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1. At 5 sharp Helen was talking to the Dean. (When…) 2. The foreigner was speaking slowly because he wanted us to understand the joke. (Why…) 3. The Fretwells were travelling from India to China when they met the stranger again. (Where…) 4. They were playing cards when the stranger appeared on the deck. (When) 5. Just as Jack was crossing the road, a car came round the corner. (What road …) 6. While they were sailing up the west coast of Africa, they ran out of food. (Where…)

11. Из двух простых предложений составьте одно сложное. Два действия происходили одновременно.

e.g. I shaved. The children had breakfast.

I was shaving while the children were having breakfast.

1. You had a bath. Your sister did her room. 2. You talked to Mary. I talked to John. 3. I made tea. Jimmy cleaned the car. 4. Alison left the house. Graham worked in the garden. 5. My parents had a holiday in France. I worked hard. 6. It rained. I walked up the hill.

12. Употребите глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1.George … (fall) off the ladder while he … (paint) the ceiling.

2.… (you/watch) TV when I phoned you?

3.Ann … (wait) for me when I … (arrive).

4.I … (not /drive) very fast when the accident … (happen).

5.Tom … (take) a photograph of me while I … (not/look).

6.We … (not/go) out because it … (rain).

7.What … (you/do) at this time yesterday?

Грамматический комментарий

Будущее продолженное время

(The Future Continuous Tense)

Будущее продолженное время (Future Continuous) образуется при помощиглаголаto be вбудущемпростомвременииParticiple I смыслового глагола.

e.g. I shall/will be reading the whole day tomorrow.

Future Continuous употребляется:

1.Для выражения длительного действия, которое начнется до определенного момента в будущем и все еще будет продолжаться в этот момент. Этот момент может быть выражен обстоятельством времени: at five o’clock, at that moment, at midnight и др.

e.g. At ten o’clock tomorrow he will be having an examination.

2.Длявыражениядлительногодействия, котороебудетсовершаться в определенный период времени в будущем:

e.g. Don’t call me between seven and eleven. I’ll be sleeping.


Ввопросах вспомогательный глагол shall/will стоит перед подлежащим.

e.g. What will you be doing tomorrow?

Вотрицательных предложениях частица not стоит после вспомогательного глагола shall/will.

e.g. Jane will not be working tonight.

Грамматические упражнения

13. Переведите на русский язык.

1.I’ll be visiting Helen this evening. Is there anything you want me to tell her?

2.We’ll be having supper in about twenty minutes, so don’t go out, please.

3.Peter will be carrying the tent, so he can’t carry these sleeping bags.

4.I’ll be giving a party on Sunday, please don’t fail to come.

5.I’ll be having my first judo lesson at this time next week.

14. Ваша знакомая хочет зайти к вам завтра. Но вы очень заняты. Скажите, чем вы будeте заняты.

She: What will you be doing tomorrow?

You: 1. At 7:30 I … do … my morning exercises.

2.At 8:30 I … clean … the flat.

3.At 10:30 I … dust … the furniture.

4.At 12:00 I … make … myself up.

5.At 13:00 I … work … in the public library.

15.Я думаю, что в это время вы будете заняты конкретными делами. Согласитесь или поспорьте. Напишите и прочитайте.

e.g. At 9 o’clock tomorrow morning you’ll be watching the latest news on TV.

a)Exactly so! At 9 o’clock tomorrow I’ll really be watching the latest news on TV.

b)I’m afraid not. I won’t be watching TV tomorrow morning.

1.At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning you’ll be riding a horse.

2.At 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon you’ll be skating.

3.At 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon you’ll be swimming.

4.At 9 o’clock tomorrow evening you’ll be drinking beer with your friends.

5.At 11 o’clock tomorrow evening you’ll be watching horrors.


Тематический словарь

health [helθ] – здоровье healthy – здоровый

Everybody wants to be in good health.

service [΄sq:vIs] – служба, обслуживание, услуга Health Service – здравоохранение

(to) aid [eId] – помощь, поддержка, помогать syn. help, assistance

medical aid – мед. помощь first aid centre

available [q΄veIlqbl] – доступный, имеющийся в наличии (распоряжении)

This book is not available.

paramedical [pxrq΄medIkql] workers – работники экстренной медицины

paramedical workers are feldshers, laboratory assistants and nurses.

nurse [nq:s] – нянька, сиделка, мед. сестра

Nurses look after the patients.

disease [dI΄zi:z] – болезнь syn. Illness

Many diseases are caused by cold.

