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Методичка для 1 курса всех факультетов макет.doc
18.02 Mб

1. Use must not, need not, cannot, may not, dare not, could not, should not, ought not to fill the spaces in the following sentences and state the reason.

  1. You … write to him for he will be here tomorrow.

  2. We … make any noise or we’ll wake the baby.

  3. They … to take the exam.

  4. I am sure they … understand the text because it is too difficult.

  5. They … talk to each other yesterday.

  6. You … waste much time because time is money.

  7. Children … be here when guests come.

  8. Peter … drive so fast, because he is not a very good driver.

  9. You … say such things if you don’t mean them.

  10. She … be at the stadium now because she has broken her leg.

  11. You … take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.

  12. People … smoke in a non-smoking compartment.

2. Fill in the blanks with modal verbs in the right tense according to the instructions given in brackets at the end of each sentence. Use following verbs

Must, can, may, should, need, to be able, to have to

  1. I …see her smiling at me now. (the Present Indefinite Tense, ability)

  2. I … not say that we feared each other, the fear was all mine. (the Present Indefinite Tense, possibility)

  3. I was afraid of my mother’s disapproval. She … say we were too young. (the Past Indefinite Tense, possibility)

  4. I sat down but I … not eat or drink in her presence. (the Past Indefinite Tense, ability)

  5. I … now, in mentioning my mother, speak of Aunt Etelle. (the modal verb which has only one form, necessity)

  6. Oranges … be eaten in solitude and as a treat when one is feeling hungry. (present advisability)

  7. “I’ll never sell this,” she had told him bluntly, “so you … as well forget about it. This is my home now and for all time.” (the Present Indefinite Tense, permission)

3. Complete the sentences using can, could or (be) able to.

  1. Sandra … drive but she hasn’t got a car.

  2. I used to …stand on my head but I can’t do it now.

  3. I’m really hungry. I … eat a hors!

  4. If you’re very hungry, we …can have dinner now.

  5. The weather is nice now but it …change later.

  6. I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never … understand him.

  7. It’s so nice here. I … stay here all day but I have to go.

  8. George has traveled a lot. He … speak four languages.

4. Write these sentences in a different way using may or might.

She might be in her office.

1. Perhaps Margaret is in her office.

2. Perhaps Margaret is busy.

3. Perhaps she wants to be along.

4. Perhaps she went home early.

5. Perhaps she was working yesterday.

Use may not or might not

6. Perhaps she doesn’t want to see me.

7. Perhaps she isn’t working today.

8. Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well yesterday.

5. Translate the sentences.

  1. Это очень интересная статья. Вам следует прочитать ее.

  2. Я должно быть встречал этого человека.

  3. Нужно ли повторить это снова?

  4. Вам следовало спросить разрешения, прежде чем взять книгу.

  5. Вы могли бы сказать мне об этом раньше.

  6. Не может быть, чтобы он отказался помочь вам.

  7. Вам не следовало упоминать об этом в его присутствии.

  8. Вам не нужно беспокоиться об этом.

  9. Вы можете встретить это слово в любом словаре.

  10. Ей следует нас подождать.

  11. Он должен выполнить это задание.

  12. Вы умеете плавать?

  13. Завтра я должен встать рано.