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3.The Irish live in … .

4.The Welsh live in … .

5.The Hungarians live in … .

6.The Japanese live in … .

7.The Greeks live in … .

8.The Brazilians live in … .

9.The Swedes live in ….

10.The Norwegians live in … .

5. Назовите национальность людей, которые живут в этих странах.

Belarus, Italy, America, England, Spain, Canada, Germany, Poland, Australia, France, Latvia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Finland, China.

Грамматический комментарий

Причастие II (Participle II)

Причастие II – это причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle) или 3-я форма глагола. Причастие II у правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания -ed к основе глагола (ask – asked, like – liked, carry – carried, stop – stopped). Неправильныеглаголыимеют особую 3-ю форму (take – taken, go – gone, grow – grown), которую можно найти в таблице неправильных глаголов.

Причастие II переводится на русский язык страдательным причастием (taken – взятый, told – рассказанный, given – отданный) или причастием прошедшего времени действительного залога (arrived – прибывший, gone – ушедший).

Следует помнить, что причастие II у правильных глаголов по форме совпадает с Past Simple.

e.g. You can get the book recommended by your teacher in the library. (Participle II)

Вы можете взять книгу, рекомендованную вашим учителем, в библиотеке.

Our teacher recommended us to read this book. (Past Simple)

Наш учитель рекомендовал нам прочитать эту книгу.

Причастие II может выполнять в предложении функции: a) определения

e.g. There is a letter addressed to you on the table.

На столе письмо, адресованное тебе. b) части сказуемого

e.g. Let me have your pencil, mine is lost.

Позволь мне взять твою ручку, моя потерялась. c) обстоятельства


e.g. When done this work will give good results.

Когда эта работа будет сделана, она даст хорошие резуль-


Настоящее совершенное время

(The Present Perfect Tense)

Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect) употребляется для выражения действия, законченного к настоящему моменту. Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have (has в 3-м лице ед. числа) и Participle II смыслового глагола. Present Perfect переводится на русский язык, в основном, глаголом прошедшего времени.

e.g. She has brought the book. – Она принесла книгу.

Ввопросахвспомогательныйглаголhave (has) ставитсяпередподлежащим. В отрицательных предложениях после глагола have (has) употребляется отрицательная частица not.

e.g. Has she brought the book? No, she has not (hasn’t) brought it yet.

Present Perfect употребляется:

а) когда говорящий хочет подчеркнуть результат того или иного действия, а не само это действие.

e.g. I have read this newspaper. Я прочел эту газету (результат – язнаюеесодержание). He has collected all the information. Онсобрал всю информацию.

б) для выражения действия, произошедшего в период времени, который к моменту речи еще не закончился (часто с обстоятельствами today, this morning, this week, this winter, this year и т.д.).

e.g. Have you seen Jim this morning? Ты видел Джима сегодня утром? (Разговор происходит утром.)


e.g. I did not see Jim this morning. Сегодня утром я Джима не видел. (Разговор происходит днем или вечером.)

в) для выражения действия, которое происходило в прошлом вплоть до настоящего момента времени (часто с обстоятельствами lately, recently, for two hours (days, years и т.д.), up to now, for a long time, for ages, since и т.д.) либо происходило в прошлом и к настоящему моменту времени еще не закончено.

e.g. I haven’t seen him for two years.

He has known me since 1991. He has worked for the company

all his life.

Я не видел его в течение двух лет.

Он знает меня с 1991 г.

Он проработал в компании всю свою жизнь (и продолжает работать).




e.g. He worked for the company

Он проработал в компании всю

all his life.

свою жизнь (но сейчас уже не



г) в предложениях с наречиями неопределенного времени just, already, yet (в отрицательном предложении со значением «еще», в вопросительном предложении – «уже»), ever, never и т.д.

e.g. Have you ever been to Kiev?

Ты когда-нибудь был в Киеве?

I’ve already read the book.

Я уже прочитал эту книгу.

I’ve never been here.

Я никогда здесь не был.

He’s just come.

Он только что пришел.

Примечание: а) в предложениях, в которых речь идет о законченном действии и время действия указано точно, употребляется не

Present Perfect, а Past Simple.


e.g. He came five minutes ago.

Он пришел пять минут назад.



e.g. He has just come.

Он только что пришел.

