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На русский язык обороты со сложными формами причастия в страдательном залоге переводятся обычно придаточными обстоятельственными предложениями с союзами когда, так как, после того как и т.п.

The Participial Constructions (Причастные обороты)

Причастия вместе с относящимися к ним словами образуют причастные обороты.

Сочетание существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже с причастием настоящего или прошедшего времени представляет собой объектный причастный оборот.

1.Причастный оборот «Объектный падеж с причастием настоя-

щего времени» (Objective-with-the-Present-Participle) употребляет-

ся после глаголов to see, to hear, to watch, to feel, to notice, to find, to listen, to look и др.

В предложении этот оборот является сложным дополнением и переводится на русский язык придаточными дополнительными предложениями с союзами как или что.

e.g. I saw him crossing the street. – Я видел, что он переходил улицу. He watched the students working in the park. – Он наблюдал, как

студенты работали в парке.

2.Причастный оборот «Объектный падеж с причастием про-

шедшего времени» (Objective-with-the-Past-Participle) употребля-

ется после глаголов: to have, to get, to want, to wish, to see, to hear, to watch, to find.

e.g. I want it done now. – Я хочу, чтобы это сделали сейчас.

Этот оборот с глаголом to have (to get) означает, что действие совершается не самим подлежащим, а другим лицом для него или за него.

e.g. You must have your hair cut. – Вы должны постричься. (Вас кто-то будет стричь.)

3.«Абсолютный причастный оборот» (The Absolute Participial Construction) – это оборот, в котором имеется свое собственное подлежащее.

На русский язык данный оборот переводится придаточным пред-

ложением с союзами так как, после того как, если, когда. Если обо-

рот стоит в конце предложения, то он переводится самостоятельным предложением с союзами а, причем, в то время как.

e.g. Their address having been lost, we couldn’t write to them. – Так как их адрес был утерян, мы не могли написать им.

I have two friends, one of them studying at the university. – У меня есть два друга, причем один из них учится в университете.

Абсолютный причастный оборот следует отличать от определительного причастного оборота, который также может употребляться


после существительного – подлежащего. Отличительной чертой определительного причастного оборота является наличие сказуемого сразу же после причастного оборота и отсутствие запятой.

e.g. Rain falling to the land, soil erodes (абсолютный причастный оборот). – Когда выпадает дождь, почва подвергается эрозии.

Rain falling on the land erodes the soil (определительный причастный оборот). – Дождь, выпадающий на землю, вызывает эрозию почвы.

Grammar Exercises

4. Make all forms of Participle I from the following verbs:

to use, to breed, to supply, to process, to produce, to increase, to grow, to feed

5. Read the sentences. Find the Objective-with-the-Present-Participle Constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I could hear the wind whistling all night.

2. He was looking at the plane flying overhead. 3. I hear the phone ringing in the hall.

4. We watched the students planting young trees.

5. You don’t like to see animals being treated cruelly, do you? 6. Did you notice anyone going out?

6. Translate the sentences into Russian. Find the Objective-with-the- Past-Participle Construction.

1. He wants the documents sent by air mail. 2. They want the goods received on Monday. 3. I must have my shoes cleaned. 4. James had the package sent yesterday. 5. Have you had your watch repaired? 6. They want the work done now.

7. Compose sentences with the Objective-with-the-Past-Participle Constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

e.g. Bill had his suit ironed. Билл погладил свой костюм.



their things



will get

his suit




her dress

carried by the porter.

The Browns

is (are) having

the car

pressed (ironed).

The passenger (s)


her clothes


The tourist (s)


their photos




his shoes



8. Find the Absolute Participial Construction. Translate the sentences.

1.The farm has many large fields, some of them being under potatoes.

2.Fertilizers being used, soil fertility is improved.

3.Many crops are grown by this farm, wheat being the most impor-


4.The farm having many large fields, a great amount of fertilizers is needed.

5.This crop being used for many different purposes, man cultivates it all over the world.

6.Many agricultural processes having been mechanized, the work of the farmers became much easier.

7.There are many milking machines on the farm, ten of them being


8.Man cultivates many different crops, some of them being used in medicine.

9.Find the Participial Constructions. Translate the sentences.

