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III. Choose the correct variant:

1. “Emil or about education / upbringing” was published in 1762.

2. Age played / did not play an important role in upbringing.

3. Pestalocci paid much attention to secondary / primary education.

4. Pestalocci worked a lot at methodology / psychology of a school.

5. Komensky divided the child’s life into four / five periods.

6. Komensky valued teachers / state as a tool of teaching.

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

correspond, character, inclinations, accessibility, system, moral, condemn, source, punishment

1. A baby is not born with … features.

2. Each age should … each form of upbringing.

3. Good and positive … should be developed.

4. Education should have national … .

5. Komensky … corporal … .

6. School is a … of knowledge and growth.

7. Czech educator developed a … of education.

8. … is one of the main parts of a lesson procedure.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What is the main idea of Rousseau’s philosophy?

2. Why should education be natural?

3. Who/what influenced Pestalocci’ pedagogics?

4. Why is primary education so important?

5. Why is Komensky considered to be a founder of schools and education?

VI. Make up a chat with pedagogical ideas of three educators.

VII. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Treatise by Rousseau “Emil or about upbringing” caused a wave of indignation in 1762.

2. Natural education should be carried with the growth of a child’s body.

3. All good inclinations should be developed while upbringing.

4. Visuality is one of the most important parts of educational process.

VIII. Translate into English:

1. Коменський розробив основні правила і принципи навчання.

2. Він виділив декілька принципів навчання у “Великій дидактиці”: доступність, активність, наочність, свідомість, систематичність.

3. Дитина розвиває свої моральні якості, а не народжується з ними.

4. “Як нація цінує школу та вчителів, таку цінність вона має”, вважав великий педагог.

5. Коменський розділив навчальний рік на чверті та виділив урок як основну форму навчання.

IX. Read and translate the text using the dictionary: Johann-Heinrich Pestalocci

According to Pestalocci, the chief goal of education should be creating the “moral man”. Whether moral individual attempts to do good or to love, his actions are rooted in religious faith and he puts aside his selfishness wherever possible. The moral individual is self-made.

A fundamental belief of Pestalocci is that it becomes possible for the individual to do justice to his higher destiny and to develop his own moral life, only if that individual receives an appropriate education.

Pestalocci believed that the basic requirements for a moral lifestyle can be found in human nature. Every child is born with natural powers and faculties – originally in an undeveloped state. These can be developed. “The eye wants to see, the ear wants to hear, the foot wants to walk and the hand wants to grasp. In the same way the heart wants to believe and to love, the mind wants to think. In every faculty of human nature there is the urge to raise itself out of its state of lifelessness to the developed power which we have, only as a seed of the power and not as the power itself”, wrote Pestalocci. Of course, it is important to the child’s development that these natural powers and faculties are directed towards moral conduct.

In addition to these, “powers of the heart”, intellectual and manual skills must also be developed. However, heart, head and hand must each be developed according to their own natural laws. The educator must get to know these laws and educate according to them.

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