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1.I was surprised that it rained. I didn’t expect … .

2.Don’t stop him doing what he wants. Let … .

3.He looks older when he wears glasses. Glasses make … .

4.I think you should know the truth. I want … .

5.Don’t let me forget to phone my sister. Remind (напомни) … .

6.At first I didn’t want to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded (убе-

дила) me.

Sarah persuaded …


foodstuffs [΄fu:dstAfs] – продовольствие, продукты питания to employ [Im΄plOI] – предоставлять работу, нанимать workforce [΄wq:kfO:s] – рабочая сила

to account for [ə΄kaunt] – составлять meadow [΄medqu] – луг

to belong to [bI΄lOŋ ] – принадлежать к.-л. Which union do you belong to?

unstable [An΄steIbl ] – неустойчивый unstable job

fertility [fq΄tIlItI] – плодородие soil fertility

fertilizer [,fq:tI΄laIzə] – удобрение inorganic fertilizers

to contaminate [kqn΄txmIneIt] – загрязнять, заражать, портить to contaminate food

to be overmoistened [,quvq΄mOIsnd] – быть переувлажненным, заболоченным

The soils are overmoistened here.

marshy [΄ma:SI] – болотистый marshy lowlands

to be drained [dreInd] – осушаться

fodder [΄fOdq] – корм fodder crops


to dominate [΄dOmIneIt] – преобладать, властвовать

The strong usually dominate the weak.

transition [trxn΄zI∫n] – переход transition period

broiler chicken [΄brOIlq΄tʃIkIn] – цыпленок-бройлеp

flax [flxks] – лен

to meet [mi:t] (met, met) – удовлетворять, соответствовать (желаниям, требованиям)

That meets his wishes.

explosion [Ik΄splquZqn] – взрыв bomb explosion

arable xrqbl] – пахотный arable lands

lack [lxk] – недостаток, отсутствие

12. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus

Agriculture is one of the main branches of the Belarusian economy for it supplies the population with foodstuffs. Agriculture is also one of the most important activities in the republic for it employs more than 20 % of the workforce.

The area of Belarus is 207, 600 km2. Nearly 60 % of the total land area is cultivated. Arable lands account for about 30 % of the cultivated land area, and meadows and pastures account for 15 %.

Belarus belongs to the area of so-called unstable farming. A short growing season, the lack of fertile soils and other factors make farming difficult. The main plowed lands have low natural fertility. Much of the land can be productive only with fertilizer application. The 1986 explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station contaminated much of the soil in southern Belarus. It reduced the country’s total area of arable land by more than 10 %.

40 % of the total territory are overmoistened. Marshy lowlands cover the southern region of Polesye in the basin of the Pripyat River. Many of the lowlands have been drained. They are used for producing fodder crops.

The Belarusian agrarian business is represented by large agricultural enterprises and cooperatives. In 1993 private farms began to appear. But the transition to private farms is slow. Large agricultural enterprises were transformed into smaller individual farms or agricultural cooperatives.

Most of the farms have mixed crop and livestock farming. The main species of livestock are cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry. Broiler chick-


ens are other major livestock. They are raised in special mass-production plants.

The country’s chief crops are cereal grains (mainly rye, barley and oats) and sugar beets. A large percentage of them is used to feed animals. Flax is also important. The republic is one of the main producers of flax in the world. The fact that potatoes are Belarusians “second bread” is known far beyond the republic. No wonder: Belarus is the second producer of potatoes in Europe. Additional crops grown on Belarusian farms are cabbages, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, onions. Fruit crops include apples, cherries, pears, plums.

Belarusian agriculture not only produces farm products to meet domestic needs. The republic is a traditional exporter of agricultural products. Among them are pork, beef, chicken, animal oil, cheese, eggs, flax, vegetables. Today Belarusian agricultural products are supplied to twenty-three countries. The Russian Federation is our main customer.

13. Choose the correct answer. Consult the text if necessary. 1. The agricultural sector is dominated by

a)state and private farms.

b)private holdings.

c)agricultural enterprises and cooperatives.

2.What factors make farming difficult? a) a short growing season

b) soils of low natural fertility

c) marshy lowlands and the contaminated area d) all of the above

3.The 1986 explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station contaminated much of the soil in

a) northern Belarus. b) southern Belarus. c) eastern Belarus. d) western Belarus.