б) Present Perfect не употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с

вопросительного слова «when».


e.g. When did he come?

Когда он пришел?

Грамматические упражнения

6. Образуйте причастие II от следующих глаголов.

To see, to take, to plan, to include, to grow, to find, to vary, to forget, to make, to develop, to understand, to lose, to read, to fight, to divide, to stop, to give, to tell, to know, to study, to leave, to get, to ride, to meet.

7.Определите, в каких предложениях употреблено Participle II, а

вкаких – глагол в Past Simple. Переведите предложения.

1.The head of the delegation warmly greeted the youth conference.

2.When asked the way to the bus station the man answered that he didn’t know.

3.The programme included a number of folk-songs.

4.There are many illustrated magazines in our reading-room.

5.The opened book is not English.

6.The students translated the text without a dictionary.

7.Farm machinery changed the life and work on the farm.

8.Water becomes ice when cooled.

8. Определите функцию причастия в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения.

1. The scientist answered all the questions asked by foreign correspondents.


2.This seat is not taken.

3.I saw a broken cup on the floor.

4.If asked he will always help you.

5.He is known for his bad character.

6.I was answering the question until interrupted.

7.There is no time left.

8.When given the book read the article about rare plants.

9.Our Earth is one of the planets heated by the Sun.

9. Переведите предложения. Oбъясните употребление Present Perfect.

1. I have forgotten to mention it.

2. She has sent three letters this month.

3. We have decided to go to Minsk.

4. You have already seen this film.

5. He has received a letter this week.

6. They have just finished the experiment.

7. The new canal has irrigated the fields.

10. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Have you ever ridden a camel or an elephant?

2. Have you ever grown tomatoes or other vegetables?

3. Have you ever been to Poland?

4. Have you ever seen a volcano?

5. How long have you known your friend?

6. How many times have you lost the key to your house?

11. Задайте друг другу вопросы типа “Have you ever …?” “How many times have you …?”, используя данные ниже выражения.

1) meet a famous person; 2) win money in a lottery; 3) catch a fish; 4) build sand castles; 5) write a poem 6. ride a horse.

12. Употребите since или for в следующих предложениях.

1.We haven’t met them … four years.

2.I haven’t eaten such delicious food … ages!

3.He hasn’t had a cold … he went in for sport.

4.They have known each other … many years.

5.Mr. Parker has worked for the company … 1999.

6.My father has grown grapes … he retired.

13. Заполните пропуски, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple. Переведите предложения.

1.I … English since 1995. (to study)

2.We … English at school. (to study)

3.He … three hours ago and … yet. (to go out, not to return)


4.How many pages … you … yet? (to read)

5.I … home at 5 o’clock yesterday. (to come)

6.He … his work yet and is not ready to go with us. (not to finish)

7.From 1991 to 1998 he … as an economist. (to work)

8.I … busy all this week. (to be)

9.When he was an agronomist on the farm, he … twelve hours a day in spring and summer. ( to work)

10.Where … all the students …? (to go)

11.Last summer Jim and Jane … to the conference in Berlin together. (to travel)

14. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Я собираюсь поехать в Москву. Я никогда там не был.

2.Аня уже убрала комнату?

3.Мама уже заварила чай (to make tea), но она еще не приготовила бутерброды.

4.Они уехали из Минска год назад. Я не видела их с тех пор.

5.Мой брат учится в аграрном университете уже два года.

6.Я потерял ключ и не могу попасть домой.

7.Как часто ты навещал родителей в этом месяце?

8.Мы решили эту проблему сегодня.

Тематический словарь

amalgamation [1ˌm0lg1΄meI5n] – объединение

A production amalgamation. The production amalgamation “Azot” is one of the biggest in our country.

to border(on) [΄bO:d1] – граничить с

The Republic of Belarus borders on Russia in the east and north-east.

breeding [΄bri:dIŋ] – разведение, размножение selective breeding

coal [k1ul] – уголь

From what countries does coal come here? Are there coal mines in Belarus?

to constitute [΄kOnstItju:t] – составлять, образовывать

The Belarusians constitute 77 per cent of the population of our country.

to cover [΄k7v1] – покрывать

To be covered with forests. The ground is covered with snow in winter.

crop [krOp] – сельхозкультура, урожай

Many crops are cultivated in our republic.

