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When in rome… Recording 6

Pre-listening Task

Learn the following words and expressions.

barren (adj) – неплодородный

lush (adj) – плодородный; богатый

seed (n) – зерно, семечко

geranium (n) – герань

chalet (n) – a house with a steeply sloping roof, common in places with high mountains and snow such as Switzerland (шале)

to drive smb nuts – сводить кого-либо с ума

Listening Tasks

1. You will hear five people describing their first visits to another country. Define the countries the speakers visited and the popular habits associated with them.

2. Listen to the recording again and choose from the list a – k what each person says about the country. Use the letters only once. There’s one extra letter you don’t need to use.

A Behaving in the right way can bring you success.

B If you give someone a present, it has to be wrapped beautifully.

C The portions of food in the local restaurants are terribly huge.

D The people are very hospitable.

E You feel quite unsafe there.

F The soil is incredibly rich there.

G People there have special code of politeness.

H You see two completely different types of people there.

I He used to visit his grandparent living there.

J The country seems so alien to the westerners.

K It’s hard to believe that the country is really so beautiful.

Now fill in the boxes with the letters (A – K).











Language Focus

Fill in the sentences with the articles (-, a, an or the).

  1. … soil is … deep red and it looks as if you throw … seed in … ground and it would grow into … tree by … next day.

  2. There’re … cows in … mountains and you hear … cow bells.

  3. We do … things differently in this country, everything must be done with … charm.

  4. So … way … food is arranged is very beautiful.

  5. One of … things that stuck me really was … portions of … food when you go into … restaurant.

 Follow-up Activity

Speak about the most popular habits of people from the USA, Poland, Japan, Switzerland and Uganda as viewed by the speakers. Add some more interesting things from the lives of peoples mentioned by the speakers.

Living in a foreign country Recording 7

Pre-listening Tasks

1. Consult a dictionary if you have any difficulties in translating the following words and expressions.

to leaf through the paper


to supervise

to be in exile


a tiny clogged straw



2. Before listening think of three things that make life easy and three things that make life difficult for a person living in a foreign country.

Listening Task

Listen to a radio broadcast by a foreign journalist in Japan talking about some of his experiences there. Try to give answers on the following questions.

1. What does James Fallows think is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language?

2. Why is he able to read more books in Japan?

3. What other advantages does he mention?

4. What disadvantages does he concentrate on?

5. In what way has his outlook changed?

Language Focus

Fill in the sentences with the necessary prepositions.

1. Sometimes language is taken … granted.

2. Living in another country can create barriers … communication that are limiting

… some ways and are liberating … others.

3. Right now I’m leafing … the evening paper.

4. I’ve become a man who can do one thing … a time.

5. You take … information as if you drinking from a big beer stein.

6. There’s nothing to keep me … finishing a book once I get started.

7. I find that I become more patient … long-winded explanations, and less likely to

cut somebody … and make him get … his point.

Follow-up Activity

Have you had similar experiences? What is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language for you?