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2. Match the two columns.

  1. to interact a) a place where you stay for a short period of time

  2. to conform to b) diverse

  3. sojourner c) someone acting as go-between

  4. to prone to d) respect for

  5. disparate (adj) e) to communicate to

  6. aloofness f) to give opposite results

  7. reverence for g) awkward

  8. to backfire h) to be liable to

  9. intermediary (n) i) to adapt to

  10. gauche (adj) j) unfriendliness

3. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Все культуры склонны передавать ценности от поколения к поколению.

  2. Культуры могут быть разнообразными и однородными, враждебными и дружескими.

  3. Мы должны испытывать уважение к традициям наших предков.

  4. Во время переговоров нам не удалось прийти к компромиссу, поэтому встреча дала обратный результат.

  5. Когда нам не удается справиться с иностранной корреспонденцией, мы прибегаем за помощью к посреднику или переводчику.

1.3 English as a global language

The number of languages in everyday use for international purposes is diminishing. The world is heading towards a universal language, and that is English. It has already established itself as a lingua franca. English is the language of commerce, finance, science, technology and tourism. It is the main language of advertising, the most influential newspapers, the rapidly growing magazines and the budding national television network. No longer a language strictly for the British educated elite of pre-independence years English is now permeating areas it never reached before.

Besides, English is widely viewed as a vital key to good jobs, financial success and personal advancement. Indeed, English is a must.

In this chapter you will get acquainted with the basic characteristics of English; with its history and diffusion through the centuries; with the peculiarities of British and American English and with the most popular ways of learning foreign languages.


At the present time English is referred to as a 'global language' because it is used for communication by people from all over the world. Which do you think is the correct alternative? Underline your guess. (The figures are all approximate.)

1. English is spoken by a) 100 million b)1.5 billion people (both native speakers and non-native speakers).

2. a) 1 million-10 million b) 100 million-a billion people speak English as a foreign language.

3. a) 80% b) 95% of all information stored in electronic retrieval systems is in English.

4. There are between a) 1,000 and 2,000 b) 6,000 and 10,000 languages in the world.

5. In 100 years' time there will be a) half the present number b) the same number of languages in the world.

6. English has a) 250,000-400,000 b) 500,000-1 million words, including technical, jargon and slang words.

7. The average native speaker of English has between a) 5,000 and 10,000 b) 20,000 and 30,000 words in their vocabulary for everyday conversation.

8. The average vocabulary of a foreign student starting an advanced English class is a) 2,000 b) 5,000 words.

Is there anything that surprises you in the answers?