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Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks (1 – 21) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary.

1. The production manager is responsible for drawing (1) … the shooting schedule. 2. The Greek Tycoon also excels (2) … its music credits. 3. Lately Hue Grant hasn‘t been (3) … much in the film industry. 4. Award winners are reminded to keep their speeches short and asked not to get too carried (4) … . 5. When it comes to doling (5) … prizes, Cannes traditionally spurns what it regards (6) … Hollywood‘s brash commercialism. 6. In 1934, (7) … the height of depression, he increased his staff to 1.5000 so he could embark (8) … a foolhardy programme of feature-length cartoons. 7. (9) … the flesh, Roberts is much smaller than the big screen would lead us to believe. 8. Only Meg Ryan holds a candle (10) … her in the field of blockbuster romantic comedy. 9. Julia Roberts has had the time to come (11) … terms (12) … critics‘ pressure. 10. By the mid-90s, her career was written (13)… . 11. Richard has been (14) … filming (15) … months (16) … end (17) …location.

The attacks (18) … filmmakers reflected a misplaced anger (19) … violence whose causes lie not (20) … the screen but (21) … the streets.

Ex. 3. For questions 1 – 7, read the following text and then choose, from the list (A – J), the best phrase given below. Each correct phrase may be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all.


Every year, nine million people in the USA sign up for educational courses in film-making techniques, whilst dozens of magazines aim (1) ……… .

A Los Angeles-based Internet start-up is aiming to tap into the national obsession with films by taking fans into the studios on-line (2) ………. . Through its website, the company aims to build the community of fans for these movies, who will gain access (3) ………… . These will give insights into the working of directors and cinematographers and, crucially, also offer fans the chance to contribute to the creative process itself.

In this way, it is hoped to make the audience into ‗emotional stakeholders‘ in the film. It is a natural extension of the process which keeps viewers glued (4) ……….. . The company aims to extend this principle, however,


so that the feeling of involvement begins whilst the film is actually being created. Participating film-makers will present selected parts on their work-in-progress on the website., giving users the opportunity (5)

………… .

The benefit to film-makers will be twofold. As well as receiving this valuable critical input, they will be able (6) ……….. . Around 150.000 people have already expressed an interest in the scheme. That represents quite a large group who, given their previous involvement, will be likely (7) ……….. . And if they like both the film and the experience, they‘ll tell their friends.

Ato comment on what they have just seen

Bto cut down on marketing expenses

Cto just such an network of informal critics

Dto meet participating directors on equal terms

Eto progress reports from participating studios

Fto strike a balance between creativity and interactivity

Gto television soap operas week after week

Hto want to see the finished product

Ito watch the making of certain movies in production

Jto update fans on the progress of forthcoming production

Ex. 4. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line (1 -




Almost one of ten children have stopped using (1) ……


books and are relying on electronic sources, chiefly the


Internet, to get their information, according to a full study


of reading habits.


All age groups of the (2)….…were involved in the survey


from young children to the elderly.


The report offers the first (3) …... evidence that a new


generation of children growing up in microchip era has


(4) ………….. different attitudes to the


(5) …………..of knowledge from those of their parents.



After the age of five, a small (6) ….. about 15% make use


of electronic sources.


However, this percentage increases (7) ……… to more than


half for 12-16 year olds, where (8) ……. sources of


information are used in favour of text-books.


After this age, the (9) …… of people using technology to


acquire information falls sharply and books, (10) ……. ,


in earlier ages are more widely used.


Evidence also reveals a (11)….… difference in the attitude SUBSTANCE

of parents and their (12) ……. to attaining knowledge.


The 180-page study indicates that the habit of reading


books continues to flourish (13) ……. despite all counter


(14) …….., as by far the biggest cultural pastime in Britain. ATTRACT

Ex. 5. Rewrite the following sentences, using must, can’t or might (1 – 16).

1.I‘m sure Harry is at least sixty.

Model: Harry must be at least sixty. (0)

2.Perhaps he is having a party. (1)


3.I‘m sure he hasn‘t retired yet. He still leaves the house every morning.

(2) …………………………….

4.I‘m sure he isn‘t well off. His house is in a terrible mess. (3)


5.Perhaps he spent all his money when he was younger. (4)


6.I‘m sure he does a lot of gardening. His garden looks beautiful. (5)


7.I‘m sure he‘s read a lot of books about gardening. He‘s certainly an expert. (6)


8. I‘m sure he‘s working in his garden now. I can hear someone digging.



9.Now I can hear voices. Perhaps he‘s talking to Miss Appleby. (8)



10.No, I‘m sure it isn‘t Miss Appleby. It‘s two men‘s voices. (9)


11.They are shouting. Perhaps they are having an argument. (10)


12.They‘re talking about money. Perhaps Harry owes the other man some money.(11)


13.Now I can‘t hear anything. I‘m sure they‘ve gone inside. (12)


14. My God! A gun shot! I‘m sure Harry has killed him! (13)


15.No, there‘s Harry outside, so it wasn‘t Harry who was shot. (14)


16.There‘s a siren. I‘m sure this is the police arriving. (15)


17.Look at all those lights and cameras. Ah! I understand. They were making a film! (16)



Ex. 1. Translate into English.