1.I want these machines repaired by tomorrow morning.

2.A new irrigation system having been built, some water problems were solved.

3.We saw the power-station supplying electricity to all the collective farms.

4.Sea water containing harmful substances, it cannot be used for irrigation or drinking.

5.Coming to the garden she found all the plants watered.

6.I feel the sun heating the soil.

7.Do you find your studies at the University boring?

8.I heard the students talking about their summer practice.


by-product [ˌbaI ΄prOdəkt] побочный продукт, субпродукт by-product processing

drug [drAg] – медикамент, лекарственный препарат to take a drug

feed [fI:d] – корм, фураж

He should use high protein feeds.

waste [weIst] отходы nuclear waste

primarily [΄praImərIlI] – в основном, главным образом

The education in the country was primarily free.


recreational [ˌrekrI΄eI∫nl] – развлекательный recreational facilities

intake [΄InteIk] – поглощение, потребление daily intake of protein

deficiency [dI΄fənsI] – отсутствие чего-л., нехватка, дефицит mineral deficiency

remains [rI΄meInz] – остатки organic remains

rate [reIt] – 1) скорость; 2) уровень the most rapid rate, birth rate

to decrease [dI΄kri:z] – уменьшать(-ся), убывать, сокращать(-ся) to decrease gradually

to blend [blend] – смешивать(-ся) Water does not blend with oil.

to lessen [lesn] – уменьшать(-ся), сокращать(-ся) to lessen the hours of work

to maintain [meIn΄teIn] – поддерживать, удерживать, сохранять to maintain one’s health

satisfactory [ˌsxtIs΄fxktərI] – удовлетворительный; достаточный satisfactory result

precisely [prI΄saIslI] – точно, строго

The date is not precisely known.

prevention [prI΄venSən] – предотвращение, предохранение, предупреждение

prevention of diseases

to transmit [trxnz΄mIt] – передавать

Some diseases are transmitted through water.

poison [΄pOIzn] – яд powerful poison

to tend (to) [tend] – иметь тенденцию (к чему-либо) Winters tend to be cold in this part of the country.

confined [kən΄faInd] – ограниченный; замкнутый a confined space

to conduct [kən΄dAkt] – вести, руководить to conduct an experiment

to combat [΄kOmbət] – сражаться, бороться to combat animal diseases

to eliminate [I΄lImIneIt] – уничтожать, ликвидировать to eliminate the disease


10. Translate the following expressions into Russian.

Cattle breeding; a valuable by-product; to prescribe a drug; feed crops; radioactive waste; vitamin deficiency; the remains of food; high rate; to decrease in size; to blend the ingredients; to lessen the risk of disease; enough food to maintain life; satisfactory conditions; prevention of accidents; to tend to increase; confined area; to conduct research work; to eliminate pests.

11. Study the agricultural terms before reading the text “The Significance оf Raising Livestock for People’s Lives”.

mule [mju:l] – мул llama [΄lα:mə] – лама

reindeer [΄reIndIə] – северный олень buffalo [΄bAləu] – буйвол; бизон yak [jxk] – як

hoof [hu:f] – копыто horn [hO:n] – рог

12. Read the text. Write out the names of the by-products provided by livestock.

The Significance оf Raising Livestock for People’s Lives

Livestock are domestic animals that are used to produce food and many other valuable products.

The chief kinds of livestock raised throughout the world are cattle, hogs, poultry, sheep, and horses. Other kinds of livestock include donkeys, goats, mules, and rabbits. In some countries farmers raise llamas, reindeer, buffaloes and yaks. The science of raising, breeding, and caring for livestock is called animal science.

Several thousand years ago people began to domesticate and raise various kinds of livestock. The use of domesticated animals as a source of food and power made it possible for people to settle in one place. They then could begin farming.

For centuries farmers have improved their livestock through various breeding methods.

In most parts of the world livestock provide such food products as meat, butter, cheese, eggs, and milk. Animal food products supply protein, minerals and vitamins that people need for good health.

The skins of some livestock provide such valuable by-products as fur, hair, leather, and wool. These materials are used to produce blankets, brushes, clothing, shoes, and other goods. Manufacturers use the hoofs and horns of livestock to make such articles as buttons, combs, glue, and knives. Other livestock by-products are used in the preparation of livestock feed.


