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PART I(1).doc
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  1. Complete these sentences with the information from the text:

  1. Juliano included seatbelts, side-impact bars, …………

  2. ………… the car had to stop a pedestrian …………

  3. Stalin loved …………

  4. The Russians might have been proud of …………

  5. ZIL 111 was luxuriously appointed within, with …………

  6. Chia Selene designers put …………

  7. Selene 1 steering wheel could …………

  8. The car was meant to predict …………

  9. Selene II was a 3-seater …………

  10. Designer’s imagination overcame the small dimensions ………

  1. Translate the following words and combinations and learn them:

Pedestrian’s safety, side-impact bars, a collapsible telescopic steering column, tinted roof, leather seats, air conditioning, electric windows, from left- to right-hand drive, built-in cocktail bar, car occupants, 2 facing seats, door bins, parcel shelf instead of a dashboard, space-saving wheels.

  1. Match English word combinations with their equivalents in Ukrainian:

    1. radiator grille

    1. бути у гарному стані

    1. useful job

    1. засоби збереження електрики

    1. means of storing electricity

    1. електростанція

    1. under normal circumstances

    1. регулятор напруги

    1. voltage regulator

    1. за нормальних умов

    1. to be in good condition

    1. корисна робота

    1. power station

    2. ride control

    3. driving experience

    4. luxurious surroundings

    5. spare parts

    6. fuel consumption

    1. решітка радіатора

    2. споживання палива

    3. запасні частини

    4. розкішний салон

    5. досвід керування

    6. контроль керування

  2. Match the word with its definition:


  1. helps to carry sb/sth in a vehicle


  1. the hollow part inside which the piston moves in the engine


  1. a device for slowing or stopping a car, bicycle, train, ……

steering wheel

  1. the wheel that the driver turns in order to steer a vehicle


  1. the metal case that encloses a vehicle’s gear mechanism


  1. an automatic signal that controls road traffic (where roads meet)

reverse gear

  1. a folding cover over a car

traffic lights

  1. a device that connects and disconnects working parts in a machine (the engine and gears in a vehicle)


  1. an apparatus that mixes Petrol and air together to make the explosive gas which provides power


  1. the mechanism used to make a vehicle travel backwards

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