В 30-х роках двадцятого століття в Голівуді існувало сім провідних кіностудій, відомих в усьому світі. Серед них три гіганти:

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Paramount, Warner Brothers. В 1935р. до них приєдналась четверта кіностудія Twentieth Century-Fox. Трохи пізніше з‘явилися блискучі, престижні, часто серйозно конкуруючі, час від часу переважаючі всіх інших в якості кіностудії Universal, PKO Radio, and Columbia. В деякому сенсі існувала і восьма студія – United Artists – хоч ця компанія була кінопрокатною установою, у розпорядженні якої були в основному фільми, зняті незалежною кіностудією Самуела Голдвіна (Samuel Goldwyn).

Цікаво, чи знаєте ви, що С. Голдвін - українець за походженням? Серед українців він був найуспішнішим у Голівуді. Самуіл Гелбфіш починав свою трудову діяльність, продаючи оселедці на одній з


вулиць Києва. Після більшовицької революції в Росії він переїхав до США, змінив своє ім‘я на Самуел Голдвін і заснував свою кінокомпанію. В 1924р. він купив ще дві кіностудії і став президентом наймогутнішої голівудської компанії Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer (MGM).

Ex. 2. Translate into English


На перший погляд здається, що Україна тримається осторонь від глобальної боротьби за Оскара, найпочеснішої нагороди світового кінематографа, яка щорічно вручається Американською Академією Кіномистецтва. Як це не парадоксально, але українці займають одне з перших місць (після США), беручи до уваги кількість номінантів на різні категорії цієї престижної нагороди.

В 1928р. (рік заснування Академії) 34-річний емігрант з Одеси, Лев Мілстайн (відомий в Голівуді як Луіс Майлстоун) отримав золоту статуетку в номінації ―найкращий режисер‖ за комедію Two Arabian Knights.

В 1961 фільм Балада про солдата, знятий режисером Григорієм Чухраєм, був номінованим як кращий іноземний фільм. Раніше фільм отримав дві премії на Канському кінофестивалі.

В1984р. ще один фільм українського кінорежисера Петра Тодоровського Війського-польовий роман (The Martial Romance)

номінувався в категорії ―кращий іноземний фільм‖, але не переміг.

В90-х роках 20 століття досвідчений український кінооператор

Вілен Калiта, працюючи у складі знімальної групи Микити Михалкова, отримав Оскара за фільм Tired of the Sun.

Варто згадати, що Стівен Спілберг та Сільвестер Сталоне на четвертину одесити.


1. You are a member of a cinema society which regularly reviews new films in its newsletter. Write a review for the newsletter, describing the last film you have seen and saying whether or not you would recommend it to the other members of the society. Your review should focus on the main points of the film and give the readers a clear idea of what it is about.


2. Write a review for an international student magazine, contrasting two films of the same genre which you have seen; one of which you enjoyed and one of which you found disappointing.


Ex.1. You will hear an interview with Harry Newland, a young film actor. For questions 1 – 5 choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

1Harry believes his acting talent to be largely the result of A an inherent ability.

Bhis theatrical upbringing

Ctraining from an early age.

D conscious efforts to develop it.

2 Harry looks back on his early parts in television dramas with





3.How does Harry explain the attitude of other actors towards him? A They took great care not to offend him.

B They appreciated his level of commitment.

CThey were keen to keep him in his place.

DThey made allowances for his difficulties.

4 When working on big productions, Harry finds its best to

Afollow the lead of other actors.

Bbring his own ideas to the role.

Ckeep the finished product in mind.

Dfocus on his own performance.

5 Looking back, Harry realizes that his parents

Aput too much pressure on him on occasion.

Bmay not always have had his best interests at heart.

Cwere well aware of the potential pitfalls of his situation.


D tended to be over-protective in their attitude towards him.

Ex. 2. Choose one of the suggested topics and comment on it or discuss it with your partner.

1.Do you think you are too independent on TV and cinema for entertainment and information?

2.What do you think of soap operas? Interview two other group mates about soaps: if they have a favourite soap, ask about the main characters and situations; if they never watch soaps, ask if they have had of any and what they think of soaps generally.

3.With modern cinema and technology literature will (not) survive the next century.

4.What problems of film translation would you point out? How are you going to tackle them as future interpreters/translators?

5.What do you know about the history of the Oscar Academy Award? Choose the best film of the year and role-play the ceremony of Oscar Awarding with your group mates.

6.What is the place of American culture on the Ukrainian cinema market? How important is the film industry in Ukraine, and what sorts of films are produced?

7.Using the Internet and mass media prepare short presentation about the new stars, who are in the limelight today.


Ex. 1. You will hear an interview with a woman who works as a casting director in the film industry. For questions 1 – 8, choose the best answer

A, B, C or D.

