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Part 2 (правки) «Cross-cultural behaviour - lis....doc
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2.2 Skin deep. People’s appearances

  1. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you pay attention to: his/her clothes? voice? facial expression?

  2. What do these things tell you about the person?

  3. Think of two people whose appearance you find unusual or striking. What is the most unusual/striking thing about them?

Describing people Recording 1

 Pre-listening Task

Make sure you know the difference between.

What is he like?


What does he look like?

 Listening Tasks

1. You are going to hear 10 short recordings. Each one is the answer to one of the questions given below. Listen and decide upon the most appropriate question to each recording. The first one is done for you.












  1. What does she like?

  2. What is she like?

  1. What does she look like?

  2. How is she?

Language Focus

Complete the following sentences according to the recording.

1. Her greatest … is horse-riding. She lives for horses from morning till night.

2. I can’t … her. She’s everything I don’t like in a woman. She’s …, she’s


3. She’s not too good. Still got a temperature and a cough that she can’t … .

4. She’s quite good-looking. The kind of girl you … … .

5. Gardening, cooking and sailing, in … … .

Recording 2

 Pre-listening Task

Make sure you know what the following questions stand for. Match the questions with their meaning.

  1. What’s he like?

  2. What does he look like?

  3. How are your parents?

    1. character or appearance or both

    2. description of one’s physical appearance

    3. one’s health or general happiness only

Listening Tasks

1. Listen to the following short conversations and answer the questions.

  1. Does the man describe Corsica generally or in detail?

  2. Does the man describe Corsican’s appearance or character?

  3. What do you think Paul wants to know about Anna’s first boyfriend? About his appearance, his character or both?

  4. Does Anna tell him about her boyfriend’s appearance, or character, or both?

  5. What did the policeman ask the lady about?

2. Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

    1. How did the man find Corsica and its people?

    2. Ann said her boyfriend was very romantic. What did she mean?

    3. What happened to the old lady?

    4. How did she describe the thief?

 Language Focus

Fill in the missing words according to the recording.

  1. And what are the people like? They’re quite …

  2. He was always buying me … and …

  3. I think it’s too late, madam. He’s … .

  4. Oh, I know he looked like that … .