Various organs of livestock supply drugs used by a great number of people. Animal fat can be processed and made into livestock feed and soap. Manufacturers use the feathers of ducks and geese in making bedding.

Every year livestock produce tons of body wastes that are used to fertilize the soil. This organic fertilizer increases the growth and food production of many plants.

Horses were once widely used as work animals on farms. But automated farm equipment has replaced horses for farm work in most parts of the world. Today people use horses primarily for recreational riding and for racing.

13. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What are the chief kinds of livestock raised throughout the world? 2. What does animal science study?

3. When did the domestication of animals begin?

4. Are animal food products good for people’s health? Why? 5. How are horses used in the modern world?

14. Find the synonyms to the following words:

to tame





all over

to substitute



15. Find an odd word in each line.

1.Feather, fertilizer, hoof, horn.

2.Riding, raising, caring, breeding.

3.Butter, milk, meat, cheese.

4.Donkey, yak, horse, mule.

5.Chiefly, mainly, primarily, usually.

16. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Люди используют домашний скот для производства пищи и ценных побочных продуктов. 2. Наука о животных включает в себя изучение выращивания, разведения и ухода за домашним скотом. 3. Одомашнивание скота несколько тысяч лет назад дало людям возможность обосноваться на одном месте. 4. Чтобы улучшить домашний скот, фермеры используют различные методы его разведения.


5. Пищевые продукты животного происхождения содержат много питательных веществ, необходимых для здоровья людей. 6. Из различных органов домашних животных изготавливаются лекарства, необходимые людям. 7. Сегодня лошади гораздо чаще используются для верховой езды, чем для работы на ферме.

17. Study the agricultural terms before reading the text “Care Of Livestock”.

carbohydrates [ِkα:bəu΄haIdreIts] – углеводы ruminant [΄ru:mInənt] – жвачное животное legumes [΄legju:mz] – бобовые

feedlot [΄fi:dlOt] – площадка или загон для откорма скота additive [΄xdItIv] – пищевая добавка

fungi [΄fAngaI] – грибки

18. Read the text and do the tasks that follow it.

Care Of Livestock

Feed. A domestic animal’s daily food intake is called a ration. A balanced ration contains the nutrients that the animal needs for growth and good health. These nutrients include carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, and vitamins. Animals suffering from nutritional deficiencies produce less meat and milk, or fewer eggs. They may become unhealthy.

Swine and poultry feed consists of various grains, by-products from food processing, minerals, vitamins, and concentrated plant and animal proteins. Cattle, sheep, and other ruminants eat the grasses and legumes of pastureland. They are also fed grain, hay, the stalks of certain plants, and other crop remains.

Many farmers raise beef cattle in fenced-in areas called feedlots. These animals receive grain and food-processing by-products that increase their growth rate. The use of feedlots decreases the amount of land needed for grazing.

Drugs called additives are blended with some feeds to increase the animal’s growth rate, reduce the amount of food required for growth, and lessen the chance of disease. These additives include antibiotics and synthetic hormones.

Shelter. Livestock require protection from severe weather so they can maintain satisfactory growth and reproduction.

Some livestock need only a windbreak or a shady tree for shelter. Others live in climate-controlled buildings where the humidity, light, sound level, temperature, and ventilation are precisely regulated.

Livestock raised in climate-controlled buildings are usually kept in small groups to reduce competition and fighting. The design of the buildings allows the animals to stay dry and clean.


Prevention of diseases is a major concern of livestock raisers. Some diseases can kill large numbers of livestock or be transmitted to people.

The chief causes of livestock diseases include bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. Livestock also can become ill if they consume natural poisons or insecticides and certain other chemicals sprayed on grass and plants. Livestock inherit sensitivity to some diseases.

Diseases tend to spread more rapidly among hogs, poultry, and other livestock that are kept in confined areas. Young animals also tend to become infected easily.

Scientists conduct many research programs to find new ways of combating livestock diseases. These experts work to identify and eliminate the organisms that spread such diseases as salmonella and tuberculosis. Identification of specific genes that produce resistance to diseases can also lead to healthier animals.