deposits [dI΄pOzIts] – залежи, месторождения Mineral deposits (залежи полезных ископаемых). In Belarus there are mineral deposits of coal.


despite [dIs΄pаIt] – несмотря на

Despite all these facts they decided to go with us.

diamond [΄daI1m1nd] – алмаз

Small deposits of diamonds are found in Belarus.

enterprise [΄ent1prаIz] – предприятие

There are many large industrial enterprises in Minsk, the capital of our country.

equipment [I΄kwIpment] – оборудование

to equip – оснащать, оборудовать; farm equipment – с/х инвентарь То operate the new equipment you’ll need special skills and knowl-


fertilizer [΄f1:tIlаIz1] – удобрение

In Grodno there is a plant which produces fertilizers.

flax [fl0ks] – лен

Flax is one of the main crops in the country.

livestock [΄laIvstOk] – домашний скот syn. farm animals

We have different kinds of livestock on our farm.

to lose [lu:z] (lost, lost) – терять, лишаться

I can’t write, I’ve lost my pen. Many Belarusians lost their families during the war.

moderately [΄mOdərItlI] умеренно

The climate here is moderately continental.

peat [pi:t] – торф

In briquette form peat is used as fuel.

petroleum [pI΄trəuljəm] – нефть

Petrochemicals – нефтехимические продукты. Petroleum processing industry is developed in Belarus.

plain [pleIn] – равнина

A broad plain. There are no mountains in the country, it’s a broad plain.

potash [΄pOt05] – поташ, углекислый калий

Potassium [pə΄t0sjəm] salt. Belarus exports potash to other countries.

to raise [reIz] – выращивать; поднимать, повышать

Many farmers raise livestock. To raise prices

to restore [ris΄tO:] – восстанавливать

To restore the economy. Belarus restored its economy after the war.

to suffer [΄s7f1] – страдать, мучиться

Many people suffered a lot during the war.


timber [΄tImb1] – лесоматериал

Timber processing industry is developed in our country.

wealth [wel2] – богатство

National wealth. Belarus lost more than half of its national wealth during World War II.

15. Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнения после текста.

The Republic of Belarus


Novopolotsk Vitebsk

Lithuania Novolukoml

Minsk ZhodinoMoguilyov Russia




Soligorsk Svetlogorsk Gomel

Brest Pinsk


The Republic of Belarus is situated in Eastern Europe. It borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The republic consists of six regions: Minsk, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Moguilyov and Vitebsk. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. The territory of the Republic of Belarus is 207,600 square kilometres. The population is about 10 million. The Belarusians constitute 77 per cent of the population.

If you look at the map of Belarus, you will see a broad plain with some hills. One third of the territory is covered with forests. They have rich flora and fauna. Belarusian forests are beautiful, with pine dominating. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the largest ancient forest in Europe. It is a kind of a museum of natural history and a zoo where many wild animals are kept and protected. You can see bisons, elks, deer, wild boars, foxes and other wild animals there. Belarus has the world’s largest population of bisons, the heaviest mammals on the European continent.

There are 20,000 rivers in the country. The longest rivers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Western Dvina, the Pripyat and the Bug. There are 10,000 lakes in Belarus. The largest lake is the Naroch.


The climate of the country is moderately continental with comparatively mild winters and warm summers. The average temperature is from

4 °C to 8 °C in January and from +17 °C to +19 °C in July.

Belarus has mineral deposits of peat, potash, coal, small deposits of petroleum, natural gas, diamonds, etc. The country has one of the world’s largest reserves of potassium salt. Belarus is also a world leader in the production of peat.

Belarus is a highly developed industrial country. The main industries include machine building, instrument making, chemicals, petroleum processing, timber processing, textile and clothing manufacture, food processing. Today Belarusian industry produces tractors, trucks, engineering equipment, computers, refrigerators, television sets, bicycles, clocks and watches, fertilizers, petrochemicals and textiles. The biggest enterprises in the republic are the automobile plants in Minsk and Zhodino, the tractor plant in Minsk, the production amalgamation “Azot” in Grodno.

Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. The main crops cultivated in the country are grain, potatoes, flax and vegetables. Livestock breeding is an important component of agriculture. Belarusian farmers raise cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry.

Belarus is a country of well developed science, rich history and ancient culture.