4.The transition to private farms is




5. A great amount of goods produced by Belarusian agriculture is oriented towards

a)the CIS countries’ markets.


c)neighbouring countries.


14. Is it true?

1. Belarus has a large amount of farmland.

2. Fodder crops are grown on the drained lowlands.

3. Livestock farming and crop farming are the main trends in the republic’s agrarian sector.

4. Belarus is self-sufficient only in milk and meat products.

5. One-fifth of the republic’s population is employed in agriculture. 15. Match the words listed below with the definitions.

livestock, farmland, meadow, pasture, work force, soil

1.Land used or suitable for farming;

2.Cattle, horses, poultry and similar animals kept for domestic use on a farm;

3.An area of grassland often used for hay or for grazing animals;

4.Land covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing;

5.The top layer of the land surface that is composed of rock particles, humus, water and air;

6.The total number of workers employed by a company on a specific job.

16. Fill in the gaps using the necessary prepositions.

1. The land is used …. producing cereal grains.

2. Some farms were transformed …. cooperatives.

3. Agriculture supplies us …. foodstuffs.

4. The country belongs …. the area of unstable farming.

5. The total area …. arable land was reduced … 10 percent. 6. The transition …. private farms is slow.

17. Use the words listed below to fill in the gaps.

raise, employs, cover, accounts for, application, workforce, fertility, to meet

1.Industry …. 42 percent of the …. of Belarus.

2.Forests …. about one third of the republic.

3.Agriculture …. about a seventh of economic output of Belarus.

4.Most of Belarus has soils of moderate …. .

5.…. of fertilizers makes lands more productive.

6.Farms in almost every part of the country …. livestock.

7.…. its needs the country must import additional amounts of minerals.

18. Do you know where flax is grown? What is flax used for? Read the text and find the answers to these questions.


Flax is one of the oldest cultivated crops. Flax seeds that have been found in Syria and Turkey indicate that the plant might have been grown as


early as 7000 B.C. The Egyptians began cultivating flax about 5000 B.C. By about 1000 B.C., the cultivation of flax had spread to Western Europe. In the A.D. 700’s, the areas that are now Belgium and France became leading producers of fine linen.

Flax is a plant raised for its fibre and seed. The fibre is made into linen fabric and a variety of other products, including rope, thread and highquality paper. The seeds contain linseed oil, which is used primarily in the production of paints and varnishes.

There are about 230 species of flax. Only one species, Linum usitatissimum, is grown commercially. Different varieties of this species are grown for fibre and for seed.

Flax seeds consist of about 40 percent oil and 60 percent water and solid matter. One bushel of seeds produces about 2.5 gallons (9.5 litres) of linseed oil. The meal that remains after processing is used as a high-protein feed for livestock. People also use ground flax seed to make breads and other foods.

World production of fibre flax amounts to about 700,000 tons annually. China is, by far, the leading country in fibre flax production. Other leading growers include Belarus, France, the Netherlands and Russia. The United States and Canada do not raise fibre flax. World flax seed production totals about 100 million bushels yearly. Leading flax seedproducing countries include Canada, China, India, the United Kingdom

and the United States.


B.C. (before Christ) – до нашей эры; A.D. (anno Domini) – нашей эры; bushel – бушель (36,3 л)

19. Answer the questions to the text.

1.What is flax raised for?

2.Flax is one of the oldest cultivated crops, isn’t it?

3.What do flax seeds consist of?

4.What are the leading countries in flax production?

20. Read the text “Growing and Processing Fibre Flax”. Put the sentences in the right order.

Processing Fibre Flax

The stems are dried.

A machine breaks the stems into shives.

The short and long fibres are straightened and separated from each other.

The flax stems are soaked in water.

The fibres are baled and processed.


The seeds are processed for oil.

A machine pulls the stalks from the ground.

The seeds are removed.

The machine separates the shives from the fibres.

Growing and Processing Fibre Flax

Fibre flax grows best in cool, moist climates with rainy summers. It is planted in spring after the danger of frost has passed. Fibre flax is generally grown in rotation with other crops. Rotation helps reduce the effects of diseases.

