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Recording 4

 Pre-listening task

Consult a dictionary if you have any difficulties in translating the following expressions.

to be aware (of)

to be on one’s own

to be concerned

to book (be) down

to be worth doing smth

 Listening Tasks

1. You will hear an interviewer who has left her own country to live abroad. Choose the best answer for the following questions.

1. What made Karin decide to move to Italy?

  1. There was nothing to stop her.

  2. Her friends were already there.

  3. She wanted to learn Italian.

2. Why did Karin return to the UK for two weeks?

  1. to collect her furniture

  2. to buy a new car

  3. to sort out her affairs

3. How did Karin feel after a few weeks in Italy?

  1. worried

  2. lonely

  3. unhappy

4. How did Karin find a job?

  1. She asked her landlord's wife.

  2. Her landlord offered her some work.

  3. She wrote to a language school.

5. How did she feel about her job?

  1. very afraid

  2. quite helpless

  3. very impatient

6. When Karin first took a customer's orders,

  1. she smiled and spoke very softly.

  2. she couldn't understand what the person said.

  3. she managed without any problems.

7. How does Karin feel about her experience?

  1. Things were quite easy.

  2. She was very fortunate.

  3. She took a very big risk.

2. Listen to the same interview for the second time and complete the statements given below.

  1. Most of us these days get to travel to foreign countries … .

  2. I was on holiday in Italy with some friends and when the time came … .

  3. I didn’t speak the language but I had met lots of foreigners who were working there and I … .

  4. Although if I’m honest it was all so different and exciting … .

  5. Then after six weeks or so I … .

  6. I wasn’t particularly concerned because … .

  7. … to begin with I just worked in the kitchen, … .

  8. My Italian’s … and I’ve started … .

  9. It was certainly worth taking the risk but I think I was very lucky … .

 Language Focus

Insert the prepositions.

  1. I was … holiday … Italy … some friends.

  2. Fortunately, I had some money. I’d planned … buying a car … some of my savings.

  3. So I handed … my notice … work and that was it.

  4. I was so busy I didn’t have time to think … things.

  5. I hadn’t found getting a job … easy … I’d expected.

  6. I think I was very lucky to find myself …a situation where everything worked … .

Follow-up Activity

Have you ever considered living abroad? Speak on difficulties Karin Newman had when she decided to stay in Italy. Do you think it is worth taking the risk?

Habits and customs. Recording 5

Pre-listening Task

Consult a dictionary if you have any difficulties in translating the following words and expressions.

fondness floppy

a double-decker bus vinegar


Listening Task

Listen to three visitors to various countries talking about habits and customs which surprised or shocked them. Fill in the table below with the countries they visited and the habits or customs they talk about.

Country visited

Habit/ custom

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Language Focus

Fill in the sentences with the prepositions.

  1. Three years ago I was … a tour … Africa.

  2. Nigerians have a great fondness … making speeches.

  3. They stayed at school … lunch and had all these sandwiches.

  4. Somebody can make a speech … how nice it is to have you … a cup of tea.

  5. They have a great love … sort … performance.

Follow-up Activity

Speak on the various habits and customs which surprised or shocked the speakers. Have you ever had an experience of being misunderstood by cultural habits while staying in a foreign country?