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VIII. Read and translate the text using the dictionary:

Education today is perhaps more important than at any previous time in our history. It helps young people to meet challenges of life and to see the world with greater understanding. Today we depend on science and technology, so everybody should know about it and its contribution to society, understand its potential and limitations.

So, the focus of education is on the learner and the goal is to help each student to get as much knowledge as possible, to become a creative thinker, to develop a good self-image, when he takes his place in the working world. Studies should help students to discover, that dealing with scientific issues is fun, interesting and important to their lives.

The objective of a study programme is to provide good knowledge in science and in a spe­cial field of student’s interest. Students learn to carry out and interpret investigations, acquire teaching and technical skills in sciences.

The faculty develops a curriculum that produces a well-rounded student with good training in a chosen area of research.

At higher schools basic material is presented in the form of lectures, supplemented by class discussions, seminars and laboratory exercises. Students work in laboratories to learn various ex­perimental techniques and to become familiarized with instrumentation and other faculty facilities.

IX. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.

X. Render the text in a written form. Unit 2

Topic: Learning STRATEGIES

I. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:

appropriate [q'prqVprIIt] – відповідний

sequence ['sJkwqns] – послідовність

similarity ["sImIlxrItI] – схожість

drawback ['dLbxk] – недолік

fault-finding ['fLlt"fQIndIN] – прискіпливий

antagonistic [xn"txgq'nIstIk] – ворожий

adjustment [q'dZAstmqnt] – установка

kinetic [kQI'netIk] – кінетичний, рухливий

to recognize ['rekqgnQIz] – розпізнавати

authenticity ["LTen'tIsItI] – автентичність, достовірність

II. Read and translate the following text:

It would seem, that the only way a teacher can provide with the indefinite number of student learning strategies, is to teach in an endless variety of styles. But obviously, even a super-teacher cannot possibly present information in every one of these styles. The key is to learn to recognize a strategy as quickly as possible, so that you can make the appropriate individual adjustments necessary for success. It makes sense to teach your students how to learn and how to develop their own learning strategies, so they are to teach themselves. Here are some additional learning strategies:


Many students learn by finding sameness that is they ask themselves what certain things have in common. For example, by looking at four cars or rugs, having the same red-green-red colour sequence. This student is often more sociable because he finds similarities between himself and friends very easily.


Other students learn by finding differences. They discover things about the world by finding disparities, drawbacks and what is unusual. This student is often criticized for being negative or fault-finding when, in fact, he is using his primary learning strategy. As you might guess, this student either socializes less or has more antagonistic relationships. Treat this student with respect. His ability to find what is different about something is both useful and necessary to his survival.


This student is interested in how things work, why we are doing this and how we got “from a to z”. He is less time oriented, more interested in how people are treated and in maintaining relationships in your class. This student likes explanations of why you are doing things and enjoys personal stories.


This orientation is bottom line. This student wants to know the end of the story first, the final score, the conclusion. In your class, give the answer first and then explain how you got there.

“Prove It to Me First”

This framework of learning requires not only the logical facts and numbers, but also wants to know who else has done it. In your class, be methodical and set a personal example to reach the student using this line of thinking.


Many students cannot learn effectively with a constructed or created reference. (“Imagine this”, “for instance” or “let’s pretend that”). They need real-life references and examples. Others can learn quite easily with their constructed references to reality. It can be a very successful learning strategy. Be sure to offer both of these in your class.

Movement and Games

Movement and activity are natural features of childhood, and learning flows naturally from them. Activity and development become increasingly linked, and the young child needs exposure to many different activities to help stimulate the intellect. Movement games that teach concepts, not only provide kinetic stimulation for learners, they also help release the physical energy that often makes it difficult for children to preserve with stationary activities.

III. True or false. If false, correct the mistake.

1. The student who finds similarities is not very sociable.

2. Process-oriented students are not interested in what, why and how they learn.

3. Students often want to know the result of learning: the end of the story, the conclusion etc.

4. Not all students can learn, creating the images in their minds, they need references to reality.

5. Movements and games are not necessary during the learning/teaching process.

IV. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Many students learn by finding similarities.

2. Many students cannot learn effectively with a constructed or created reference.

3. Movement and activity are natural features of childhood.

4. They discover things by finding differences.

V. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Щоб навчання було успішним, потрібно підібрати відповідну індивідуальну


2. Студенти цікавляться, як відбувається процес навчання від початку до кінця.

3. Часто учні потребують відношення до реального життя, не оперуючи символами.

4. Ігри та рухи допомагають зняти фізичну напругу, стимулювати мислення.

VI. Answer the questions:

1. What are learning strategies necessary for?

2. What learning strategies do you know?

3. Which are the most important to your opinion?

4. Which learning strategies do your teachers use or which did they use at school?

VII. Mind the following words:

an approach – підхід

faculties – викладачі ВНЗ

an issue ['IsjH] – проблема

a quiz – серія запитань

VIII. Listen to the text “Teaching methods” and try to understand it.

IX. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the oldest teaching method? When did it appear?

2. What does the lecture-discussion approach to teaching represent?

X. True/ False statements:

1. The lecture method originated in 14th century.

2. 1450 – is the year of the printing press’ introduction.

3. Many teachers employ a combination of lectures and discussions.

Unit 3

Topic: Pedagogics

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