Fibre flax is harvested three to four months after planting. If the plants are harvested too early, the fibres will be fine and silky, but weak. If the plants become too ripe, the fibres will be stiff and rough and difficult to spin into yarn. Farmers harvest fibre flax with a machine that pulls the stalks from the ground. On some farms, workers harvest flax by hand.

After the plants have been harvested, the flax stems are soaked in water. This process, which is called retting, rots the stalk and exposes the fibres that lie under the woody part of the stem. There are two methods of retting – dew-retting and water-retting. In dew-retting, farmers spread the flax in the field and allow the dew to rot the plants for several weeks. During the dew-retting process, the stems are turned several times and the seeds are removed. In water-retting, the seeds are removed first and the stems are then soaked in large tanks of warm water for four to eight days.

Afterretting,theflaxstemsaredriedandsentthroughamachinethatbreaks them into small pieces called shives. Next, in a process called scutching, the machine separates the shives from the fibres by beating the stems with a whirling paddle or blade. In the next step, called hackling, the tow (short) and line (long) fibres are straightened and separated from each other by combing. After combing, the fibres are baled and sent to mills for processing. The

seeds that were removed from the plants are processed for oil.


retting – вымачивание; shives – костра; scutching – трепание (стеблеволокнистых растений); hackling – ческа (льна); are baled – упаковываются в тюки.

21. Work in pairs (groups). Discuss the following:

a)Belarusian agriculture in the 21st century: problems and prospects.

b)Belarusian agriculture needs reforming.

c)Agriculture is one of the main branches of the Belarusian economy.


Relax Yourselves

22. Match the following proverbs with their Russian equivalents.

Choose an author as you choose


За все браться – ничего не


a friend.



Pride goes before a fall.


Выбирай писателя, как

Jack of all trades is the master of


выбираешь друга.



Лишние деньги – лишние

Much coin, much care.



Barking dogs don’t bite.


Дьявол гордился, да с неба






Кто много грозит, тот мало




Unit 20

British Agriculture

Phonetics: Intonation of Alternative Questions.

Grammar: Complex Subject.

Conversational topic: “British Agriculture”.

Phonetic Exercises

Intonation of Alternative Questions (Интонация альтернативных вопросов)

Альтернативные вопросы (вопросы выбора) произносятся с повышением тона в первой части до союза or (или) и падением во второй. При этом повышение тона в первой части начинается со слова, на которое падает логическое ударение, а падение тона во второй половине происходит в противопоставляемом слове.

|Is this /my pencil | or |is it \yours?

1. Read the following alternative questions with correct intonation.

1.Will you have some juice or mineral water?

2.Is it the wrong size or the wrong colour?

3.Can she play the piano or the violin?

4.How do you like your tea, Lena, strong or weak?

5.Shall we go to the pictures tonight or shall we stay in and watch TV?

6.Would you like a book by Ch. Dickens or would you prefer modern writers?

2. Compose four alternative questions on the topic “Belarusian Agriculture”. Use them in dialogues of your own. Mind your intonation.



3.Translate the following words paying attention to 1) the suffixes,

2)the prefixes.

1.Origin, original, to originate;

2.Effect, effective, effectively;

3.To locate, local, location;

4.To represent, representative, representation;

5.Common, commonly; to compose, component, composition;

6.To differ, different, difference;

7.Unofficial, unequal, unbalanced, independent, incomplete, immobile, immaterial, illogical.

4. Form the adverbs from the adjectives with the help of the suffix -ly.

Main, particular, practical, gradual, technological, traditional, industrial, wide, exact, final, constant, large, great, profitable, primary, near, different, total.

5. Guess the meaning of the English words by analogy with the Russian ones.

Industry, efficient, to base, technology, total, hectare, to vary, product, farm, type, structure, fruit, modern, machine, tractor, combine, to import, private, traditional.

Grammar Commentary

Complex Subject (The Subjectivewiththe- Infinitive Construction)

Сложное подлежащее (Субъектный инфинитивный оборот)

Сложное подлежащее отличается от простого тем, что в него входит не только субъект, но и его действие, которое всегда выражено инфинитивом. Причем этот комплекс прерывается вклинивающимся в него сказуемым.

Сказуемое может быть выражено:

1) глаголами to say (говорить), to believe (полагать), to consider

(считать), to think (думать), to suppose (предполагать), to expect

(ожидать) и др. в пассивном залоге.

e.g. The telescope is said to be named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble.

