What languages do you speak then?

Trudy French and Spanish, and I’ve been studying German for about a year, but it’s still not very good, I’m afraid.

Melanie Have you ever lived in a Spanish-speaking or a French-speaking country? Not just visited, I mean.

Trudy No, I haven’t, but I’ve visited France and Spain several times, and I’ve had a pen friend in Argentina for years.

Melanie And have you ever worked with computers?

Trudy With word-processors, yes. In the secretarial course, and since then I’ve been using them in both jobs…


Melanie Have you ever worked in a computer company?

Ruth No, I’m afraid I haven’t. I’ve just finished my secretarial course.

Melanie But have you ever had any experience with computer?

Ruth Well, in secretarial college we had training with word-processors, of course. And at home my sister’s had her own micro-computer for a year or two, and I’ve used that a bit… but I haven’t tried to program it.

Melanie I see. And what about languages?

Ruth Well, the secretarial course was bilingual in English and French… I’ve got a level French…and I’ve been studying German and Spanish.

Melanie Oh…how long have you been studying them?

Ruth Since last year. I began them last year in college.

Melanie And have you ever been to a Spanish-speaking or French-speaking country?

Ruth Yes, on holidays. Twice to France and twice to Spain. But I went to Spain before I started learning Spanish…


Melanie And have you worked in a computer company before?

Stanley Oh yes. That’s my profession, you see.

Melanie I’m sorry?

Stanley It’s my profession. I’m a programmer, you see.

Melanie Ah, I see. And in which company have you been working for?

Stanley You mean ‘which company did I work for? I’ve been out or a job …for some time. I used to work for IQL.

Melanie Oh, yes? And how long did you work for them?

Stanley About eighteen months ago. I’ve been out of work ever since.

Melanie Have you ever had any secretarial training?

Stanley No, but I’ve been working in offices and with word-processors ever since I left university, so I’d pick it up very quickly.

Melanie Have you ever worked abroad? In French or speaking-speaking countries? Stanley Yes, I was in Algeria for six months. IQL sent me to help with a system in a bank. And I had three months in Peru once for IQL, installing an office system. My French is good, but my Spanish is a bit rusty.

Melanie When were you in Peru and Algeria?

Stanley Peru? Four years ago. And Algeria… That was … two years ago.


Melanie Have you ever worked in a computer company?

Ursula No, I’m a language teacher, as a matter of fact. I’ve been teaching in Sweden for the last three years - teaching English. Actually, I’m just home on holiday at the moment.

Melanie Uhuh…and what languages do you speak?

Ursula Well, Swedish and some German…and a little Russian, but that’s a bit rusty.

Melanie I see. And have you ever studied French or Spanish?

Ursula No, I got my degree in maths, in fact.

Melanie And secretarial training? Have you ever taken a secretarial course?

Ursula Yes, I have.

Melanie And when was that? How long ago?

Ursula Oh, after my degree. Four years ago.

Melanie Have you ever had any experience with computers? With word processors, for example?

Ursula Oh, yes, in secretarial college, and in Sweden I’ve been teaching English in a computer software company, and I’ve been using word-processors in teaching how to write letters…