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  1. Look at the expressions in the box using rule. Use your dictionary to check the meanings of any of the expressions that you don’t know.

As a rule


The exception that proves the rule

Rules and regulations

To stretch/ bend the rules

To work to rule

Rule of thumb

  1. Complete these sentences using the expressions from the box in Exercise 1. Change the verb tense if necessary.

    1. The _______was that no word should enter the dictionary until it had been in use for five years.

    2. The_______ for importing a foreign car are so frustrating that it really isn’t worth the effort.

    3. The customs officers were ________ and it took us ages to get over the frontier.

    4. If you go by the _________ , the job will take far too long. I’ll show you some short cuts.

    5. __________, I don’t take sugar in my coffee, but this is so strong I think I’ll have a little.

    6. We are not supposed to use the company car at the weekend, but I suggest we __________ a little.

    7. This sort of hot dry weather in autumn is _______in England.

IV. Complete the text below with the/a (an) or zero article

Do You Speak Japanese?

(1)__ help is on the horizon. (2)__ growth in (3)__ Japanese instruction around (4)__ world is far faster than (5)__ growth in English. Between 1967 and 1984, (6)__ number of (7)__ foreigners studying Japanese increased from 37,000 to almost 600,000. (8)__ Japanese Ministry of (9)__ Education predicts that (10)__ number of (11)__ foreigners studying in Japan will increase four-fold by 2000 from (12)__ present 25,000. On (13)__ opposite edge of (14)__ Pacific rim, (15)__ number of (16)__ students learning Japanese at (17)__ American colleges and universities increased by 45% to 23,500. Worldwide, 80% of (18)__ people learning Japanese are Asian. However, and only take it up as a third language after English.

  • Project writing

Make a report on any variety of English or other foreign language, its peculiarities of vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and usage. Present your project in class.

  • Essay writing

  1. “The Belarusian language: to be or not to be?”

  2. “A deep knowledge of English is the key to success”.

Vocabulary box



second language

lingua franca

ancestor language

network English

artificial language

in-crowd English = slang

national = official language

versatile (adj)

derive (v)

indigenous (adj)

language proficiency

diffusion of language

language affluence

language versatility

fluency of speech

clarity of speech

die out (v) = extinct

outlive (v) = outlast

to switch to a language to become out-dated

to have a good ear to

to resort to a dictionary

to cherish one’s language

to burgeon (v) = to boom

linguistic incompetence

to have a good command of English

monolingual/ bilingual/ multilingual

to speak with equal ease two languages

to pick up the subtleties of communication

to enrol in foreign language courses

native language = mother-tongue

Standard English = educated English

to master a language = to tackle

to borrow a word from = to adopt