19. Match the words with their definitions.

Intake, deficiency, to maintain, satisfactory, shelter, poison, to inherit, specific.

1.protection from bad weather or danger;

2.to be born with a quality that a parent has;

3.lack of what is needed;

4.good enough for a particular need or purpose;

5.not to let some quality become less;

6.a substance that causes illness or death;

7.the amount of a particular substance which is eaten or drunk during a particular time;

8.relating to one thing and not others.

20. Define whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1.Ration is a domestic animal’s monthly food intake.

2.To be healthy animals need a proper amount of carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, and vitamins.

3.Swine and poultry feed consists of grasses and legumes.

4.Cattle and sheep can be fed with crop remains.

5.Additives blended with some feeds increase the amount of food required for growth.

6.Livestock raised in climate-controlled buildings usually stay dry and clean.

7.Livestock diseases are not dangerous for people.

8.There are no ways of combating livestock diseases.


21. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the prepositions.

1.Sometimes animals suffer ___ nutritional deficiencies.

2.Some animal diseases may be transmitted ___ people.

3.Livestock require protection ___ severe weather.

4.Animals may inherit sensitivity ___ some diseases.

5.Elimination of harmful organisms leads ___ healthier animals.

6.Some livestock need only a windbreak ___ shelter.

7.Diseases spread more rapidly ___ animals that are kept in confined


8.Proper conditions ___ animals are the concern ___ livestock raisers.

22. Speak on the topic “Stock Breeding” according to the following plan:

The significance оf raising livestock.

Feeding of farm animals.

Farm animals shelter.

Prevention of livestock diseases.

Relax Yourselves

23. Read and translate the funny story.

Jack, an old sailor who had spent many years in the Navy, was walking along the country road when he came to a farmhouse. The farmer was standing at the door and Jack said, “I’ve been walking all day looking for a job. Will you give me a job?”

“Have you ever done any farm work?” said the farmer.

“No,” said Jack. “I’ve been a sailor all my life, but I will do any job you like to give me.”

“All right,” said the farmer. “I’ll give you a chance. Do you see that flock of sheep scattered over the hillside?”

“Yes,” answered Jack.

“Well,” said the farmer. “Get them all through that gate into the yard.” “Right,” said Jack. “I’ll do that.”

About an hour later the farmer went to the yard. Jack was leaning on the gate wiping his forehead.

“Did you get them all in?” said the farmer.

“Yes,” said Jack. The farmer looked to be sure enough all the sheep were gathered in the yard and the gate was shut. And then the farmer saw a hare running round among the sheep. The sailor saw what he was looking at.

“Yes,” he said, “that little fellow there gave me more trouble than all the rest put together.”


24. Match the following proverbs with their Russian equivalents.

1. A shy sheep is good for wolf’s



Дареному коню в зубы не





2. The sleeping fox catches no



Никогда не покупай кота в





Never look a gift horse in the



Прикинься овцой волки





If one sheep leaps over a ditch,



Дурной пример заразителен.

all the rest will follow.



Под лежачий камень вода не


Never buy a pig in a poke.



Unit 17

Veterinary Medicine

Phonetics: Elision.

Grammar: The Gerund.

Conversational topic: “Veterinary Medicine”.

Phonetic Exercises

Elision (Элизия)

Элизия – это выпадение звука (звуков) в слове или на стыке слов в быстрой разговорной речи. В официальной речи используется полная форма слов.

1. Compare the pronunciation of the following words in formal and in rapid colloquial speech.

а) within a word the full form friends [frendz]

Westminster [΄westmInstə] sounds [saundz]

exactly [Ig΄zxktlI] mostly [΄məustlI] kindness [΄kaIndnIs] friendship [΄frendʃIp]

b) at a word boundary the full form

last night [΄la:st΄naIt] next stop [΄nekst ΄stOp] just now [΄dZAst ΄nau] next day [΄nekst ΄deI]

the form reduced by elision

[frenz] [΄wesmInstə] [saunz] [Ig΄zxklI] [΄məuslI] [΄kaInnIs] [΄frenʃIp]

the form reduced by elision

[΄la:s ΄naIt] [΄neks ΄stOp] [΄dZAs ΄nau] [΄neks ΄deI]


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