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A quiz Recording 3 Question 1

This question is designed to test artistic and visual intelligence. The correct answers are: Figure 1 ten sides, Figure 2 eight sides, and Figure C thirty sides. To do this type of test well, you need to be able to visualize an object – that is imagine it in your own mind’s eye, pick it up and move it around. Test show that many highly intelligent people simply cannot do this.

Question 2

This is a memory test. The ten items were: a pair of scissors, a rubber, a ruler, some drawing pins, felt-tip pens, a pencil, a glue, a paintbrush, a wastepaper bin and a door handle – all items you might expect to find in a normal classroom. The average number of items remembered was eight. If you got more than eight, you have a better than average memory. If you got less than five, you probably need to write your address on the back of your hand before you go out in the morning!

Although memory is not directly linked to intelligence, it is a very useful function, and one that can be improved by doing regular memory exercises, or by using memory aids such as remembering the first letters of items, making them into a mental picture or story or repeating them over and over again.

Question 3

This question is designed to test your emotional intelligence. If you decided to kindly tell the child not to cry, tried to distract her, or thought you should tell the child to sort it out for itself…I’m afraid you score no points! According to experts, the best answers is to talk to the child and help her find ways to get the other children to play with her. Emotionally intelligent parents use their children’s moments of upset to help them understand what it was that made them upset, what they are feeling, and the alternatives the child can try.

Question 4

This test is designed to test creativity. There is no correct answer, but the average number of uses people thought of in two minutes were eleven.

The most popular uses were: to read, for news and information, to cover the floor while painting, and to make a fire. Some unusual uses were: to sleep under, to wrap up a baby and to write a blackmail letter!

Question 5

This question tests practical problem-solving skills and logic. Some people are able to solve the problem in twenty or thirty seconds, whereas others pore over it for ages without seeing the answer. It’s best to start with the people who have to be in particular rooms: Mr. E in room two; the A children in room four (because it’s the only one overlooking the pool) and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, in room three because it’s the only one next door to the children. That leaves room one for Miss C who wants a view of the sea, and if Mr. F and Mr G, and Miss H all want adjoining rooms, they can take rooms six, seven and eight at the back of the hotel, leaving room five for Mr. and mars. D – the quietest room because it’s away from the swimming pool. Did you get that?

Question 6

As you’ve probably have guessed, this is also an emotional intelligence question. The commonest answers are: to apologize (and ask your partner to do so!), go silent, or to stop for a moment and state your side of the argument as calmly as possible. According to the experts, however, the best thing to do is to take a twenty-minute break and then continue conversation. Apparently, it takes this long to clear the body of the physical effects of anger. Once both people have been given some time to calm down, a more amicable discussion can be expected!