(to) concern [kqn΄sq:n] – забота, заботиться syn. care

to feel concern about smth – быть озабоченным ч.-л.

entire [In΄taIq] – весь, целый, цельный syn. whole

the entire – целое

еntirely – всецело, полностью entire society – общество в целом

to incorporate [In΄kLpqreIt] – соединять(ся), объединять(ся), включать в состав

syn. to unite, to include; incorporation

curative [΄kjuqrqtIv] – лечебный, целебный curative proceeding [prq΄si:dIN] – лечебная практика curative procedure [prq΄si:dʒq]

Many physical exercises are curative for men.

emergency [I΄mq:dʒqnsI] – непредвиденный случай, крайняя необходимость

in case of emergency – в случае крайней необходимости


medicine [΄medsIn] – лекарство, медицина to practise medicine

to take a medicine for – принимать лекарство от

to mean [mi:n] (meant, meant) – зд. предназначаться

Medicines are not meant to live on. На лекарствах не проживешь.

mood [mu:d] – настроение, расположение духа a man of moods – человек настроения

I’m in no mood to do it.

to avoid [q΄vOId] – избегать, сторониться, уклоняться

Why are you avoiding me?

fit [fIt] – годный, подходящий, в хорошем состоянии (форме), здоровый

to feel (keep) fit – быть бодрым, здоровым

I am as fit as a fiddle. Я совершенно здоров (и физически и морально).

to observe [qb΄zq:v] – 1) наблюдать, следить; 2) соблюдать to observe rules, to observe manners

drug [drAg] – 1) лекарство, медикаменты; 2) наркотик drug plants – лекарственные растения

drug taker – наркоман

drug habit – привычка употреблять наркотики never take drugs – не принимайте наркотики

to keep off – держать(ся) в отдалении, не подпускать

Keep off! – Назад! Keep off the grass!

to recover [rI΄kAvq] – выздоравливать syn. to be well (again)

You will recover in a week if you observe doctor’s instructions.

16. Все эти слова пришли к нам из латыни. Они имеют схожее звучание и значение. Прочитайте их и дайте русские эквиваленты.












[prq΄tekʃqn ]









(to) examine


















a dermatologist [,dq:mq΄tOlqdʒIst]


a cardiologist [,ka:dI΄OlqdʒIst] a neurologist [nju΄rOlqdʒIst] an oculist [΄OkjulIst]

a pediatrician [,pedIqt΄ri:ʃ(q)n]

a psychiatrist


an orthopaedist


17. Прочитайте текст, найдите ответ на вопрос “What is the basic idea of public health protection?”

Health Service, Medicine, Illnesses

Health services existing in our country provide medical care for the whole population. Medical service in our country is based on the principle of qualified medical aid, available for all. We have hundreds of doctors and paramedical workers including laboratory assistants and nurses. The fundamental principle of public health protection is the prevention of diseases. Prophylaxis is a part of state policy. The prevention of a disease is a matter of concern not for doctors alone, but for the entire society. The public health system incorporates a variety of medical institutions. There are polyclinics, hospitals and other curative and preventive institutions operating in towns and cities. The district and regional hospitals provide services for the people living in the villages. Emergency aid is provided by the physicians of first-aid ambulance centres and traumatological posts.‘Medicines are not meant to live on’, an English proverb says. That’s true because good health is better than the best medicine. And if your health is good, you are always in a good mood. You have ‘A sound mind in a sound body’, as the old Latin saying goes. Taking medicines is an unpleasant thing, of course, and if you want to avoid it you should go in for sports and keep yourself fit. Physical exercise is necessary and very important and if you don’t take exercise, you can easily catch an illness. Besides physical exercises one should observe some rules to be healthy:

Take long walks in the open air as often as you can.

Keep your body clean.

Keep your teeth clean.

Wear clean clothes.

Sleep with your window open.

Visit your dentist and physician regularly to have your eyes, teeth and general health be examined thoroughly.

Give up smoking .

Don’t use drugs .

Keep off alcohol.

18. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний.

Системаохраныздоровья, бесплатноемедицинскоеобслуживание, лечебные и профилактические учреждения, травматологическое от-


деление, квалифицированная медицинская помощь, заболеть, следует заниматьсяспортом, неупотребляйтенаркотики, посещатьрегулярно, тщательно обследовать, принимать лекарство.

19. Соедините две части в одно предложение.

1.Medical service in our country is based оn the principle of …

2.The public health system incorporates …

3.The prevention of diseases is …

4.You should go in for sports and…

5.Health services existing in our country …

6.Good health is better …

a)… a matter of concern for the entire society.

b)… keep yourself fit.

c)… provide medical care for the population.

d)… a variety of medical institutions.

e)… than the best medicine.

f)… qualified medical aid, available for all.

20. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1.The medical service … our country is based … the principle of qualified medical aid, available for all, and free … charge. 2. Ambulance and emergency aid is provided … the physicians … first-aid ambulance centres, … the traumatological posts and sections … the emergency and consultative services.

3.The fundamental principle … public health protection is the prevention … a disease. 4. If your health is good, you are always … a good mood.

5.Sleep … your window open. 6. Go … … sports.

21.Из данных ниже слов выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

a patient, a thermometer, a nurse, a surgery, a ward, a sick-leave, a dentist

a person under medical treatment?

a person, usually a woman, charged with or trained for care of the sick?

What do we call a room where a surgeon gives advice or treatment? instrument for measuring temperature?

a separate room for sick people in a hospital? a person whose profession is the care of teeth?

permission to be absent from duty because of illness?

22. Исправьте утверждения. Используйте следующие фразы для выражения несогласия.

You’re wrong (mistaken). It’s false.

I can’t agree with you.