The telescope is believed to help check the theory of the Big Bang.

Говорят, чтотелескопназван в честь американского астронома Эдвина Хаббла.

Полагают, что телескоп поможетпроверитьтеорию«большого взрыва».


2) выражениями to be likely (вероятно), to be unlikely (маловеро-

ятно), to be sure (безусловно).


e.g. The newspapers are likely to

Похоже, что газеты

be taken by Dave.

заберет Дейв.

Rex is unlikely to have been fed.

Непохоже, что Рекса кормили.

3) глаголами to seem (казаться), to appear (казаться, по-види-

мому), to happen (случаться), to turn out, to prove (оказаться) в

активном залоге.

Инфинитив в составе сложного подлежащего употребляется в перфектной форме, если его действие предшествовало действию сказуемого, илинеперфектной, еслиегодействиепроисходитодновременно с действием сказуемого или отнесено в будущее.

e.g. The journalists seem to have made the news a necessary part of man’s life.

Water proves to be the most important element.

Кажется, журналисты сделали новости необходимой частью жизни человека.

Оказывается, вода является самым важным элементом.

Grammar Exercises

6. Find the Complex Subject in the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.The exhibition is said to be in Moscow now. 2. I seem to be unable to solve this problem. 3. This appears to be the only exception to the rule.

4.He appeared to enjoy the concert. 5. The children seemed not to notice it. 6. The archaeological expedition is likely to come to this village only in October. 7. He turned out to be ten years my senior. 8. They are said to have been in London last month. 9. Water is considered to be the most important element.

7.Read and translate into Russian.

1.Jackson was believed to be the most likely candidate for the medal.

3.Tokyo is said to be the most populated city in the world. 4. The delegation is said to have completed the talks and it will be departing from the capital by plane tonight. 5. He is likely to be working on a new experiment now.

6.He is sure to have met the actress before. 7. You don’t seem to be listening to what I am saying. 8. This house is said to have been built as far back as the 16th century. 9. He is unlikely to take one of the first prizes. 10. They are reported to have been travelling in Africa for more than four months.

8.Join the sentences using the Complex Subject.

e.g. He has passed all the examinations. We know it. He is known to have passed all his examinations.


1.Now he is a possible competitor for the medal. Many people thought so. 3. They have already changed their plans again. Everybody says so.

4.You have seen better plays. I am sure of it. 5. You aren’t acquainted with this document. It seems so. 6. He is making good progress in English. It is understood.

9.Change the sentences using the Complex Subject.

e.g. The government will lose the election (to expect). The government is expected to lose the election.

1. The public do not walk on the grass (to expect). 2. It is a mistake (to believe). 3. We don’t play tennis in winter (to suppose). 4. He is a good singer (to say). 5. The plane reached the Crimea on time (to report). 6. The actor is very talented (to believe). 7. The theatre will go abroad next summer (to announce). 8. He rewrote the article once more (to make).

10. Translate into English.

1. Ожидают, что хозяйство соберет хороший урожай ржи. 2. Считается, что ячмень хорошо растет там же, где и овес. 3. Известно, что песчаные почвы плохо удерживают влагу. 4. Обнаружено, что вакцинация сельскохозяйственных животных способствует сохранению поголовья стада. 5. Урожай сахарной свеклы будет непременно высоким в этом году. 6. Говорят, что в этом хозяйстве плодородные земли. 7. Полагают, что в эту почву необходимо вносить удобрения.


efficient ΄fISqnt] – эффективный; умелый, подготовленный, квалифицированный

efficiency [I΄fISqnsI] – продуктивность, производительность efficiency of labour – производительность труда

acreage [΄eIkrIdZ] – площадь земли в акрах

acre [΄eIkq] – акр (= 0,4 га); acres – земли, владения total agricultural acreage – общая площадь с/х угодий

average xvərIdZ] – средняя величина on the (an) average – в среднем

below the average; above the average; an average sized farm

primarily [΄praImərIlI] – сначала, первоначально, главным образом syn. at first, at the beginning; mainly

technology [tek΄nOlədZI] – технология

technology of farm crop production; technologist, food technologist

sufficient [sə΄fI∫ənt] – достаточный

to be self-sufficient in – обеспечивать себя


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