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Part 2 (правки) «Cross-cultural behaviour - lis....doc
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 Listening Tasks

1. You will hear four people phoning Melanie Hart about the advertisement. In the first column of the table are her questions in note form. Briefly note down the answers given by each of the four.

2. Listen to the recording again and note down the words and phrases associated with the computer. There are 8 words in all.

 Language Focus

Translate the sentences below using the words and word combinations from the recording you’ve been listening to.

  1. Я ушел из компьютерной компании 2 года назад.

  2. Когда-то он работал на компьютерную компанию, но вот уже 10 месяцев,

как он оставил работу.

  1. С тех пор он нигде не работает.

  2. Мы надеемся, что она быстро оставит эту работу.

  3. Я хорошо говорю по-французски, но испанский я немного забыл.

  4. Есть ли у вас опыт работы с компьютером?

  5. Как долго вы работали на эту компанию? Я проработал там 5 лет.

 Follow-up Activity

Compare the qualifications of the four people. Who of them do you think is more likely to get the job? Give your arguments. Get ready to discuss them in class.


Recording 6

 Pre-listening Task

1. Go through the vocabulary list given below and clear up any difficulties.


sound academic record

to hire couriers

logistics for a trip


swot up

2. Study the acis advertisement.


The International Travel

Division of ACIS



37 Queen Gate London SW7 5HR

ACIS is an American company specialising in tours of Europe for U.S. school groups. We are looking for individuals with sound academic record and good communication skills to act as tour directors. Successful applicants will need to be fluent in a major European language, with a good knowledge of European history. The work is seasonal, but remuneration is competitive. Please, contact Annie Dickson: 017 – 581 9498.

Ref AG09

 Listening Tasks

1. You will hear some extracts from conversation with one of the people who interviews candidates for this job.

Look again at the ACIS advertisement. Listen to the first extract. Complete the sentences giving new information which is not mention in the advertisement.

  1. Tour directors … .

  2. The school groups include … .

  3. The trips are … .

  4. The responsibilities are … .

  5. The logistics of the trip includes … .

  6. Number of work hours per day: … !

2. Listen to the second extract and identify the following statements as True or False.

    1. They interview every applicant.

    2. They wouldn’t employ anyone who didn’t meet all the requirements mentioned in the advertisement.

    3. It is suggested that a person whose knowledge of countries is weak could learn about them before starting the job.

    4. Extraverts are more likely to be employed than introverts.

3. Listen to the last extract and answer the questions.

1. Which of the phrases given below does the interviewer mention?

    1. “Thank you for coming along and good luck in the future.”

    2. “Thank you for being with us.”

    3. “You haven’t been successful this time.”

    4. “Unfortunately this time we won’t be using you.”

    5. “Unfortunately this time we can’t offer you a job.”

2. What can you say about the level of formality of these phrases and what does that tell you about the kind of organization ACIS is?

3. If someone had failed the interview because their personality wasn’t what was required and they wanted to know why they hadn’t got the job what would they say?