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PART I(1).doc
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  1. Read the text and fill each gap with one of these words:

designers, fit, engineers, manufacture, model, vehicle.


Introducing a new …… of automobile generally takes three to five years from inception to assembly. Ideas for new models are developed to respond to unmet public needs and preferences.

Trying to predict what the public will want to drive in five years is no small feat, yet automobile companies have successfully designed automobiles that …… public tastes. With the help of computer-aided equipment, …… develop basic concept drawings that help them visualize the proposed appearance of the …... Based on this simulation, they construct clay models that can be studied by styling experts familiar with what the public is likely to accept.

Aerodynamic …… also review the models, studying air flow parameters and doing feasibility studies on crash tests. Only after all models have been reviewed and excepted, tool designers permitted to begin building the tools that will …… the component parts of the new model.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

Appearance, to some extent, road vehicles, automotive engineers, in this context, aesthetics of the vehicle, product concept, art background, exterior design, interior design, color and trim design, the proportions, shape and surfaces of the vehicle, ergonomics, to work closely with.

  1. Here are some factors people consider when buying a car. Match the factors with the definitions.


    1. the amount of money you get when you sell your car

    resale value

    1. how much petrol or diesel the car uses


    1. when customers always buy their cars from the same manufacturer

    interior features

    1. the amount of money you pay when you buy a car

    fuel consumption

    1. the car’s capacity to go fast and accelerate quickly


    1. how big the car is

    brand loyalty

    1. items inside the car

  2. Choose the correct word:

  1. What (shape / form) is the table?

  2. Sun, rain and frost had damaged the (exterior / interior) of the building.

  3. His new Porsche has red bodywork with black leather (interior / exterior).

  4. Mrs. Priestly is a senior member of the design (group / team).

  5. The car has a new ergonomic (design / size).

  1. Match English words with their equivalents in Ukrainian.

  1. brake pedal

  1. робочий цикл

  1. handbrake

  1. ручне гальмо

  1. acceleration pedal

  1. важіль перемикання передач

  1. sparking plug

  1. чотирьохтактний цикл

  1. four-stroke cycle

  1. система змащування

  1. compression stroke

  1. педаль гальма

  1. petrol system

  1. педаль газу

  1. exhaust stroke

  1. свічка запалювання

  1. firing cycle

  1. такт стиснення

  1. gear lever or gearstick

  1. такт випуску

  1. clutch pedal

  1. педаль зчеплення

  1. lubricating (oiling) system

  1. паливна система

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