Surely not.

On the contrary.

Nothing of the kind.

1.Sick people never stay in bed while they are ill.

2.It is not dangerous to take care of a person who has got a catching disease.

3.People often feel sick and giddy when they are quite well.

4.We seldom sneeze and cough when we have a cold.

5.You never have a sore throat when you have tonsillitis.

6.People need the services of the doctor when they are well.

7.You consult a dentist when you have a stomach-ache.

23. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.Why must you wash your hands before you take a medicine?

2.Why must you keep medicines in a place where small children can’t get them?

3.Is it advisable not to keep medicines in a warm place? Where should they be kept?

4.Do you have a medical examination several times during the year?

5.What should a person do to keep in good health?

6.Which rules of hygiene do you follow? Which not? Why?

24. Пожалуйтесь своему другу на недомогание, а он посоветует вам к кому обратиться.



See …


I’ve got a sore throat.

a. a cardiologist


I’ve got a broken arm.

b. an obstetrician


I’ve an eye problem.

c. a neurologist


I’ve a skin problem.

d. a laryngologist


I’ve got problems with my feet.

e. an oculist


I’ve got a heart condition.

f. a pediatrician


I’ve got mental problems.

g. an orthopaedist


I’m going to have a baby.

h. a dermatologist


My child has a bad cold.

i. a psychiatrist

10. I have problems with my nerves.

j. a surgeon

25. Данные слова помогут вам понять текст «At the Doctor’s».

to fall ill – заболеть

splitting headache [΄hedeIk] – мучительная головная боль cough [kOf] – кашель

to feеl one’s pulse – прощупать пульс

to take one’s temperature – измерять температуру flu [flu:] – грипп


prescription – рецепт pills – пилюли

X-ray [΄eks ΄reI] – рентген

blood [blAd] examination – анализ крови patient’s file – мед. карточка

check up – проверка

to recover [rI΄kAvə] – поправляться

26. Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнение после него.

At the Doctor’s

Last Sunday I couldn’t go to the country with you because we had a family problem. My mother suddenly fell ill. She had a high temperature and felt very bad. She had a splitting headache and cough. We sent for doctor Ivanova – our district doctor. Doctor Ivanova examined my mother, felt her pulse and took her temperature. The doctor said it was flu and told my mother to stay in bed. Then she wrote out a prescription for some pills, a slip for X-ray and blood examination. The doctor put everything she found in my mother’s patient’s file. We followed the doctor’s instructions and in 2 weeks my mother felt much better and I took her to the policlinic for a check up. I was glad to hear that my mother had fully recovered and I’ll be able to see you soon.

27. Выберите правильное окончание предложения из предложенных вариантов.

1.The passage is tаken from … . a) a novel

b) a notice c) a letter d) a play

2.Most of all the author was impressed by the fact that his mother … . a) went away

b) did all washing

c) began to speak English d) suddenly fell ill

3.This fact is not mentioned in the first paragraph.

a)she had a high temperature

b)she was very afraid of the doctors

c)she felt very bad

d)she had a cough

4. They sent for doctor Ivanova because she … .

a)was their district doctor

b)was their relative


c)their neighbour advised to call her

d)was a very competent specialist

5.The doctor said it was … . a) pneumonia

b) bronchitis c) flu

d) mumps

6.Doctor Ivanova told my mother … . a) to stay in bed

b) to go to the hospital

c) to stay outdoors as much as possible d) to play volleyball

7.My mother felt much better because she … . a) was a strong-minded person

b) didn’t take medicine c) took a lot of medicine

d) followed the doctor’s instructions

Отдыхай с пользой

28. Прочитайте диалог и ответьте на вопрос после диалога.

Doctor: I’ve examined you very carefully. I think all you need is a good rest.

Woman patient: But I still feel sick. Why don’t you look at my tongue? Doctor: It needs a rest too.

Question: Why does the doctor say his patient’s tongue needs a rest? 29. Какие русские пословицы соответствуют данным английским.

1.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and


2.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3.While there is life, there is hope.

4.A man can die but once.

5.Time is a great healer (целитель).


Урок 8

The Republic of Belarus

Фонетика: Дифтонги [qu], [au], [I1], [e1], [u1].

Грамматика: Причастие II. Настоящее совершенное время. Разговорная тема: «Республика Беларусь».

Фонетические упражнения

1. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание напроизношение дифтон-

гов [əu], [au].

















2. Прочитайте слова, сравнивая звуки [6], [6:], [ə:] и дифтонг[əu].

[6:] – [6] – [əu]

[ə:] – [əu]

sport – spot – spoke




– top –



– tone


– crop –




3. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание напроизношение дифтон-

гов [i1], [e1], [u1].




[i1], [e1] или [u1]



























Прилагательные со значением принадлежности к национальности или стране образуются при помощи суффиксов -an (-ian), -ish, -ese.

Belarus – Belarusian

England – English

China – Chinese

Примечание: France – French, Greece – Greek.

4. Закончите предложения по образцу. e.g. The Belarusians live in Belarus.

1.The Russians live in … .

2.The Ukrainians live in … .


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