The Republic of Belarus is a sovereign independent state. According to the constitution the head of the state is the President. Belarus is a member of the United Nations and other international organizations.

16. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1.The Republic of Belarus is situated …

2.Belarus borders on …

3.The territory of the country is …

4.Belarusian forests have rich …

5.The climate of the country is …

6.Belarus is a world leader in …

7.The main industries include …

8.Agriculture specializes in …

9.Belarusian farmers raise …

10.Today the Republic of Belarus is …

17. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1.Where is the Republic of Belarus situated?

2.What countries does it border on?

3.What is its territory (population)?

4.What is the capital of Belarus?

5.Are there any mountains in the country?


6.Are there any large rivers and lakes in Belarus?

7.Belarus has mineral deposits, hasn’t it?

8.What does Belarusian industry produce?

9.What are the main crops cultivated in Belarus?

10.Belarus is a country of well developed science and culture, isn’t it?

18. Прочитайте текст ”From the History of Belarus” и найдите эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и выражений.

В начале каменного века; восточно-славянские племена; предки белорусов; необходимость создания единого государства; Киевская Русь; родственные народы; Великое княжество Литовское; была присоединена; бедность и отсталость; социальные и политические права; была установлена Cоветская власть; сильно пострадала; суверенное независимое государство; Верховный Совет.

From the History of Belarus

The territory of present day Belarus was first populated in the early Stone Age by Eastern Slavic tribes, the ancestors of the Belarusians – the Krivichi, Radimichi and Drigavichi. With the development of a class society the Eastern Slavic tribes began to unite into a single early-Russian nationality. There was a need for a single state, and such a state appeared at the beginning of the 9th century. It was Kiev Russ – the home of three related nations – the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Belarusians.

In the 14th century Belarus was a part of the Great Principality of Lithuania. Then in the 18th century Belarus was annexed by Russia. The life of the Belarusian people was hard at that time. Belarus was synonymous with poverty and backwardness. Belarusian people had no social and political rights.

On November 7, 1917 Soviet power was established in Belarus. In 1922 Belarus became one of the fifteen Soviet socialist republics.

In the 20th century Belarus suffered greatly during World War II. It lost more than half of its national wealth. But despite all this, Belarus has rebuilt its cities and restored its economy.

Nowadays the Republic of Belarus has become a sovereign independent state. The Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted by the Supreme Soviet on July 27, 1990.

19. Составьте предложения, соединив две части в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1.The Krivichi, Radimichi and Drigavichi …

2.With the development of a class society …

a)… there was a need for a single state.

b)… Kiev Russ appeared.



At the beginning of the 9th


… was annexed by Russia.


century ...


… Soviet power was


Kiev Russ united …


established in Belarus.


In the 18th century Belarus …


…they had no social and


Belarusian people were poor


political rights.


and …


… a sovereign independent


On November 7, 1917 …




During World War II Belarus


… the Russians, the Ukrainians


lost …


and the Belarusians.


Now Belarus is …


… are the ancestors of the








… more than half of its




national wealth.

20.Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями. Дайте обоснование.

1.The territory of present day Belarus was first populated in the early Stone Age by Eastern Slavic tribes.

2.Kiev Russ appeared in the 14th century.

3.In the 18th century Belarus became a sovereign independent state.

4.Belarus suffered a lot during World War II.

5.Today there are a lot of big industrial enterprises in the republic.

6.The main crops cultivated in Belarus are corn and cotton.

7.Belarus has no mineral deposits.

8.The country has rich flora and fauna.

21.Прочитайте тексты и ответьте на вопросы после текстов. Расскажите, какие новые факты о Беларуси и белорусах вы узнали.

Text A

Some years ago we had an interesting Belarusian journal “Monuments of History and Сulture in Belorussia”. That journal published articles telling about the history and culture of Belarus. The articles were interesting and they had illustrations.

There was one especially interesting article in one of its issues. It was about a park situated not far from New York City in the United States of America. The park is called Arrow Park. You can see there four monuments to honour the memory of Alexander Pushkin, Taras Shevchenko, Walt Whitman and Yanka Kupala, poets who sang so dramatically, so passionately (пылко) about their peoples’ hardships and sufferings, their joys and their sorrows (огорчениях).

The Yanka Kupala monument was erected (установлен) in 1973. The sculptor Anikeychyk, the author of the monument, and Makayonak, the


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