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  • Project writing

1. Interview an international student. Explain that your purpose is to report the student's perceptions of cultural differences to your group. Ask about any interesting communication problems or anecdotes that the international student may have encountered in coming to your country. What might people from our culture have done to ease the stress of the international student entering our culture? Then report this interview to your group.

2. Glance through back issues of any magazine until you find an article about another culture that you find interesting. Choose a specific foreign country, such as India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Nigeria. The less familiar you are with it, the better. Research the culture of the country, and write a report summarizing what a foreigner would need to know to accommodate successfully there (traditions, customs, business, etiquette, social roles and status, concepts of time, nonverbal communication styles, and so on). You will find some more tips in the exercise below.

3. You have been asked to design a one-page promotional leaflet outlining the advantages your area offers to foreign tourists and businessmen. Present your project in class.

4. Interview someone from an ethnic subgroup. Explain that your purpose is to identify any misconceptions about their ethnic minority group. Report your findings to the class.

5. Present a detailed profile of Belarusian culture taking into account the following clues:

  1. Social Customs

    1. How do people react to strangers? Friendly? Hostile? Reserved?

    2. How do people greet each other?

    3. What are the appropriate manners when you enter a room? Bow? Nod? Shake hands?

    4. How are names used for introductions? Is it ap­propriate to inquire about a person's occupation or family?

    5. What are the attitudes toward touching?

    6. How do you express appreciation for an invita­tion to another's home? Bring a gift? Send flow­ers? Write a thank-you note? Are any gifts taboo?

    7. Are there any customs on the way people sit or where they sit?

    8. What are the ways of showing respect?

    9. Are any facial expressions or gestures considered rude?

    10. How close do people stand when talking? Is it offensive to put your hand on the arm of some­one with whom you are talking?

    11. What is the attitude toward punctuality in social situations? In business situations?

    12. How do you attract the attention of a waiter in a restaurant? Do you tip the waiter?

    13. How do you politely refuse an invitation?

    14. What are the acceptable eye contact patterns?

    15. What gestures indicate agreement? Disagree­ment?

B. Family Life

    1. What is the basic unit of social organization? Basic family? Extended family? Tribe? Village?

    2. How are the elderly treated?

3. Do women work outside the home? In what oc­cupations?

4. What are the important events in a family's life?

5. Is politeness more important than factual hon­esty?

6. How is a friend defined? What are the responsi­bilities of a friend?

7. What virtues are admired?

8. What are the attitudes toward education? Do most businesspersons have a college degree? Are females educated as well as males?

C. Housing, Clothing, and Food

  1. Are there differences in the kind of housing used by different social groups? Difference in loca­tion? Difference in furnishings?

  2. What occasions require special clothing? What colors are associated with mourning? Love? Joy?

  3. Are some types of clothing considered taboo for one sex or the other? What is appropriate busi­ness attire for men? For women?

  4. What are the attitudes toward human body odors? Are deodorants and perfumes used?

  5. How many times a day do people eat? With what implements is food eaten?

  6. What types of places, food, and drink are appro­priate for business entertainment? Where is the seat of honor at a table?

D. Class Structure

  1. Into what classes is society organized?

  2. Are there racial, religious, or economic factors that determine social status? Is wealth a prerequi­site for public office?

  3. Are there any minority groups? What is their social standing?

  4. Does birth determine status? How are these events celebrated?

  5. Are marriages planned by the family?

  6. What encounters between the sexes are approved prior to marriage?

  • Text 9 from Additional Texts for Reading will help you.