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VI. Find a synonym:

to work out

a) to act b) to develop c) to use d) to do


a) extended b) growing c) total d) general


a) difference b) activity c) characteristic d) degree


a) fundamentals b) cause c) task d) knowledge

to perceive

a) to find b) to understand c) to do d) to make

VII. Read and translate the text using the dictionary:

Teaching methods have a long history and relate to the questions: “What is the purpose of education?” and “What are the best ways of achieving these purposes?” For much of human history educational method was largely unconscious. It consisted of children, imitating the elders’ behaviour, learning through observation and play.

About 3000 BC, with the advent of writing, education became more conscious with specialized occupations, requiring particular skills and knowledge.

It has been the intent of many educators since then to find specific, interesting ways to encourage students to use their intelligence and to help them to learn.

Komensky wanted all boys and girls to learn. In his work “The World in Pictures” he gave the first vivid, illustrated textbook which contained much that children would be familiar with in everyday life. He used it to teach the academic subjects they needed to know.

Much later, Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his “Emilepresented methodology to teach children the elements of science and much more. In this he famously avoided books, saying the world is one’s book.

In the 20th century the philosopher Eli Siegel, who believed that all children are equally capable of learning regardless of ethnic background or social class stated: “The purpose of all education is to like the world through knowing it”.

VIII. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.

IX. Render the text in a written form. Unit 4 Topic: Pedagogical categories. Pedagogical sciences

I. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

purposeful management – цілеспрямоване керівництво

in accordance with – згідно з

interaction – взаємодія

cognitive activity – пізнавальна діяльність

interrelated – взаємопов’язаний

disabled children – діти-інваліди

II. Read and translate the following text:

The main categories of pedagogics are upbringing, teaching and education.

Upbringing is a process of purposeful management of personality formation and development in accordance with the society demands.

A general purpose of upbringing is a formation of a socially active, humanistic personality.

So, upbringing is:

1. a process that leads to certain changes;

2. a purposeful management of personality development;

3. an interaction of all subjects and objects of pedagogical process;

4. development activity.

Teaching is a process of purposeful management of a human cognitive activity, during which knowledge, skills, conception of the world are mastered. Teaching is a technology of education.

Education is a process and a result of knowledge abilities and skills’ mastering.

All these categories (upbringing, teaching, education) are interrelated.

To pedagogical sciences belong:

general pedagogics that studies and forms principles, methods, kinds of teaching and upbringing;

age pedagogics: preschool, school, adult;

preschool pedagogics is a branch of pedagogical knowledge that studies principles of children’s upbringing in families and preschool educational establishments;

secondary school pedagogics is the most developed branch of pedagogical knowledge that deals with the content, forms and methods of pupils’ teaching and upbringing;

pedagogics for disabled children studies and works out questions of teaching, upbringing and education of children with different physical defects;

branch pedagogics: military, sporting, higher school, vocational school.

III. Answer the questions:

1. What are the main categories of pedagogics?

2. What does upbringing deal with?

3. How many purposes of upbringing do you know? Name them.

4. What is teaching?

5. What is education?

6. Do you know other pedagogical sciences?

IV. Match each English word in the left column with its Ukrainian equivalent in the right column:

1. personality a) принципи

2. society b) вміння

3. purpose c) знання

4. skills d) суспільство

5. content e) опрацьовувати

6. principles f) особистість

7. to master g) належати

8. knowledge h) ціль

9. to work out i) оволодівати

10.to belong j) зміст

V. Continue the sentences using the text:

1. The main categories of pedagogics are … .

2. A general purpose of upbringing is … .

3. Education is a process and a result … .

4. To pedagogical sciences belong: … .

5. Teaching is … .

VI. Find a synonym:


a) section b) basis c) type d) unit


a) want b) point of view c) aim d) cost


a) possibility b) chance c) opportunity d) capacity

to belong

a) to go with b) to know c) to be included in d) to look forward


a) knowledge b) subdivision c) part d) way

VII. Mind the following words and word-combinations:

are roughly coordinated – приблизно узгоджені

a conceptual framework – схематична структура

to pursue [pq'sH] – продовжувати

an apprenticeship [q'prentIsSIp] – навчання

VIII. Listen to the text “Classical education” and try to understand it.

IX. Answer the following questions:

1. What main phases does Western classical education have?

2. What does each of these phases include?

X. True/ False statements:

1. Primary education teaches children how to learn.

2. Secondary education teaches grammar.

3. Higher education teaches a student the future profession.

Unit 5

Topic: Upbringing in Primitive Society

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