1 According to Barbara a casting director needs above all

Ato learn from experience

Bto have a relevant qualification

Cto be a good communicator

Dto have a natural feel for the job.

2 Barbara says that she looks for actors who

Acan play a variety of roles

Bcomplement each other


Caccept her way of working

Dthink deeply about a part

3 At which stage of the casting process does Barbara meet the actors?

Abefore she goes to see them performing live

Bonce the director has approved them

Cbefore a final short-list is drawn up

Das soon as a final selection is made

4 What led Barbara to become a casting director?

AShe realized she had the skills needed.

BShe was doing the similar work in the theatre.

CIt was recommended by a friend.

DIt has always been her ambition.

5 Barbara explains that what motivates her now is a need for

Apersonal satisfaction.

Bfinancial security

Cprofessional recognition

Da glamorous lifestyle

6 What made Barbara give up her job for a time?

AShe‘d become tired of travelling

BShe wanted to try something new

CShe‘d been put under too much pressure

DShe found she was no longer committed

7 Why did Barbara go back to her work?

AShe was missing her colleagues.

BShe was made an interesting offer.

CShe wasn‘t happy working in theatre.

DShe realized she‘d made a mistake.

8 How does Barbara feel when her work on a film ends?

Asorry not to follow it through

Bsurprised by the attitude of others

Cupset not to be better appreciated

Dready for the next challenge


Ex. 2. Match the following words with appropriate definitions.

1. blockbuster

a. first print of a film before cutting and editing

2. burlesque

b. a small part in a film played by a well-known actor

3. cameo role

c. excellent; famous; of the highest quality

4. credits

d. a series of short extracts from a film or television



programme, shown in advance to advertise it

5. film extra

e. excessive praise, respect and favour of viewers

6. ingénue


a continuation of a previous film

7. public adulation

g. a radio or TV programme with a team of



people in it

8. remake

h. a non-musical, non-vocal sound – frequently



artificial – that is included for dramatic purposes

9. rushes

i. built-up scenery in a studio or outdoors for a film

10. sequel to


to make a film or recording again or differently

11. set


the part of a naïve young girl

12. sound effect


permission given by or bought from a government



to broadcast a TV programme

13. protagonist

m. a person employed for a minor part in



a crowd scene

14. top-notch name

n. title of acknowledgement for story, sets, direction

15. trailers

o. a person who takes the part of an actor in



risky scenes

16. TV franchise

p. a very successful book or film

17. stuntman

s. an amusing imitation or parody

18. panel discussion


a major character in a drama

Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks (1 – 23) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary.

1. He had never yielded (1) … the temptation of opening a paper before its allotted time. 2. She could resist (2) … temptation well enough if temptation was not put right (3)… her nose. 3. Parents should prevent their children (4) … wasting hours (5) … inert viewing. 4. I have seen the film based (6) …‘Crime and Punishment‘. 5. The Academy Awards were first handed (7) … on the 16th of May 1926. 5. Spielberg bought the Oscar (8)

… an auction and gave it (9) … … the Academy as a present. 6. In 1920 Disney was laid (10) … by a Kansas City advertising company (11) … the


comment (12) … his ‗lack of drawing ability‘. 7. The story has been made (13) … a film or adapted (14) … the screen. 8. A close-up is a shot taken (15) … close range and showing something (16) … detail. 9. No sooner had he done so than they were called (17) … the stage and given their scripts. 10. Jack was one of the actors who has been turned (18) … for the part. 11. The Academy opted (19) … sealed envelopes and extreme secrecy. 12. She lost (20) … … Liza Minelly whose turn in Cabaret scooped the prize. 13. Berry‘s emotional acceptance speech (21) … winning the best actress prize (22) …Monster‘s Ball was one of the most memorable (23) … recent years.

Ex. 4. For questions 1 – 14, read the following text and then choose, from the list (A – J), the best phrase given below. Each correct phrase may be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all.


It is the excellent sequel to the original sci-fi thriller, ultimately the best movie of its kind. The outstanding story, the astounding visual effects are just perfect. Every single important character is well -developed. There is no usual (1) ………. and the (2) ……….. . The movie flows (3) ………..

while at the same time creating ultimate (4) …………. . James Cameron knows a thing or two about action. The direction, photography, story, and effects are at the top of their game. The absolutely perfect score (5)

………… of the movie.

James Cameron has crafted an intense, exciting rollercoaster ride, filled with jaw-dropping special effects, breakneck action, (6) ……….. . Most notable for being one of the first films to combine compute r graphics with live action. (7) ……….. , I see this movie as (8) ……….. , a human story.

T2 capitalizes on Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s inc reased stardom. (9)

………. Arnold has the looks (10) ………… . He knows how to act like a machine, and he also knows how to add a small human touch to t he character of the machine. (11) ………… . The acting in the movie more than (12) ………… . The nice Terminator, the creepy and evil T-1000 – a relentless, ruthless killing machine, Sarah Connor, John Connor are so memorable and great.


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